Let's play a game

ITT we try to create the perfect system and society

Rules: is a global one, it rules all the planet.

>govern type
>economic system
>religion (or not)
>educative system
>population control (or not)
>culture (homogeneous, heterogeneous, etc)

Any item valid

Hard mode: no Nazi Germany, no NWO USA, no USSR, etc.

Can take anything you want from them to your society, but can't take an existing/historical one as sole answer.

You can start from zero if you want (ie fully imaginary society in alternate timeline, planet or whatever).

should definitely build around Plato's ideas. there should never be the whole population able to vote

>Singaporean/Hong Kong/ Australasia-style capitalism
>? Free K-12, strong charter/voucher system
>Singaporean healthcare
>Open borders
>White and Asian largely I suppose
>Zero tariffs on anything
>Zero corporate taxes
>LVT and consumption taxes pay for everything

Oh and

>federal republic divided into provinces, supreme executive power is shared between 2 consuls, each serving 2 years and elected one year apart
>Keynesian economics, corporal structure, certain province produces a certain good and it's sent to the others and it receives the products of others
>Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church
>education is free at all levels, but higher education is hard to get into, exams and what not, depending on the degree, there are also trade schools
>free health care, no private pharmaceuticals, but branch chiefs chosen every few years compete with each other
>when population gets too high some newborn baby girls are made barren
>heterogenous culture, each province has its own and there is tourism, but there is a planet wide feeling of all being the same
>different races, non looked down on
>there's a military in case of ayylmaos and rebels
>several parts of the planet are natural reserves
>illegal to work of you are over 62 or under 22, state run retirement plan that ensures you maintain your standard of living.
>there is social assistance, you are sent to government housing and provided for, but only if you are actively looking for a job
>no death penalty, prison system like that of Sweden for minor crimes, big ones (murder, rape, that stuff) gets you sent to a different prison, no rehabilitation, stuck there for life

What else?

Wouldn't this would just result in a corporate control of the masses like in syndicate?

Wouldn't the relion fuck with your population control and your heterogenous culture for those that denounce the religion?
Also if you aim for controlled religion or a system of religion capable of imposing rules you could get civil unrest or objectivist movements like martin luther.
I think this system would largely benefit from a state or some other way of mitigating the undesirable effects of religion. Possibly a system of sanction in order to weed out destructive religions that may occur.

No you fucktard. Holy fuck read a paper.

>No private pharmaceuticals
Are you dumb?

All right, onto the crowd control

>secret police
This guys are chosen from amongst the military and law enforcement agencies by the captains of the secret police. Their main task is rooting out corruption in the government and public services.
Who watches the watchmen? The secret police is crystal clear and their investigations are public record, they are trained to whistleblow each other.
>Holy Inquisition
In charge of rooting out religious corruption, moralism isn't enforced, atheism is tolerated, but not heresy or cultish religions. The inquisition has private prisons and reeducation camps, no torture though. They are watched over by the secret police.
Small deviations in church canon and religious dogma are tolerated, but if they get too big then it's taken down.

>Medical Society
This guys are in charge of running all the hospitals, but there is a small branch inside it in charge of the population control, only the director of the Society is aware of their work and existence.
The girls would grow up and not know why they can't have children, but there is adoption in case they really want to.

the Church is separated from the state.
They have no say in political matters, only in spiritual.
They have symbolic authority over the Inquisition.

Compulsory democracy
Market socialism
Mandatory state funded but independently operated free education
Insurance cooperatives
Have to apply for a baby permit based on a quota, people with fewer children get higher priority
Heterogeneous, but with free movement between locales
Hwan, no Finns or Yakubs allowed

There is no free market, but there is money.
Medical society in charge of developing and testing medicine, branch chiefs compete for promotion and a shot at becoming director, which has many benefits.

Plot twist
>There is no money, but there is free market

Then you'd buy things with work vouchers, given to you depending on how much time you work and the particular work.

