Why are so many well respected people evolutionary dead ends?
Why are so many well respected people evolutionary dead ends?
Literally autism
to intelligent too breed
Who're the last two?
Intelligence generally comes with social ineptitude and general disregard for others.
epicurus and da vinci
>those 2 GERMans
Because they are not competitive as Hunter gatherers, which is the main criteria for sexual selection even now. A few thousands of years of civilization isn't nearly enough to reprogram our instincts.
Imagine having a child, they need all that time to use their autism desu.
Also their children probably wouldnt be like them, they are all anomalies, though hitler probably would get a smart kid who knows.
Haha, nice try autist.
Is this some begging the question social darwinism nonsense?
Contrary to what people have read on the internet, the entire process of evolution is not a neatly guided process of "alphas over betas rawr".
Passing on genes requires (yeah, you morons forgot about "requirements", huh?) numerous things to occur:
1. Motive
2. Means
3. Opportunity
Those are all affected by things in High Locus (one's own control such as thoughts, mobility) and Low Locus (physical environment, social environment, personal limitations) control conditions.
All of those have subsets of issues all to their own.
Stop trying to apply your high school dropout, community college self-serving logic to academic concepts please.
And no, you're not going to breed either.
God has some people focus energy on things besides raising a family so society can progress.
Because the fittest to survive are those that pass on their genes in form of a living legacy, not those most "respected".
A random nigger who had raped a woman in a dark alleyway which resulted in a progeny still snatches a victory on the terms of Darwinian battlefield, because nature indeed favors the fittest to survive and procreate, other factors are insignificant.
>And no, you're not going to breed either.
delet this
>evolutionary dead end
Most respected intellects of any age were married or had mistresses though.
they took the infraredpill, no woman no cry
Mankind has castes, like ants, but they are castes of the mind.
Some people are like ant males, they are only fit to spread genes around.
Some people are like workers, they work and advance the colony, but dont reproduce themselves.
pick two
Exceptional intellectuals are usually unlikable autistic weirdos.
IQ and birth rates are negatively correlated.
I am assuming because the brighter people can appreciate the consequences on their life children will have, or maybe they can see life is pointless and don't want to burden anyone else with it.
The ability or freedom to grow vertically, stops people from growing horizontally.
Da Vinci was a literal faggot
>he believes in IQ
idiot's dogma
>He's never met someone with an IQ of 80
If you have a better measure of intelligence I would like to see it.
Most smart people focus on material things and get rich and have sons and daughters from their many wives and concubines.
OP is just cherrypicking very statistical anomalies who are very smart but at the far edge of the spectrum to care about normie things such as breeding.
I.e. Einstein had three wives and lots of kids.
no heredity for IQ so it's ok
this tbqh
>work some shitfail retail job
>some guy in his mid 50s can barely pass our computerized job training tests, it's endangering his career
It generalizes outside of formative schooling. It's not just the "kid who is bad at math", it's also the grown man that fucks up all the time at work, or the guy with the really bad credit score, etc etc
Had more important things to do than raising kids.
Hm, it's almost as if falling for the evolutionary imperative meme is not really the end-all be-all of the human endeavor, of the human experience, that it is currently made out to be by normies who lazily grope toward a science-based "meaning of life".
It's almost as if statements of the form "dude the meaning of life is literally to reproduce just have sex dawg" are flawed, and not the argument-closers that they purport to be, and are just lazy updates of the equally unscientific Social Darwinism used by plutocrats to justify their own understanding of the world, a century earlier. It's almost as if the historical conception of the meaning of life finds popular yet flawed expressions with each subsequent century, each subsequent generation, which must be framed in terms of the history of ideas, and considered with a healthy skepticism, and some critical thought.
Iq is correlated to all measures of social success but reproductive.those with high IQ have more to contribute to society than their seed so they are too busying being inventive and such to breed.
Idiocracy was documentary and the events were in real time.
Those quints are your IQ.
He literally was one
Aren't things headed toward robot bodies? If that's then case then what does it even matter.
Virgin detected.
>not being a virgin
Because if somebody like Hitler had gotten married and had kids in his 20s like most people of the time, the obligations of providing for a family would have forced him to settle down into a normal life and not take bold and risky actions like leading a fascist takeover.
Just look at what happened to Hitler the first time he tried to take over; he was arrested and sent to prison for years. If he was thinking about maybe never seeing his wife and kids again on the night of the Munich Putsch, he probably wouldn't have gone through with it.
fucking boipucci isn't gay. Everyone did it back then.