First person to solve this for me will receive 0.004 BTC.
I have a car that has a length of 320cm, 40cm behind the rear wheel, a weight of 1000kg and has its weight uniformly distributed. How much torque needs to be produced at the rear wheel to lift the front end 45 degrees?
You will only receive the BTC if you show your initial equation setup at the very least. (Would prefer all work to be shown)
John Lopez
Jackson Myers
damnit beat me
Matthew Stewart
Depends, we talking a Lambo or some other worthless car? 3PDCp6uoaHfxxs4FrypzqZkhWjQXVzPrKnm
Jeremiah Morris
Wrong Lambo is longer than 300 cm
Levi Sanchez
We need more data... What is the weight distribution of the car?
Adam Rodriguez
Working on it now OP have made an equation
Jeremiah Bailey
He said it was equally distributed
Liam Wright
Why are you trolling so poorly? Read the OP again if serious
Zachary Allen
Jason Jenkins
t = r*F*sin(x) x = 45deg sin(45deg) = sqrt(2)/2 r = 280cm F = 1000kg*g = 9807N t = 19417 Nm
Samuel Turner
There is a weight of 1000kg 40cm behind the rear wheel that is laterally equally distributed... No such data has been given about the weight of the car.... More specifically the front end weight
Jaxson Roberts
You need to learn how to read, my friend. Both of these are almost definitely definitely wrong.
Jason Russell
((875)kg*(0.160^2)m)/(2700^2)s = 3.07Nm
Mason Gomez
The rear moment counteracts the moments from the first 40 centimeters. We only need to consider the weight from 80cm to 320cms from the wheel. These moments average out to a moment at 200cm of 750 kg. This is a moment of 150Nm. 19wkoLCbVMLBmBTm9CGyKWSmKNgDwzk2uM
Liam Hernandez
The 45 degrees is irrelevant to the question because the car initially must life from 0 degrees. My initial answer was wrong, forgot gravity. 1470 N-m
Jaxon Anderson
If the car needs to sustain 45 degrees it only needs to produce sin(45)*1470.
Sebastian Baker
This is impossible, you don't know the weight of the driver, fuel load, you don't know how much grip the tyres are capable of producing,
Lucas Barnes
>almost definitely
whoops you seem to have typed some retardation, did you want help fixing that?
Blake Scott
Do your own homework
Levi Rivera
12,26 kNm to lift off 8671 Nm to remain up
Zachary Brown
I presume the exercise only demands the torque needed for the car to stay upright at 45 degrees.
The answer is 16970.55Nm
The exis of rotation, judging from the instructions, is the rear axle.
Thus, we have a = 280 cm and m1 = 875 kg in from of the axle and b = 40 cm with m2 = 125 kg behind it.
So, when the car is upright at fi = 45 degrees, there are two torques: the one in front and the one behind.
In front: M1 = m1 * g * a * sin(fi) = 17 324.1 Nm Behind: M2 = m2 * g * b * sin(fi) = 353.55 Nm
Now these torques have the opposite direction. The net torque is then M1 - M2 = 16970.55 Nm, pulling the front down. You need the same amount at the rear axle to keep it at the angle.
Julian Gray
what kind of tires is OP using? if normal profile tires no amount of torque is going to do shit for you, you will just do a burnout every single time and not a wheelie
Logan Ramirez
All answers here are wrong, you are all doimg calculations by asumim that car is 2 particles that are some distance from axis. To do this calculation you need to calculate moment of inertia for thin rod (that must be assumed since op didnt say anithing about height or with) and then you ballance the torques.
Josiah Rivera
he's right I forgot they're opposing so: takeoff: 11,8 kNm stay at 45°: 8324 Nm (you forgot that you have to divide the distance by 2 because the weight is in the middle) I'm still the first with the correct solution
Levi James
also mfw OP is posting this from his FWD Nissan Cuckwagon dreaming about an actual car
Brayden Morales
its a physics question, not a real world one.. OP wants to know what torque a car needs to do this. so there are 2 solutions here: the amount it needs to get moving, and the amount it needs to stay up. get your dynamics out of here.
Anthony Turner
Weight is uniformly distributed, its not in the middle.
Ryan Nelson
well you're saying that all weight is in the bumpers, that doesn't sound like uniform distribution to me.
Landon Young
have you ever attended a physics class?
Kevin Myers
>its a physics question, not a real world one.. this is a stupid fucking thread and on a wrong board
David Edwards
What i am saying it that to get the rigt answer you must use formula T=Ia where I is moment of inertia of a thin rod, noone here seams to underatand basic solid body physics. You cant just say T=La for solid object, this only works for particles. Fuck i the reward was bigger i would have solved this problem but watchig you all strugle is the reward in itself
Asher Phillips
Why dont you set the problem infitesimaly and do the integral, then come back and se if those answers are right.
Brandon Harris
Damn it. Where is your BTC address though?
Nathan Bailey
"how much needs to be produced" was the question. it's not about dynamics.the point is to calculate the current torque due to gravity, which gives 11,8 kNm. any torque higher than that will lift the nose up. it WILL move. you just have get the throttle down to stop at the right point. great that you know about inertia, but it is not required here. not expecting OP to deliver honestly 168SvnFtw9z6NiNf7w69QFm6rnK1VePy4j
Isaac Turner
Right here OP
Jason Bennett
isn't that an ETH address? also, there are IDs here you know
Luis Smith
This guy gets it...
Anyone attempting to answer this question with unsubstantial data being provided should just GTFO
John Rivera
The only equation that needs to be solved is how to get my dick near some pussy