But the reason government healthcare is so cheap is because they cut costs and only fund things that are proven successes. Governments aren't going to be willing to fund the huge costs private pharma bares in creating new medicine

>one-party state with one single leader, who would be elected and govern until death
>state capitalism/corporatism
>state education
>state healthcare
>culture doesn't matter that much, principles are more important, but the more homogenous the better this system would work
>any race can adopt this
>elections are made by a council of the most renowed philosophers of the nation, who will train the "elected" future governor to the teachings of Machiavelli, Plato and Aristotle, first and foremost.
>no constitution or limitations to the power of the governor whatsoever, but a set of laws that do not allow the philosophers to be from certain philosophical schools (marxism and liberalism, for instance)
>tldr: Fascist Republican Platonic Dictatorship.

Also, social authoritarianism/integralism

>govern type
One party Republic, only land owners over the age of 35 can vote. Every 5 years everyone able to vote gets a slip of paper saying Yes or No to the current government, if Yes is voted, the current government stays in power. No and elections are held.
>economic system
Domestic Capitalism, with protectionist policies to help new markets rise. All vital industries all made domestically.
>religion (or not).
Doesn't matter.
>educative system
Teachers have a set pay of X. Each teacher can teach their class however they want. At the end of the year a Federal test is giving to each student, for each student that passes, the teacher gets a bonus of Y. Teacher will be removed if so many students are not passing. College requires an aptitude test.
>population control (or not)
>culture (homogeneous, heterogeneous, etc)

Please critique my education system.

Everything that might be needed can be provided by the manufacture of a province, the Medical Society is, along with the Higher Education council, the public office with the most resources.
The government collects a vast amount of taxes, which are deducted before payment, and because the secret police is watching, they have a very hard time stealing or raising their salary.
They then fund, with a gigantic amount of money, their public institutions.
Imagine if what the US spends on its military they spent on their health services.
This is a government ruling over potentially 7 billion tax payers, if not more.

If every teacher can teach what they want they might teach a dangerous ideology, and if their students are well taught and pass their tests then that teacher could continue for years.
Teachers have a lot of influence in the minds of their young students.
Perhaps have frequent teacher evaluations and a bit more control.

Opps. Thanks for reminding - teachers will be reviewed to make sure they're not doing sketchy stuff like radicalizing youth or all that fuckry.

>zeus is back bitches
>mandatory religious observation, many cows will be slaughtered in very particular ways
>orgiastic bacchal festivals routine
>philosopher is king
>absolute power
>rotating from a group of philosophers
>cuz who wants to be king anyway
>education god tier
>mandatory learning of greek and latin
>otherworldly christianity thoroughly demonized as plot of evil jew to passify roman military
>kids learn about great general made fabulous victories only to be killed by common whores with roof shingles
>gay space communism, all manufacturing automated
>AI running of factories, which is all it will ever be able to do anyway

oh yes and during times of war men can fuck whatever woman they want cuz plato said so


>asteroids provide all necessary raw materials
>mineral extraction entirely automated
>this is what eve got wrong, you dont need a human to shoot mining lasers 8hrs a day if youre in fucking space
>men finally realize women have been duping them into doing everything theyve been doing since time immemorial
>with the advent of 'better than her' fuckbots men finally put a stop to this absurd comedy of reproduction
>human instrumentality complete

No humans.

Civic Syndicalism

Sounds good minus the communism

>Rules: is a global one, it rules all the planet.
the perfect global system is one which balances the necessity of competing states for stimulating change and growth with the real need for long term stability. A type of global federalism which provides a universal reserve currency, border laws based and redrawn around ethnic lines, and communication network backed by a single trade language are instituted, but otherwise individual countries are allowed to set their own economic and cultural agenda, and anyone who does not like the decisions of their country can swiftly migrate to one which shares their own ideological vision for a better future. The goal would be to keep individual states from being able to grow too powerful militarily and crush the marketplace of ideas under a tide of military authoritarianism, but still be flexible enough to let states which grow weak become subsumed by new ones, albeit peacefully and through popular mandate.

>Please critique my education system.
shitty as the rest of your ideas. If teacher's pay is tied to how many students "pass" than all they have to do is lower their standards and pass more and/or devote the entirety of their classroom time to prepping students for test-taking rather than actually teaching them how to be creative or original thinkers. Students become good at rote memorization and don't actually retain any of the knowledge that you make them memorize once the semester is over.

Not the guy who you're replying to.

