I love the idea. it kinda aligns with the new crypto-anarchism buzzword. What do you guys think of it? Potentially revolutionary? What are your opinions on their team and progress? What about their new application Boardwalk coming out on the 15th? Discuss.
Ok, so i just watch a bunch of videos on SwarmCity and
Bump for interest
I would throw some money into it if bittrex would fucking reactivate my account
the website / wallet is really cool.
yea their wallet is nice. Boardwalk though, it sounds so amazing, is it too good to be true?
use this and you will get some
Why did they deactivate your account?
what is boardwalk
Read that. It's, in my opinion, a way to decentralize an entire buyer/seller economy with reputation similar to ebay feedback. Its interesting though.
Yup, I'm going to be shilling the shit out of this near the 15th. It's THE coin that I've actually felt excited about, in that I can see NORMIES using this. The hashtagging bollocks goes fantastic towards all the hipsters.
Someone else logged into it so I locked it. Changed password and added two factor authentication. And they still are taking forever to process my ticket and reactivate.
Exactly, it implents normies twitter hash tagging love into an actually good idea. Its made for the masses to use.
>were gonna compete in established markets with giant corps with a dog shit product with poor usability
so its adding a hashtag market. Sweet!
>hashtag memes: the coin
good video youtube.com
just finished the vid, it makes me even more excited.
Aight fuck it guys, i like this project too much to not help out. bought in
why not just use your credit card to pay for these transactions? It seems like they are adding an unnecessary step with converting your money into SWT.
Cool. It's just beginning and really only good things seem to be in store from here. The trading may be volatile since it has low liquidity right now, so best to just focus on the project and don't pay too much to the daily price action.
why not just use fiat instead of bitcoin?
yea definaterly gonna be a long term hold for me. Its going to be a nice bump on the 15th when Boardwalk is presented though.
Oops sorry wrong thread
this app has no pros for consumers. Whats the point of losing your protection of being able to reverse credit card purchases if you get scammed. All you can do in Swarm city is give them bad reputation points, you can't get your SWT coins back
Fuck off shit coin, this is a discussion thread.
They mentioned that both parties will have skin in the game before their trade completes and if the item/service isnt as described the seller loses rep.
and the money
Yea, this is a well thought out project. This isn't an excuse to create a coin and scam people. Eventually people will realize this.
Should I sell at loss my XLM for this SWeeT thing?
do what you want, no one else should be your investor but you
Maybe this is too general of a question for this thread but why do tokens (Swarm City being a perfect example) build their tech with tokens on top of Etherium rather than just their own system (without Etherium)? What's the point of being another token on top of Etherium? And if you're going to do what Swarm City in particular is doing, why not do it directly with Etherium instead of tokens? I don't really get the point of tokens on top of other brand's blockchains.
It is using Ethereum as the backbone of the SC system. It can be done without Ethereum, but that would take more time than just using ready made system.
For more ERC20 Tokens it is so that the incentives of the developers lie with the product they are pushing. After all why would someone do something for free? Sure someone might want to port it over to ETH but that is a lot of work and if someone codes in a "fee" you can just code it out. If it is closed source no one will use it.
Tokens however make it frictionless cost for the users (maybe a bit more gas?) but the Devs still win. This is for ICO's in general.
Looks pretty good. Sold some DGB to some of this as I noticed it's slowly rising up.
Right now. Get in or risk being left behind.
Where do you store it?
Adresses are quite complicated bc there used to be another company and i dont know whats happening
Might dip soon, but will double again june 15 when Boardwalk is released.
Got in at 120000 sats and will be holding. This is a coin for the long run.
Info on Boardwalk:
It's fucking stupid. What are the applications? You have shit like uber, lyft, task rabbit, postmates, arrow, etc. There's an app for everything this would be useful for.
cool idea, but 0/10 commercial viability.
Alright, dumbfuck. If these people who live on the same fucking planet as you, really thought there was no viability, do you really think they'd be so passionate? Use your fucking brain.
Reasons for using SWT token:
1. "It gives us the ability to create reputation for each transaction we do. When SWT is transacted over a hashtag (smart contract) the people transacting get reputation on that hashtag. So, say in a rideshare scenario, a driver and a rider transaction on #needaride both get reputation for completing the deal. That can’t happen in our ecosystem if SWT isn’t used."
2. There is a need to have economic incentives of participants in the platform aligned.
3. To eventually insulate the community from value fluctuations of other currencies.
4. It is a way to make the platform sticky. Since the value of SWT is closely linked to the success of Swarm City the participants are invested in the success of the ecosystem. That's not possible if you use ETH.
You can store it on any address that allows you to store ERC-20 tokens. So basically any ETH address.
Gonna buy the dip
Ok... So you're saying people who are passionate about something are always correct about it's commercial viability?
You're an autistic retard. KYS.
I think of that as more of a proof of concept - these apps have proven to be profitable. Here the "house edge" will be significantly lower. Being able to integrate every single one of those services into one app could be really useful.
You get everything from craigslist to uber and god damn p2p haircuts in one app. All your needs in one app. I see it as a selling point - IF they reach critical mass.
