How does one become obscenely rich?

How does one become obscenely rich?

Other urls found in this thread:

By being born rich.

Are you Jewish?

1. Be born into it.
2. Luck into it by means of a lottery or stock market.
3. Luck into it by being the first to conquer a huge unexplored market.
4. Luck into it by publishing the next big piece of popular garbage fiction.

Basically these four.

>stock market
>finding an unexplored market
skills, not luck

Hard work and dedication, of course


Fuck off commie

skill improves your chances
the chance itself is still luck

I am confused friend :)

I pointed out the obviously true fact that all rich people achieved their wealth by their greater skills and talents. Even those born rich would have lost it if they were not genetically superior to their competitors. ;)

Which is why, with very little effort, I can name someone born with nothing who is now very rich. The only reason I don't write their name right now is because I don't need to, not because it is in any way difficult to think of someone.


calculating your chances is a skill
if you are skilled you will be making profits on average

Only if you have enough capital to offset the faulty bets you take, and by that point you are already filthy rich.

supply demand

>faulty bets you take

it's not a bet

it's a known value

>save up from your job
>get a loan
>borrow from family

Extremely difficult to do in one lifespan without luck. Hard work might very grant you a comfortable lifestyle, but OP said obscenely rich

>obscenely rich


Richer than the vast majority of the local population

>vast majority


The 1% of global wealth.

US Federal Government has a publicly known annual intake of ~20 trillion

Just b urself

Marry it or inherit it.

Step 1: Be a Jew

1.Become a U.S. Senator
2.Make some shit up about the evils or capitalism or something, doesn't really matter

Leave boinee sandlez alone he a gud boi

Molest children like Jimmy Savile did

George Grosz answered that question in his series "Die Pleite"

>stock market
I know you're a troll but come on, put in some effort.

>le no pile of sand fallacy

Sanders is worth barely more than 500k. Hardly what someone would care "obscenely rich", and far from what politicians like Clinton have made.

Are you telling me that someone who makes around $200,000 a year as a senator, of which he has been since 1991 and was a Mayor before that, is struggling financially? Or, maybe, just maybe, he duped you too?

Being sufficient motivated and talented. If you wanted to make tons of money, you would.

>says the trumpcuck who voted for a man who shat on gold toilets his whole life

"Obscenely rich" and "not struggling" are two completely different things, although that's an impressive red herring you've fished up by equating them.

Being a multi-millionaire and within the top 1% of the population in terms of wealth most definitely puts you into the 'obscenely rich' category.

> But the world is is just America

I hate to say it, I really do, but check your privilege.

>if you say a bad thing about one poilitician I support you must support this other politician I hate

But he's not a multimillionaire

Other sources I see put him at a max of 1.26 million, which if I read correctly, means if you were to include assets with his wife.

Even if this was true, this is a paltry sum compared to his Congressional peers. More power to him anyway, he works his ass off for a man of his age.

You're own picture states that he is infact, a multimillionaire.

Why do you compare him against those who have more instead of those who have less?

Selling pizza

Stockmarket, get a loan, buy a "genius" stock, cash in...
Why work when some1 else does it for u

>The 1% of global wealth

So, making more than $33k/yr? Just be born in an easy mode country like the U.S. and get any job at all.

How is making $33k a year to cover food rent and a smartphone subscription in the first world any different from making $400 a month to cover food rent and a smartphone subscription in the third world any different?

>400 a month to cover food rent and smartphone
Nowhere on the planet is this cheap.


Bucolic Nepalese villages.

Quite a large number of people in the world earn about a dollar a day. 400 a month is decentish income in a mid ranked country.

Nah not really. I'm originally from a pretty poor country (Eastern Europe) and it's impossible to live on 400 dollars a month, literally.

Eastern Europe is hardly that poor.

Well it is poor compared to the US and western Europe.

Yes, but not compared to anywhere in the entire planet. There's places where you could live the high life for $400 a month and I replied to someone claiming that wouldn't cover food, rent and a smartphone anywhere on Earth.

>There's places where you could live the high life for $400 a month
Like? I wanna move there if that's true.

It is not poor, but it is still no way to live. To have any kind of surplus you have to stop wasting time on Veeky Forums, you have to queue at the food bank and remember to soak beans and eat peasant grul, you have to hope you don't get ill, you have to bend over backwards to find ways to make money and most of the time you will fail, you don't have time for bitches. After all this what do you get? You are a subnormy at best.

>Eastern Europe
>food bank
What are you on about retard

Fuck off commie

The GDP per capita of the Central African Republic is $364 a year.

Have fun with your African bitches.

there are food banks in eastern europe
>Between 1988 and 1992 FEBA supported the development of Food Banks in Spain, Italy, Ireland followed by Portugal, Poland


I couldn't find anything about their rent costs, how much is a 3 room apartment in there?

Literally never heard of that shit and you're making it sound like it's a common thing there, kys yourself.

That's not 1% mode tho

Obscene riches tends to be a relay.

Father to son, inheriting the money and business.

God knows, but if the the average income is $30 a month and you have $400 a month to spend I'm sure you can afford it. I doubt they're all living in the same house.

I'm pretty sure if they're that poor then fucking nobody is renting there and most of the country just lives in cardboard slums and mud huts.

That's why you're going to have ten wives living in your supersized mud hut.

You said people are living "high life" on 400 a month. Living in a mud hut is hardly high life.

A big property, tonnes of bitches and a smartphone and no financial worries.

What more could you possibly want?

There is only one autobiography that I'm aware written by someone who was actually self-made and not some silverspoon faggot who got capital from his rich dad. "How to be rich" by Felix Dennis.

He explains it better than anyone else has, but it still isn't a foolproof venture.

>muh bitches
Literally who gives a fuck. Getting your cock wet in some AIDS infested negresses is not rich life.

Don't worry. You can afford the ones without AIDS

I love the way we moved from....

>$400 a month isn't enough to cover basic living costs anywhere in the world waaaaahhh

>waaaahhh I wouldn't have enough Lamboughinis


>reddit spacing
Nevermind, shouldn't have even bothered.

I wouldn't know how they format posts on Reddit. And it's quite clear who's being ridiculous here.

You said high life, faggot.

The discussion started with this claim I'm sorry my idea of the "high life" wasn't quite suited to the user's hopes and dreams.

>high life is having a smartphone
I'm 100% positive that someone with 40k in America can afford more shit than anyone with 400 bucks a month anywhere on Earth.

Are you going by the Eastern Europe standard where living with an unrelated room mate is considered weird/shameful?

Because let me tell you most young people in the first world who are on their own and not getting daddybux can't afford an apartment without a psycho roommate either.

Shit is legitimately fucked yo.

You find something that profits you a dollar and do it a billion times.
You mean this picture? If so lel learn to read a graph you idiot

The average median income in the US is like 55k a year. You can afford to live on your own with that unless you're in a hyper expensive shithole like NYC or SF.

>I'm 100% positive that someone with 40k in America can afford more shit than anyone with 400 bucks a month anywhere on Earth.

I'm confused by what your point is now. An American on 40K a year is richer than 99% of the world's population, which was my point to begin with.

>first answer, best answer

Then we're in agreement. I was objecting to that faggot who claims having 400 dollarydoos a month will make you the king of Tanzania or some shit.

People aren't exactly pouring into SF and NYC for the food and the night life.

It's either make a decent salary and split an apartment in a major city or make poverty wage and split an apartment in a post industrial hell hole.

>split an apartment
You keep repeating this and it's still not true. I earn 60k and I can afford a 3 bedroom in a major city no problem without having to share it with some nigger junkie.

Not king, probably a minor tribal chief. It depends on what your idea of the "high life" is. I will happily agree that if all you want is loads of consumer tat then $400 dollars a month in a developing country isn't going to go that far.

If you wanted a nice place, all the best food and drink available and wenches hanging off your dick then you would be better with the $400 a month in a dirt cheap country.

And the wording "high life" was a throwaway comment anyway in a discussion started by someone claiming $400 a month wasn't even enough to pay for food, rent and smartphone anywhere in the world, which was the actual point of the whole conversation.

Stop with this shit about women.

So you're making $60k a year and living in a three bedroom apartment all by yourself...just because? Friendo if you're telling the truth you should acknowledge you're very far removed from the norm at the least.

>just because
Bedroom + computer/living room + one room where I keep shit for working out, a tiny gym.

>you're very far removed from the norm
You can get a decent apartment for less than a thousand if you don't live on the coast. It very much is the norm.

Sorry for offending your delicate sensibilities.

why are you so mad, I'm essentially agreeing with you, while you might not be as poor as someone who guts fish in the slums of Kolkata you are still pretty poor and it would take a herculean effort to get out of your situation and become a mere subnormy

Well that's good to hear. But going back to the original baseline of $33k/year...Yeah you're going to be splitting an apartment.

>The GDP per capita of the Central African Republic is $364 a year.

And you think the average person there is "living the high life?"

The people who share an apartment are typically students or minimum wage earners, so way below 33k. If I can afford a 3 bedroom for 60k then you can afford a studio or something with 33k. Just move the fuck away from California.

>this lack of reading comprehension.

No, obviously not.