What's going on in Xinjiang? Really feel bad for the Uyghurs having their culture destroyed by a Han zerg rush.
What's going on in Xinjiang? Really feel bad for the Uyghurs having their culture destroyed by a Han zerg rush
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What culture is being destroyed? Be specific please. And don't confound modernization with loss of culture.
Hans and Uyghurs are friends (but Uyghurs are cuter by far)
Uyghurs are being replaced by Han Chinese. Not even modernization, just Han migrating en masse.
Uyghur on the right?
So? White americans are being zerg rushed by latinos.
Yes, Uyghur girls are gems
here's a (you)
Uhygers are Chinese Monkey Muslims, how revolting
Fuck off to /pol/
Uyghurs are lovely people
I'm always torn.
>Chinese committing genocide
>genocide is against Muslims
tfw no strict Uyghur dad
genocide? not really. ethnic cleansing really.
Well, the genocide convention defines genocide as
>any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
>(a) Killing members of the group;
>(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
>(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
>(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
>(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
>—Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[3]
So really, if you wanted to be an armchair lawyer, you could make a reasonable case that China is committing a slow motion genocide against the local population.
Either way, I'm torn between my dislike for totalitarian governments and my dislike of Muslims.
Daily Reminder East Turkestan is a Russian fiction to justify Russian Imperial expansion into the Chinese Empire.
Since Turkic = Russian Subjects.
Before that the so-called Xiyu (Western Regions) was just a bunch of Turkshits sitting on city states with no united affiliation.
wew the right one looks like a westerner
Uyghurs have a unique combination of east and west
You got your 50 cents already Chang?
The comparison was to point out how asinine your argument was. The cultures that were actually destroyed by migration and foreign powers are the ones you don't hear about in the """"free""" media.
And when is the last time you heard about the freaking Uyghur ethnic cleansing in Xinjiang in the """""free""" media"?
Always. Mainstream media always trying to stir shit with muslims.
never, but we seem to have a surplus of sinoboos who cant admit the PRC do anything wrong
They are probably being paid to do so.
Damn that is a lot of work to maintain control over your populace.
Uyghur girls are cute. CUTE!
You can't be serious. "those poor uyghurs" has been a standard topic for the anti-china narrative. Where did you first learn about the uyghurs?
Have you heard of the ainu? The taiwanese aborigines? Look at american natives, and the special rights and handouts the feds confer them. How's their culture holding up?
>You can't be serious. "those poor Tibetans" has been a standard topic for the anti-china narrative
native cultures are making a comeback up here in canada actually, especially after a couple big court decisions in their favour regarding tribal land.
but you know, keep deflecting and trying to blame some nebulous "anti china narrative" like a paranoid /pol/ack.
tfw you'll never share a halal kebab with a beautiful Allah-obeying Uyghur gf in a Mecca-facing street restaurant in Urumqi
>making a comeback
And what is preventing uyghur cultures from doing just that in the future? They are at different points in development. It doesn't take a wumao to point out that anti-china rhetoric exists because they aren't an ally.
Wrote a dissertation on relationship between Uighurs and Chinese. Got interested in them ever since a Uighur guy made me some mean fuckin kebabs and I struck up a conversation with him.
Anyway, here's a tl;dr of modern stuff starting from late Qing:
>Uighurs generally okay with Han on account of populaces segregated by race, varied over years as policy changed between 'migration policy to outbreed the Uighurs' and 'just chill out in Dzhungaria while the Uighurs chill out in the Tarim Basin cities', but was generally peaceful
>after Yaqub Beg's shitty revolt Uighurs came to look more favorably on the Chinese because of the contrast between Turkic rule and Chinese rule
>Qing falls, Warlord period comes about, Xinjiang ruled by a total despot, Soviets fuck around a bit, create "autonomous republics" to bully the Chinese, ended up stealing a bit of their territory, during this period there were stirrings of pan-T*rkism and Islamic nationalism, but nothing serious
>when things calmed down when the PRC was declared as Mao established autonomous districts for ethnic minorities, one of which was Xinjiang
>things were okay until the Cultural Revolution, massive amounts of Uighurs were lifted out of poverty and migration was semi-restricted, during GPCR radical Han Chinese questioned why special treatment was being granted in the first place to ethnic minorities; widespread repression occurred, mosques were desecrated, old buildings demolished, religious figures persecuted, books burned, mosque building banned, textbook repression
>Uighurs got seriously pissed off but could do nothing for the time being
>after Mao died restrictions were lifted on mosque building among other things, but nationalism was on the rise as was Islamism (they're closely linked in Xinjiang)
>several ethnically motivated incidents occur including riots
>began placing administrative restrictions on Uighur expressions of culture and religious expression
>And what is preventing uyghur cultures from doing just that in the future?
the PRC.
