Why can't leftists accept the fact that fascism is the most A E S T H E T I C form of government.
Why can't leftists accept the fact that fascism is the most A E S T H E T I C form of government
every true leftist cultivates a disciplined disdain of all forms of the so called a e s t h e t h i c
Lol nope. Monarchy has the best aesthetics, Theocracy is quite good too.
Fascism is just edgelord shit or ironic comic book villain shit.
Monarchism is the true aesthetic pill
Men are men not women, they are supposed to be stronk, smart and patriotic not pretty rebelious fuckbois who suck dicks of random foreign dictators.
Because aesthetics are literally all y'all have. There's no practical, ethical, or moral argument for fascism.
soviet russia had a god-tier aesthethic though
stop mixing up 'left' liberal SJW faggots with the immortal dialectical science of marxism-leninism
They blew it later on. Socialistic realism is pure distilled kitsh on par with nazi "art".
>Plain black shirts
>Oversized black grandpa pants
That's not aesthetic
>implying aesthetics isn't all that matters
I donĀ“t want to make you panic but your water supply might be polluted.
Do you live in area with a lot of cattle?
Fascism: lets wear all black and adopt symbols from other cultures that mean nothing when applied to our society.
Communism: Let us wear that which the people wear, so that we all may be equal, We shall use symbols that represent our people and the struggles they endure, so that they may know they are represented on every form of our government.
Fascism is for the naive who need men to lead them. Communism is for the men who seek to lead themselves and their countries to a better future.
>Communism: Let us wear that which the people wear, so that we all may be equal, We shall use symbols that represent our people and the struggles they endure, so that they may know they are represented on every form of our government.
Jesus Christ the autism
>Communism is for the men who seek to lead themselves and their countries to a better future.
Never quiet happened though innit
leftist try to have their own form of /aesthetics/ which are similar to fascism but they suck at it and it was never as good as either italian or germans fascist /aesthetics/
it also doesn't help that after lenin died they abandon the whole /aesthetic/ thing and turn to cheap commieblock trash functionalism
tldr they can't compete
leftists don't believe in beauty, they think "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and that a rotten cum-stained half-eaten pizza slice can be "art".
What is art then?
>That pic
Were they trying to look evil on purpose?
lmao you asking me. Read some of plato's stuff i'm just a pleb
Because the most A E S T H E T I C form of government is theocratic monarchy
>shit fake neoclassicism
Fascist architecture is literal shit tier. Even the OG neoclassicists would have been turning in their graves at the sight of Speere's atrocity. The fact that they churned out this utter crap in the midst of the glorious tide of the Bauhaus is utterly mind-boggling to me.
comic book villains are emulating nazis, not the opposite, in that era, it just look strong and powerful, which is the image they try to convey
It's tacky and unimaginative.
>conceptual art is STOPID because I DON'T THINK IT'S PWETTY
>the only REAL art is photorealistic paintings of the kitschy villages populated by stereotypical country bumpkins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol yes because we still live in the middle ages. Oh you mean a modern monarchy like Saudi Arabia? aesthetic af my dude
>a rotten cum-stained half-eaten pizza slice
So you agree this could be art then
I guess that's why communism worked so well, eh?
Saudi Arabia is aesthetic yes. Theocratic monarchies produce the best everything really
You described the idea of fascism in the first half of your post. good job
>pick form of government because of clothing and style
Are fascists the women of men?
That's weird, since in practice it would be described by the second half.
that's a retarded question, because it's widely accepted that the creative/conceptual process is just as important, if not more important, than the work itself. Hence 'conceptual' art. You need to understand far more about a piece to fully appreciate it than just understanding what it looks like.
The camera was invented over a hundred years ago, and since then simply painting a pretty picture is not enough to create a good piece of art. You see things like Impressionism, Fauvism, Die Brucke at the start of the 20th century which are as much about the manipulation of paint to create an image which seems vivid alive as they are about just representing a real object by slapping paint on a canvas.
Could a rotten cum-stained half-eaten pizza slice be art? Well, it could be, but it'll take someone braver than me to show how.
1. Exactly what part of SAUDI ARABIA do you find aesthetic?
2. Once again, your mind seems to be stuck in the 13th century. Theocratic monarchy, lmao.
Well then you obviously have no idea what virtues the fascist ideology revolves around. Once again, good job.
>tfw no modernised fascist aztec aesthetic
Early Frank Lloyd Wright would fit architectural wise, if it was more monumental
You may pretend to be stronk and virile, but in reality fascists got shat by pretty much everybody, eagerly acted as fifth column for foreign interests and generally didn't acted quite smart.
