Was the Kingdom of Bosnia the rightful successor to the Roman Empire?
Bosnia Thread
How the fuck did you determine that
No, the true successor of Roman empire was Serbia ofc. Dont you know about Lazar and his fucking flying charriot ? Dont you know serbs are history's oldest people. The very fucking Romans were actually serbs who, seperated from the other serb people, forgot their identity and therefore, started calling themselves romas.
No it was Tsar Samuil's Macedonian empire that was the successor to Rome.
>tfw kosovo je srbija
serbfag spotted
Albanians (illyrians) are older than serbs, go read a book or watch a video on it
It's a joke you faggots. I was making fun of serbian we wuzing
Bosnians come from Atlantis
Check out the ancient Bosnians documentary
It's Albania you morons. Just look at this flag.
What is you and Osmanagic smokin? Give me some of that shit, nigga
> people that don't understand a stupid joke
Veeky Forums was a mistake
How was I supposed to tell what's a serious sentence from a joke in the form of text?
>what is context
Who else Balkanpilled here
Too big of a pill to take tbqmfh.
can somebody give me a slow walk up?
>He thinks you can explain it with a simpleton concept of language.
This is the prologue to the prelude of the balkpill first step (yes there's steps)
Balkanpill is the only true pill
Bosnia looks like a real heart and Croatia looks like a dragon
>tfw balkpill no joke
What it the connection between the bog pill and balkanpill? Do the bogdanoffs take orders from a secret underground bunker in Tuzla?
pls bogbalkanpill me Veeky Forums
By using your brain a little you autistic fuck
On a serious note the bogs get a lot of attention because they wrote a theory basically proving God exists and a lot of physicians sperged out over it.Balkpill is pretty self evident that they are master race there's more to it but that's the no meming edition of the pills.
Physicists study physics not physicians, secondly bogdanoffs had nothing to do with that recent paper iirc
Didn't they write it proof?
>there are pyramids in Bosnia
>tfw too balkpilled
Damn it balks really are the master race.
>hiding the full version from all the stranci
Yes, now kiss my toes peasant
To bad I'm Anglo/balk I'm ultra race.now clean my toenails
*sips tea*
Im 100% balkan so technically im better now floss with my big toe hairs
Im Anglo and Balkan you literally can't beat that now stop browsing a underwater radio role play relay forum and consume my testicles while massaging my feet son.
Who else balkpilled here?
What the actual fuck are you talking about? Have you ever seen a real fucking 100% Slav? They'll carry your shitty houses made from biodegradable paper to their ovens and burn that shit boy!!! Now eat the yellow powder I grated off my heels and drink your gay vegan smoothie, nigger.
Anglos are pussy bitches
Did you not get the last part of what I said you little spazoid my mother is Croatian I have the manliness badassery of a balk with the elegance of a Brittania aristocrat literally unmatched i bet your a Serb (Jews of balks) next time you talk in that tone I'll sick the Turks on you.Now make love to my boot like you truly desire.
>Ur a Serb meme
Nothing in the world hurts my feelings, unless Im called a serb
>Implying croats are manly
>Implying Brits are actually elegant
I dont think I need to say anything more, you're inbred of cuck and cucker. Dont commit genocide on me bro
You know I'm hyper ultra race it ok my stillborn son
>Literally ignore my last comment
Croats are genocidists who deny their crimes against half a million people. Not manly or honorable at all. Same goes for Brits. You should be ashamed of your cuck heritage user. Now suck my glorious toes, nigger
Haha Serb spotted.it's the other way around now eat my fung
I told you Im not a serb. So someone has to be a serb to call out genocidists? Btw, Serbs are also genocidist niggers
Wtf are you then and every piece of shit human being commits genocide and I'm not denying the crimes they did son
I'm Bosnjak buddy
>le remove kebab meme incoming
Fine with me sonny you're practically Croatian idc what the serbshits say
Can I just be a Bosnian and not croatian or serb? Can I just have that much? And will you outsiders please leave Bosnia? serbs need to take republika shitstain with them.
You better watch out they might take the Krajina of Croatia by mongol horde lel
>Lazar and his fucking flying charriot
do go on
You can have your nation of course but if you want you can attribute the achievements of Croatia to your people son.I will always see you as a Bosnian Croat
>Serbs say im Bosnian Serb
>Croats say Im Bosnian Croat
Ladies, ladies, please I know im hot and all, but take turns
Youre still sucking my dick at the end of the day
Why would you want a male to suck your dick? I knew Croats were gay as fuck, but not that gay. Go do that with your serb neighbors. Cuh i aint into that shit nigga
Stop acting like a edgy 13 year old you pea brained faggot you should be thankful
Thankful for what? Blowing up my old bridge? Lying? Fuck off cuck
Lmao scurry off
Probably troll
In HS they said the French invented it lol balkpill too real.
what is someone with this little history knowledge even doing on a history board ?
Your objectively wrong so idk what are you doing