when exactly did he start getting demonized?
Other urls found in this thread:
Like, as soon as Queen Isabella heard he was enslaving people
He was a cunt and so was his son
I seriously doubt that was a real concern
It was. Isabella pardoned all his slaves IIRC
One of the worst people to ever live.
It's not difficult to get why people despise him and his legacy.
I seriously hope you're not a Columbus apologist OP. This is a man who lived during the Spanish Inquisition and was arrested for excessive cruelty.
Literally worse than Cortez. Cortez annihilated a lot of people for cash but he made friends with a lot of people on the way (including a mistress) and the people who they fought were psychos. Columbus found a bunch of jungle people minding their own business and decided that they all deserved to be brutalized and enslaved. He was basically a broke ass Tamerlane.
Back in the day wasn't conquering and brutally exploiting anybody who couldn't stop you just standard practice though? It's bad of course, but especially bad compared to what other historical figures did?
I'm wondering about this too. How did he get his own holiday in the first place and why do children in the United States get taught that he was a hero?
>Back in the day wasn't conquering and brutally exploiting anybody who couldn't stop you just standard practice though?
I'm not so sure about this. I once read a canadian history book that compared Columbus' report to Queen Isabella of Spain after his first expedition to Jacques Cartier's report to King Francis I of France after his second expedition. Columbus went on at length about how incredibly rich the Caribbean is, and how easy it would be to subjugate the Arawak. The natives were healthy strong people who would make good slaves, he also mentioned how he introduced them to gunpowder weapons by massacring a welcoming party. He recommended the queen send him back with a small army so he could take it for Spain (while making a healthy profit for him and his officers ofcourse)
While conversely Cartier discussed his visit to an Iroquois village of about 5000 people where he was very impressed by the wealth of furs they had everywhere, and they were likewise very interested in European manufactured goods. He recommended a follow up expedition outfitted to set up a permanent trading station.
While Cartier did come some 40 years after Columbus I think it shows that massacres and conquest were not the only way.
Yes, some degree of subjugation was normal. Butchering and enslaving literally everyone was irregular.
They aren't taught that he was a Hero.
Trust. I'm American.
I personally wasn't taught every fine detail of what he did that was so demonizing. However I was taught at a young age about his brutality and how he enslaved natives.
I've later learned that he was a Italian redheaded product of a family who was raped by vikings somewhere down the line.
Lots of buttmad indios and mestizos ITT
I see the black legends are strong on Veeky Forums. Next you'll tell me Europeans thought the earth was flat.
Veeky Forums is not /pol/ with dates
Not to his degree, it was shocking even to his contemporaries.
Pick one.
t. Hispanista
>Not thinking Columbus was Hitler makes you /pol/.
Gotta love the black and morality of liberals.
>implying he needs to be Hitler to be a complete piece of human trash
Research him a little before you defend him. Also no one mentioned anything about liberals or conservatives, don't bring that bullshit into an argument it has nothing to do with.
>conquering inferior people and enslaving them
Mongols please leave
>How did he get his own holiday in the first place
Political pandering to Italians.
I think its completely ahistorical
to judge people from the past with today's morality
so you are a nazi apologist and hate women?
you have to judge them by what the standards at the time where
at the time of the Nazis, it was seen as evil....
at the time of Columbus, his actions were just as normal as anyone elses
Judge him with their morality then, he was a piece of work even for them.
He was a saint.
No they weren't, read the thread.
ok then, lets judge him based on the fact that he was arrested for cruelty
No you fuck, even by contemporary standards he was an asshole. Why do you think Isabella was mad at him?
>tried for crimes against humanity before those were even a thing
The guy was a certified asshole even by the comparison of the day.
Political propaganda put out by people jealous of his slaves and riches
what makes you say this?
Guido Pride
Why would Isabella be jealous of anyone's riches?
>jungle people
They farmed and sailed and shit
Washington Irving
Then judge him by the morals of when he was alive.
It actually was, Charles V and a lot of the Church was similarly pisses as fuck at Cortes and tried to send a lot of people over to preserve as much of the native writings and stuff that was left, it's why we know as much as we do about native mesoamerican history.
user I love the aztecs and I think Tenochtitlan is a worse loss then the library of Alexandria but their religion was fucking batshit and you can't deny that