It's not going to go mainstream from one day to another obviously. I suspect the early adopters will be quite familiar with crypto space. It's a meta-commerce platform, meaning you can do any business on it you want (ridesharing, dogwalking, lawnmowing, localbitcoins,...). It will be a normie friendly version of the darknet markets with hashtags and reputation basically.
Ok, you catch a ride using swarm city instead of uber, and the driver murders you. Who is responsible? What company does your family sue? Some rando driver guy with no money in his bank account? If it was uber, they'd get millions.
You're a woman and instead of using postmates, you use swarmcity. The guy comes in and rapes you. Who do you sue or bring to court? Some rapist with no money in his bank account? If it was post mates, you'd have a million dollar lawsuit.
Doesn't fucking matter if "house edge" is lower. People want to use services provided by large companies because it's in the large companies best interest to keep their service safe and effective. There is no one responsible for swarm city, thus no one ultimately responsible for the service providers action. Are you fucking idiots delusional or just retarded?
Mr. Smarty Pants you seem so concerned about people murdering & raping eachother and who to sue. Do you also avoid walking on the streets then? What if somebody murders or rapes you right there? Who are you going to sue exactly?
lmao what the fuck is this argument
better not eat at the local kebab shop, if i get food poisoning i wont be able to sue for millions!!!!!
Haha, dumb fuck, all these things have been thought about already. I've actually had length conversations bringing up every single one of these issues. There are ways to make it all work without issue. Kill yourself, nigger.
This is called "moving the goal posts"
You claim that, despite all the services one would use swarm for already existing, people will use swarm over them because of a lower "house edge" which presumably means more financial gain for both parties.
I made the point that "house edge" is the price you pay for added safety measures and being able to hold a corporation financially liable, therefore most normal people would choose to use uber, which is already dirt cheap, over swarm city.
You idiots proceed to make a non-argument, saying "DURR HOW ABOUT YOU DON'T GO OUTSIDE IF UR AFRAID OF MURDER HUUURRR DURRR"
If you eat at the local kebab shop and get food poisoning and it actually injures you severely, you can sue the shit out of them and their insurance (because they are a legitimate business) will pay you out.
Do you idiots literally know nothing about the real world? lol what a bunch of delusional retards.
What ways? no insurance, no liability, etc etc etc.
I know you're 35 and live in your mom's basement, but that's not an excuse to be such a fucking dunce lmao.
lol, ok nigger. You'll see who's the dunce. I promise.
>HURR DURRR oK NeGgAr We'lL sEe whO iZ dA dUnCe
It's you faggot lmao.
Yea, great. Think that. Be wrong. Then kill yourself. Please.
So no response to my points? What a low IQ idiot, kys.
"So... Do people avoid walking out on the street because a stranger is going to walk up to them and murder them? No. Why? Because there is a social contract that allows people to act in a rational way towards one another.
Swarm City is that. It's named as such because it's the equivalent of a digital metropolis
You walk into a digital city, with various other actors, but you can see a snapshot of their reputation
That's objectively safer than normal economic discourse.
Especially because there are actors in the system (arbitrators) who have the responsibility to make sure their hashtag is a safe space for trade.
Instead of having profit motive, and a penalty for failing to provide that (ie, getting sued), their motivation is directly tied to successful transactions.
People are individually responsible. If you kill your customers, you don't get paid, and you lose the value from your transaction
Arbitration comes in when both parties are alive, but disagree that a transaction happened properly."
Well, their ride hashtag #needaride worked out just fine. In my city theres a similar service that is purely peer to peer for rides, homemade takeaway food, and general sales. All without any escrows, reputations or real frameworks. This stuff already works.
By the way hashtag maintainers are likely to be legal entities. If you are looking to sue someone, just sue them.
You are seriously so fucking dense it's really not worth my time engaging with you.
So if someone has no reputation, you're just going to take a risk on if they're psycho? If people don't use you if you have no reputation, how do you build it?
>If you kill your customers, you don't get paid, and you lose the value from your transaction
Oh cool, I'd rather have the person who murdered me lose their transaction value then have the security, vetting process, and financial liability of a billion dollar company incase something goes wrong.
God damn you're fucking retarded. You literally have no idea how society works.
>If you are looking to sue someone, just sue them.
They have no fucking money, that's why they're doing bullshit jobs on swarm city. There is no point in suing them. You are fucking dumb.
>You are seriously so fucking dense it's really not worth my time engaging with you.
lmao too bad you have to engage since ur entire point of being here is to FUD the coin
time to eat the dip
There is literally no point to this coin. Someone could literally just come up with an iphone app that does the same thing, but is free and doesn't require you buying or spending tokens, and just make money off ad revenue or selling personal data like every fucking other social media platform. Fuck you guys are clueless.
Thanks for the fudding. Finally at the price where I can buy!
>Someone could literally just come up with an iphone app that does the same thing
But you didn't, so what does that say about the concept?
Not FUD, it's called DD. learn something about investing. Tired of seeing all these fucking scammers on here ripping people off.
I gained from this but then withdrew to invest in BAT. Needless to say, bad decision
>Tired of seeing all these fucking scammers on here ripping people off.
