How often do you think of quitting your job?
>Every damn day
How often do you think of quitting your job?
>implying I have a job
maybe start with working less hours?
I don't, because it's an enjoyable way to earn pocket money while investing in shitcoins.
Never had a proper job, all under the table. (plus all the dressup and resume shilling is annoying bullshit)
My current one is a remote job thats pretty easy, and all that money goes right into crypto.
Probably should. I'm an insurance agent at an "Independent office" and maybe I'm just sick of cold call sales.
actually Im not i worry to put all my money in to shitcoins
every I got is bitcoins only in bitcoin I trust
Graduate student. I dream about it but don't think about it, too much time invested to quit now. Good thing I live rentfree with mummy, so cryptogains definitely sweeten things a lot.
Maybe every 2 or 3 months
F Jesus fucking Christ, are you me?
I get paid to sleep (literally BTW). Comfy af.
>he doesnt trade shitcoins at work
Every fucking day. I think I could take it if I had a hotter gf who didn't suck almost all my shekels but atm I'm slowly going insane/alcoholic.
does anyone actually enjoy working 40 hours a week at an office? ive done it for only 5 years and it has pretty much killed me already
I spend literally all my time at work trading shitcoins and browsing Veeky Forums. The day someone notices is the day I'm out of here.
Quitting at the end of this month. Have a hellish job but it paid well since few other people would put up with the misery and there aren't many other people who do what I do.
Got around $150k saved up so I'm going to sleep for about a month then freelance, keep mooning with altcoins, and probably write a few more ebooks. I make around $100 a month now with my books so I just need more volume.
The only way to end wage slavery is to escape it.
>>My current one is a remote job thats pretty easy
Care to divulge further information?
what sort of ebooks? is it a lot of work? how do you distribute etc?
i spent a few months working 40 hours (or more like 45 because of """breaks"""). It numbs you down. If you start to get used to that painful drain of time you are beyond hope, so i actually quit.
Now working 30 hours, much better
>unemployed the last 2 years
>starting to get enough crypto shekels that never working again may happen this year
its like one of those things where you got one shot at getting rich. I cant imagine another thing NEETs can do to get rich with.
well if he has >$20k or so there's always futures and options. but i think crypto gives better odds
I do the same with stocks, why should I move to shillcoins??
Primarily short non-fiction ones on things like investing. Prices range from 99c to $2.99. The $2.99 one is pretty good IMHO and has sold well One of my 99c ones really hit and sells around 10 copies a day.
Writing them is actually pretty fun since I only write about things that interest me and the writing process involves having to synthesize things you already know into something clear and coherent. I've learned from each one I've done.
Right now they're purely on Amazon. Maybe I could sell more going elsewhere but it seems like the difference wouldn't be that much.
The trick is to make something that's useful for the reader. Too many ebooks are just scams that rehash the same thing over and over with new words. You might sell a few but you won't be getting organic five star reviews which is what really drives the sales.
Don't ever plan on making this my primary income source but it's a fun hobby and I made a little over $1k from them last year.
why dont you move to btc/eth, it outperforms stocks
post your books man, I'm interested
I know trading virtual shekels is pretty much the main topic on this board, but I just don't understand it. Seems like it's a wild west market. