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In my one, true vision of reality, there is no reality to rationalize. It must only be accepted.that life has no rational basis.
The scientific rationality that you "believe" to exist is, as I said, fool's gold. It is a facsimile of reality designed to lead you on a millennia-long goose chase.
There is no guarantee that it is good to pursue rationality insofar as we already have done.
In short, you have no objective proof that you are living a "better" life than anyone, and thus you are as much of a fool as anyone else, perhaps even less of one than the madman
There is nothing to figure out. Only tradition.
>What's stopping you from fucking off into the woods and leaving the normal people alone?
I am planning on living off of nature eventually
>Is that why even the dipshit in your picture still advocates a form of social organization that falls under civilization? Also civilizations are totally unstable, that's why they're constantly undergoing change, revolution, decay, and genesis. But as a concept, civilization hasn't totally broken down in any region it's appeared in since it first did so.
I don't know his entire ideology, but to my knowledge he does not advocate for advanced systems of agriculture, which I consider the very first step to modern civilization.
>We succeed at many things. There's no final success, since much like with people, the growth and development of a society never really ceases until it ends.
We succeed based on our own pre-defined goals. But there is no reason to take up those goals in the first place. We only create needless suffering.
>All spirituality is "within" since it's a fundamentally personal thing.
At the same time, we cannot achieve it by ourselves. We need mentors; people who pass on the tradition: youtube.com/watch?v=CFtsHf1lVI4
>The acceptance of what?
That so-called "rational" knowledge breeds neuroticism, obsession, inequality.