>shitty as the rest of your ideas. If teacher's pay is tied to how many students "pass" than all they have to do is lower their standards and pass more
I would imagine he would have the federal government would set the standards, not the teachers, so 'lower standards for teaches to make more money' as not to become an issue.

>and/or devote the entirety of their classroom time to prepping students for test-taking rather than actually teaching them how to be creative or original thinkers. Students become good at rote memorization and don't actually retain any of the knowledge that you make them memorize once the semester is over.
You could have teachers solely there for creativity, philosophy and critical thinking and require them to pass test that use these abilities instead of just memorizing answers.

>I would imagine he would have the federal government would set the standards, not the teachers, so 'lower standards for teaches to make more money' as not to become an issue.
In theory that's possible but in practice any time you start tying teacher's pay to how good students are at passing tests, you get education bureaucrats gaming the system and teachers who are too busy worried about standardized testing to notice if her students are actually learning. Plus he advocates for an overly capitalistic society, and I'm sure that the good people at the Frito-Lay™ High School for overprivileged Ameriburgers would never look for unscrupulous ways to cut costs and raise margins.

Personally, I think teacher's pay should be tied to a combination of seniority, performance, merit, knowledge of their chosen field, and "client" (student and parent) satisfaction.

>You could have teachers solely there for creativity, philosophy and critical thinking and require them to pass test that use these abilities instead of just memorizing answers.
If only schools had the budget for such things.

Incredibly harsh Puritan theocracy.
Get sick, get shot
25% white, 25% black, 25% Hispanic, 25% asian

I think I just created the perfect society.

>In theory that's possible but in practice any time you start tying teacher's pay to how good students are at passing tests, you get education bureaucrats gaming the system
Can you explain further on 'bureaucrats gaming the system'?

>and teachers who are too busy worried about standardized testing to notice if her students are actually learning.
Well, if you want the students to pass the test, they're going to need to learn the material. I don't think you can 'just remember' critical thinking skills, philosophical reasoning or creativity. Like I said, you would use an aptitude test for these, not a normal standardized test.
As for things like history, I don't know anyway for us to get students to learn it over remembering it. If you any idea, please sure them now.

>Plus he advocates for an overly capitalistic society, and I'm sure that the good people at the Frito-Lay™ High School for overprivileged Ameriburgers would never look for unscrupulous ways to cut costs and raise margins.
You realize you can have public education in a capitalist society, right? It's all not black and white.

>Personally, I think teacher's pay should be tied to a combination of
Merit will beat seniority everytime. No need for seniority.
Which is merit based.
>knowledge of their chosen field
Which is part of merit.
>and "client" (student and parent) satisfaction.
This is fucking stupid, no offense. Parents know jackshit about education and so do students. If you want to go by teaching method, sure, but that's students only critique since parents aren't there. But for material taught? That's better left up to a higher merited personal than a student or parent.

>If only schools had the budget for such things.
There's plenty of ways we can bring down cost of schooling, but it's not being down do to this clusterfuck of a system we have now.

>teachers who are too busy worried about standardized testing to notice if her students are actually learning.
Actually, let me expand on this. I think that was user's whole point, that the standard test IS to make sure that students are actually learning from the teachers.

Also, excuse any typos. I'm phoneposting.

Technocratic Democracy

>Mixed Economy

>Catholic & Orthodox (No Jews, No Muslims).

>Free K-12, Subsidised STEM degrees

Health Care
>Australian style Universal Healthcare

Population Control
>Planned Parenthood, Positive (voluntary) eugenics- voluntary sterilsation for disabled, diseased, poor in exchange for payment, CRISPR gene alterations for removing diseases & selecting strongest, smartest, healthiest offspring

Strong Homogeneous

80% 'White', 10% HAPA, 5% Asian, 5% Other

>Political Philosophy
Strong Civic Nationalism, High pressure to assimilate and intergrate, National Socialist-esque without all the murdering and genocide.

Fucked up my headings and greentexting,

also, under political philosophy: militaristic tendencies; militaristic youth groups etc

>Strong Civic Nationalism
>80% 'white'
I think that's just Nationalism, m8. 20% of nonWhite population doesn't need to have a call for civic nationalism. Actually, in reality, encouraging 'civic nationalism' may even lead your country to not be "80% 'white'" for long.

You guys can't be real.