>Uyghurs are being replaced by Han Chinese. Not even modernization, just Han migrating en masse.
t. things that have been going on for like 5000 years
This is oversimplistic and operating on the assumption that the CCP will remain static, and completely disregards the special status other minorities like the Hui enjoy. All you're doing is parroting headlines and not even trying to learn about the context.
>can see a small list of shit here: hrw.org
>migration policy into Xinjiang is also enforced; proportion of Han Chinese to Uighurs has become hugely unbalanced in recent years, moreso than ever before in the past
>government also settling bingtuan paramilitary groups to develop the land in order to allow more Han to settle in Xinjiang as well as displacing Uighur farmers into more marginal areas
>with the 9/11 attacks China's ramped up repression of Uighur separatism under the guise of the war against terrorism, although desu most Uighur separatist movements in China are indeed terrorist organizations in the sense that they deliberately attack, murder, kidnap etc. in order to agitate for a free Xinjiang; I'm sure you've heard about the knife attacks at train stations, the 2009 riots and so forth, so the Chinese aren't exactly wrong on this
>things have been relatively calm in recent years outside of isolated incidents such as Uighur separatists attacking busloads of people with dirty hypodermic needles and attacking police stations on occasion. Famous incident a while back where a Uighur separatist drove an Islamic Truck of Peace into a crowd in Tiananmen, so it's unlikely that things are going to completely quiet down any time soon
>Uighurs have also been caught fighting for ISIS in Syria and fighting for other terrorist groups in central Asia, making China extremely concerned about the growth of Jihadhi movements, hence the increased emphasis on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the addition thereof of two new members in 2015
--->you are here
It's such a shame they were converted to Islam; their Buddhist/Manichean shit from way back in the day is amazing. Look up the Bezeklik Thousand Budda Caves and the Kizil Caves. They're amazing.
good fucking ridence, hope they get cucked out of existence by china
Plastic as fuck
She's not, that's just how Uyghurs look like
Lol. What comeback? I have been to a convention for indigenous people of the Americas and met 20. Only 6 could speak their native language. Everyone from Mexico and Guatemala could speak at least one, some even more. They were mad jelly, the Canadian ones, when I told them I knew two, Quiche and Nahuatl.
The point of my post is that culture is tied to language. If your language is dying or dead, no amount of money can fix that.
I hope they get exterminated.
Uyghurs and Han teamed up to carry out their genocide of the Oirat Buddhists of the region.
After the genocide, they populated the region with Muslims and Han.
>feeling bad for muslims
There's already too much of them
Some less muslims can only be healthy for this world
What other ethnic minorities are the chinese opperssing aside from Tbetans and Uighurs?
I don't hear anythiny about Hui or Manchu being opperessed or anything so i'm ont ure if the chinese goverment are being Han supremacists ofr they're just stomping o dissenting groups.
None of the other ethnic groups have separatist movements so they aren't being oppressed
Nah thats definitely plastic. I have a lot of half asian half white friends, they don't look like that
Last thing I remember is some sort of attack on a train station using swords.
Your friends are hapas, dumbass, not Uyghurs
She's a natural central asian beauty
The exact same could be said of Chinese, and all Asians in general
>this is considered a 10 in China
Centrals asians are hapas.
but they're iranic-turkic mixes.
not east asian-european mixes like modern "hapas"
>"slow" genocide
genocide is bad when it's violent
if uyghurs get to have kids with other uyghus or get 'bred out of existence' by having kids witch chinks then it's no issue
their genes are delivered to the next generation either way
now if they are getting killed or harmed in some way with the intent of eradicating them, then it's bad
this applies especially to 'white genocide'
There is nothing western about them whatsoever. A combination of east and west is something like Russia, Uyghurs are just 100% east.
>There is nothing western about them whatsoever.
Nice argument, Turk goatfucker.
I'm not sure what you mean by that.
What is "eastern" by your standards?
Because that clearly shows non Han chinese admixture.
"Our results showed that (Uyghurs) was formed by two-way admixture, with 60% European ancestry and 40% East Asian ancestry."
You don't know what you're talking about
China has the right idea. Tolerate no separation from the singularity of idea and identity.
Lol you don't even need scientific evidence for that shit just look at the goddamn people and their history.
The study certainly didn't mean west europeans, which is what is usually implied by "western."
Shit happens in Inner Mongolia sometimes.
Very few Uyghurs have been killed in the last 20 years
Using these same definitions, one could argue for "white genocide" as well
The Uighurs are the people whom old Russian travellers called Sart (a name which they used for sedentary, Turkish-speaking Central Asians in general), while Western travellers called them Turki, in recognition of their language. The Chinese used to call them Ch'an-t'ou ('Turbaned Heads') but this term has been dropped, being considered derogatory, and the Chinese, using their own pronunciation, now called them Weiwuerh. As a matter of fact there was for centuries no 'national' name for them; people identified themselves with the oasis they came from, like Kashgar or Turfan.
—Owen Lattimore, "Return to China's Northern Frontier." The Geographical Journal, Vol. 139, No. 2, June 1973[36]
>Dzungars gets wiped out by a coalition of Manchu/Mongol/Uyghur forces.
>Now Uyghurs are slowly dying out
History marches on.
I prefer Renminbi cents to petrodollar shekels, famalam.
Oh so you really are just baiting
>tfw i had an epiphany
>tfw the reason uighurs are chimping out is the same reason elliot rogers sperged out and some of the /pol/ types on this board
>butthurt at seeing the little han cock take their cuties
top fucking kek it all makes sense now
t. Chang
Mongols are getting Haned
You only get oppressed in China if you're a rebellious shitlord like the Tibbs and the Uyghurs are.
Loyal boys.
Good boys.
Dead boys.
Hui are fucking career soldiers in the PLA for godssakes.
The truth hurts
>East Turkestan (Uyghur: شەرقىي تۈركىستان, Шәpқий Tүpкиcтaн, Shərqiy Türkistan) also known as Eastern Turkistan, Chinese Turkestan, Uyghurstan, Uyghuristan is a political term with multiple meanings depending on context and usage. Historically, the term was invented by Russian Turkologists like Nikita Bichurin in the 19th century to replace the term Chinese Turkestan, which referred to the Tarim Basin in the southwestern part of Xinjiang province of the Qing dynasty.
I think I'd actually prefer the monkey on the left there.
Uyghur girls belong to BTC
dream on mehmet
>Using these same definitions, one could argue for "white genocide" as well
wtf I hate the United Nations now that they're white supremacists
big turkish cuck obviously
Turks are too brown for Uyghurs, too much arab blood
>The Chinese government pays Chinese people to shitpost on western forums about Russia (an allied country)
Wow there's some real 4D chess going on here
Not really
Those are Kurds.
Keep dreaming Mehmet, average "Turk" is as brown as a Kurd or Arab
Those are Kurds too.
Kurds are unironically whiter than Turks
Very funny faggot
Anatolian Turks are just indigenous steppe larpers.
Hans remember getting MONGOL'D
The Uyghurs are used by NATO intelligence to destabilize Xinjiang, making it an unsafe place to build gas and oil pipelines to China and guaranteeing all those central Asian resources keep flowing westward to Europe. The Uyghur terrorists are trained by the Gulen network in Turkey and radicalized at Fetullah Gulens' madrasas all over central Asia. Gulen is a CIA backed Turkish imam who lives in Pennsylvania. It is highly probable his network was behind the failed coup in Turkey last year. The reports of a Han Chinese genocide is most likely western propoganda, the oppression would probably be much more targeted against subversives and terrorists.
In short, the Uyghurs are being used as puppets in the new Great Game to drive a NATO wedge up in Eurasia to fuck with Russia and China's interests there.
Post dissertation Mr. PhD.
Maybe because white genocide is real? Same thing is happening in Tibet really.
I wasn't joking. Kurds are much closer to Caucasus hence whiter.