Well if the viewer of the art fails to appreciate it, then that piece of 'artwork' has failed at being artwork. By that logic we'll need to start placing plaques next to each and every piece of modern art to 'help' it be 'art'.
i.e. You don't need to know the background or some sort of third-party explanation of pieces like this in order to appreciate it. We take in what we see and appreciate it subjectively
You might dislike its domestic policies (and I sure do) but Saudi Arabia is one of the most aesthetic countries on Earth
stop shitposting
Most rightsists don't consider fascism the most aesthetic form of government either.
Quit smearing us with your bullshit, we don't support dirty Nazis.
The people in the photo look literally autistic rather than aesthetic anyway.
>implying facism has ever been successful
Worked better than fascism you dumb faggot.
No. Name a single famine that happen under a fascist regime.
Dutch famine 1944
Of coz the artwork itself must convey the context on its own
>measurement of success is based off of one(1) variable
Name a fascist government that lasted more than 30 years.
Franco survived whole 36 years
Francoist Spain.
All German occupied territories in WW2, including Germany.
Oh fugggg
Bugger off kike
Mosely got his arse handed to him on the street where I live. Last year we had an 80th anniversary celebration. Thousands of people turned up. Good times.
Why are you crying?
>not denying being a Jew
Socialist realism is GOAT, the kike shit from before Stalin was on par with Weimar Germany, just modernist abstract dogshit.
>Praising Socialist realism
>Hating on German art from Weimar era
>Calling people kekes
You seem lost.
Why did you accuse him of being a Jew? It's all identity politics with you people
>hating on
>hating plus preposition
Nigger spotted.
>wow look how smart I am. I can correct spelling mistakes
>I don't know what a spelling mistake is
Inb4 *grammer*
> see how superior I am? Now where are my tendies?
I didn't asked for champion. Cheerleading, nigger/Jew calling, arguing over petty shit like English grammar is Polish behaviour and should not be encouraged by feeding Pollock with (you)s.
You're right. It just annoys me how much these guys are like sjws. And I like poles. They have big, meaty sausage
>(((German))) art
There is nothing wrong with identity politics.
>annoys me how much these guys are like sjws
that's the point
t. sjw
>because it's widely accepted that the creative/conceptual process is just as important, if not more important, than the work itself.
Fuck that noise.
>don't pursue your group interest goy
>be a deracinated libertarian
This isn't /pol/.
>everyone in a group is the exact same with the exact same interests
no, living systems
Fuc ur abstract human bullshit
>10 Top Coolest Anime Characters
Living systems follow the golden ratio.
Living systems are what makes the comprehension of beauty possible
>Autism the post
To be fair this does look pretty damn aesthetic
Actually, if you knew anything about art, you'd know that fascists passion for symmetry and uniformity is juvenile and unsophisticated. It appeals to basic and uninformed tastes.
Literally 'my mom buys all my clothes from Hot Topic for me' tier.
I love the butthurt that pomohomos exhibit when they get called out on their bullshit.
Sorry nigger faggot, but the pic of your GRIDS infected asshole dripping with the semen of your weird uncle who used to give you "special" presents when you were an annoying little brat that you submitted to Mitch Goldberg's totally sophisticated museum of modern art in the desperate hope you will get into the panties of some 200 pound tumblrina landwhale as a result somehow isn't actually art no matter how you slice it.
>survival isn't in my interestsBet you're a demoralized faggot with no children who plays vidya all day
>Sorry nigger faggot, but the pic of your GRIDS infected asshole dripping with the semen of your weird uncle who used to give you "special" presents when you were an annoying little brat that you submitted to Mitch Goldberg's totally sophisticated museum of modern art in the desperate hope you will get into the panties of some 200 pound tumblrina landwhale as a result somehow isn't actually art no matter how you slice it.
Where did he touch you user?
Fucktard hipsters get BTFO yet again.
>Hurrr durr modern art is just 2deep4u
But there isn't a single graphic t-shirt promoting some anime/TV show in that image
>hurr durr evil
Zapfenstreich is still performed by the bundeswehr.
>muh golden ratio
that particular case is bad because it accentuates the dumpy bodies of the elites too much to work
They look b l a c k e d
Social democrats have the best a e s t h e t i c desu. Red Vienna makes me hard.
THIS so much
More retards stuck in the middle ages. How the fuck is a theocratic monarchy compatible with modern society?
>letting the unwashed masses have a say in anything is good
enjoy watching your country fall to bits
There's no practical, ethical, or moral argument for democracy
I look like I should be in the matrix A E S T H E T I C.
Why would anyone ever want a fascist government? Are you seriously that much of a cuck you can't stand up for yourself?