How do you anons personally deal with the meaninglessness of life?
How do you anons personally deal with the meaninglessness of life?
By creating the meaning. And enjoying it while it lasts.
I just take things as they come, never really thinking more than a year ahead. This year I'll finish uni, then try to get a job, after that I guess I'll leave my parents home. Beyond that, I don't know.
I try to never forget that I will die one day and never experience anything again, but I also realized that this is happening all the time, that my body is decaying constantly and that once I die, I'm not going anywhere. Part of what I am made of will be reused to become other things, just like I am all the things I eat, which used to be living things of their own.
My sense of individuality and my mind will come to an end, but heh, what can you do.
If life is meaningless why do you accept your sadness that it's meaningless as meaningful?
Really makes you think.
You stupid faggots, torture an animal until you're numb inside and then complain about feelings.
Why does life need meaning to make it worth living? If you find it so agonizing just kill yourself. That's always an option. Yet you're not doing it so clearly something about living makes it worthwhile. Maybe try to figure out what that is instead of being all maudlin about "meaning" or whatever.
Sort yourself out.
I mean it, when I analyze the stench
To me, it makes a lot of sense
How the Dreadlock Rasta was the Buffalo Soldier
And he was taken from Africa, brought to America
Fighting on arrival, fighting for survival
Said he was a Buffalo Soldier, Dreadlock Rasta
Buffalo Soldier, in the heart of America
If you know your history
Then you would know where you coming from
Then you wouldn't have to ask me
Who the heck do I think I am
Generous amounts of alcohol.
Also it doesn't mean it can't be fun because it's meaningless. Most fun is meaningless.
first post best post
Let me know how fun Nihilism is when you reach your thirties and are depressed as fuck. Nihilism seems fun when you're a child and don't have to address responsibility in a meaningful way.
First world problems for weak slaves
I find things to occupy time.
When that fails, I suffer.
Repeat, hopefully, ad infinitum.
>Nihilism seems fun when you're a child and don't have to address responsibility in a meaningful way.
Nihilism occurs when you don't embrace responsibility
>muh first world problems
Nice reddit crosspost based on liberal whining about materialism and conspicuous consumption with no hard data.
drugs, same as everyone that can get them.
Drugs, denial, diversion, distraction, ignorance...easy for some people to babble insults because it's their way of denying their own insecurities and inadequacies.
I'm hoping for a heaven or peace on earth without idiots. Still, I'd rather die with my eyes open than to die ignorant, even if there is nothing after.
The trick is to find ways to distract yourself until you die.
Matter is always in motion so you're going to do be doing something no matter what, and as long as you're already doing something, logic can always be applied to refine the process.
People who say that meaning cannot be derived from reason are technically right, but they are wrong in spirit.
I'm well past that.
Watching anime.
I think this guy could really help you.
But there is meaning in life.
By accepting it and try to depurate the mind from useless garbage
These are the kinds of faggy videos I naturally learned to avoid & I'm much better for it
I suppose other people aren't so fortunate
Nilhistic hedonism desu.
>dealing with it
lol you dont have to "deal with it", it just is. how do you "deal" with oxygen or the color yellow
Not that guy, what's a YLD rate?
Not OP, but:
1. Is that pic supposed to be Agni? When did Agni have tits?
2. Your comment isn't in English.
3. I think you're trying to say "accepting x" and "keep away from nonsense" means something to the topic, but you haven't give any arguments for a specific position.
>By creating the meaning
>I want existence handed to me with all the answers, even though theyre all clearly bullshit
People who think life is meaningless have no imagination.
T. Known Boss
Kys retard