And you, in your benevolent grace, have decided to warn us about those evil scammers, right?
It says that there are many flaws in it's concept, and there already exist much better and professional services for any "hashtag" that would be useful.
>etc etc etc
All with insurance.
Your words not mine faggot.
Usually when someone is this 'worried' for someone else other than themselves, it could only mean he'd missed out on something and can't bear to see others moving forward without him.
... I'm sorry that you missed the dip, but hey, you can always join in. There's still time.
Sure that must be why I'm not investing, and not the fact that I literally just obliterated the validity of this coin and none of you tards can even come up with the slightest counter argument.
And all with high commissions and way too much centralization. Wake up, bitch.
you should welcome "fudders" otherwise each coin thread would be a drooling circlejerk. it also tests your resolve and it's a chance to have a good back and forth about the pros and cons of the coin.
I am reminded of all the Ethereum fudders in early 2016 when it was trading in the low single digits lol.
"It's a scam!" "It will never work!" "Anyone could fork ETH and your coin will have no value." "Who are you going to sue when you lose your coins?" "Nobody wants decentralized apps. Centralized services are great!" "Bitcoin is useless. We already have banks. Nobody will use it!"
>muh too much centralization
centralization isn't always a bad thing, particularly when it comes to services.
>muh high commissions
Uber is dirt cheap already for the consumer, and you think a "hashatag ride with me" driver is going to get more cliental with swarm city than uber and lyft's incredibly popular apps and network systematics? Technology has already crushed the profit margin down very low for the consumer.
>save a dollar and ride with some fucking unvetted stranger and have zero liability coverage? sure thing!
First it's moving the goal post, now it's appeal to irrelevant history.
You know all my points are spot on. The most damning being that someone can create an app that does what swarm does, except not make people buy and use tokens, and just make money through advertising or selling meta data.
Oh wait, it already exists, it's called TASK RABBIT.
>Bought yesterday at 100k
>Sold at 195K
>Bought the dip at 160k
Thanks OP from first post yesteday. I will be able to pay the rent this month
What's most exciting about this project, is when people like you find out how dumb you are. I can't wait.
that's very true in fact, they won't release a mobile app anytime soon, to access this thing, you'll jhave to go into your webbrowser. major KEKS.
>hurrr durr you're so dumb
no you're fucking dumb, You're either literally retarded or just trying to scam others into investing into this shit coin so you profit in which case you're a piece of shit. It's garbage and you know it and it shouldn't be promoted.
>the most exciting thing about this project has nothing to do with the project.
>the most exciting thing about this project is to be able to say "i told you so"
Do you think anyone on Veeky Forums is actually using ANY of these coins for practical purposes? The only reason anyone is investing in anything is to make profit, and SWT will make a profit for those who get in before the 15th
im gonna buy some so i can be the pimp who owns #needablowjob
Lol okay so Swarm City is not going to grow to a $50B valuation and compete with Uber. Big deal. All it needs to do from here is a 10-20x and we're still going to be rich.
As to one of the points stated above:
>big companies provide security
This is quite true, but I think you can take this on a more meta angle and look at how we interact as humans. Basically, the Internet has been a way to erase the lines of division between us as humans and make things more personable between parties.
Apps that do this well succeed while projects that try to do something that falls out of line with our basic human nature often fail. You can look at things like Twitter, Facebook, etc. These are projects that are done so well we can hardly feel a difference when we're conversing with someone online vs real life.
I suppose my main issue with all of these different apps is that they're just that. Different apps, like Uber, AirBnB, etc. It's cumbersome to have to use all of them when we as humans are used to using a general purpose tool for communication and trade (speech)
So what does Swarm City really do? Well, I think it takes us back in time to a more natural way of doing business with one another.
If this was ancient Rome we wouldn't have securities, protections, or many of those things that we have today. We had things like arbitrators (the courts and police) as well as peer reputation systems (check places like upwork and see how well those do there).
So instead of trusting a company that has vetted and filtered people through a process that they design, this filtering and vetting would be done by the meta-consciousness of all people taking part in any given ecosystem. Your reputation number and even the money you earn would be the result.
I think this type of system has a hell of a lot of implications for the future, and so I've invested a bit of my portfolio into it. I'm not saying it's going to be THE project, or that it's perfect, but conceptually I really dig the idea.
by the way you type, i can tell you're the guy who made the thread when it was
Not that user, just someone who's super interested in this project. I'm sure we'll get apps in the future though, it's almost a necessity for this kind of project. Wait and see after Storefront I suppose.
>Users pay less
>Drivers make more
Yeah no way it overthrows Netscap... I mean Uber
so what happens when the passenger says "fuck you"?
in what scenario does the driver lose his bucks?
Both the buyer and the seller lock up escrow in a smart contract. The hashtag maintainer gets paid a small fee % of the total transaction amount in return for providing arbitration services. So the answer to your question is that if there is a dispute the arbitrator will step in.
Well how the fuck is the arbitrator supposed to know what went down?
How do you think eBay resolves disputes? One of the parties will have to provide facts and evidence
man, so many coolaid people here.
meme lines time to buy