
What the fuck was this guys deal? Discuss benito and his life here

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What do you want to know about him?

Literally an autist, even more so than Hitler.


That was taken shortly before a referendum iirc, so it's not as autistic aw it looks


Why do these faggots always look so angry? Can't they ever smile?

I don't know about Mussolini, but Hitler wasn't that bad in private. They have to put on a face of sternness and and strength, because their societies were founded on those values.

Mussolini was a massive fuck boy, he had loafs of fucking women on the go.

But he also never used to bathe so he'd smell manly, which is ki da autostic

Charisma and a bullying, egocentric personality can go a long way.

Based, not much more to be said

He was a literal fascist and he was against liberalism.

His only mistake was allying with Hitler. Aside from that he did only good things for Italy.

Mussolini's Intellectuals is a good read.

Smiling for no reason is an American meme, you'd get your ass kicked if you started doing that shit on the street in my country.

Actually kind of true, if you exclude military policy.


I smile because I feel so blessed, honestly.

Benito unironically dindu nuffin.

I want a trump version of this on his lair in newyork

That's cute user. You wanna get some coffee? :3

You sound like a retard.

He was pissed because he wasn't as relevant as the big boys (Russia, Britain, USA) and because his country wasn't even relevant in Europe.

It's like being in a special class for retards and even being inferior to the retards.

Do NOT bully him

Go back to Krautchan faggot, you're not welcome here.

Neither are rude people like you. Go back to adventure quest: worlds

If you're not rude to others you need to go back.


This is where rude people like you need to go. NOW


The real nito

Damn son. Lookin fashy as ever.

I'm now itching to turn this into a nostalgia thread.

Ive had some good times with that game.

He was the moron that:
dragged Italy into an unbearable war
institute a super corrupt government
lost national sovereignty
and finally got hanged by his own people

Recommend me some good English language books on him

>dragged Italy into an unbearable war
internationalist did that
>institute a super corrupt government
He cleaned up the corrupt Constitutional monarchy
>lost national sovereignty
It would either be lost to Germany or Internationalist. He chose the side which lost.
>and finally got hanged by his own people
Not every Italian supported that.

T. Silvio Berlusconi

>internationalist did that
not true: Italy could be neutral like Spain. inb4 international sanction for Ethiopia were right
>He cleaned up the corrupt Constitutional monarchy
yes, substituting with other corrupt people wearing a blackshirt
>It would either be lost to Germany or Internationalist.
Your words "He chose the side which lost"
>Not every Italian supported that
Not every Italian supported him fron the beginning

Was fascist Italy racist? I've heard leftist talk about racism being a necessary part of fascism but they never explain why.

From the Wikipedia link

>The Italian Racial Laws were unpopular with most ordinary Italians; the Jews were a small minority in the country and had integrated deeply into Italian society and culture. Most Jews in Italy were either ancient Italian Jews that practiced the Italian rite and had been living in Italy since Ancient Roman times; Sephardic Jews who had migrated to Italy from the Iberian countries after expulsion in the late 15th century; and a smaller Ashkenazim population that had arrived in the Middle Ages and largely assimilated into the Italian rite Jewish and the Sephardic communities. In any case, Jews in Italy, in general, had assimilated into Italian society and had contributed to Italian culture over the course of two millennia. Most Italians were not widely acquainted with Jews, and Italian society was unaccustomed to the kind of anti-Semitism that had been relatively common and thrived for centuries in German-speaking countries and other parts of northern, northwestern, and eastern Europe, where Jews had a greater presence and lived in large numbers for a long period of time.

This applies to aliens from the Levant even to this day. Syrians have a far easier time integrating into Italy than lets say Belgium or Germany. This makes historical sense: Italy has been a way point for various Mediterranean people for thousands of years. In certain cultural senses Italy even has more in common with the Levant than parts of Europe.

It wasn't as extreme as in Germany, but it's not like they were shipping in Ethiopians and Eritreans or anything.

Why would they though? That would be foolish.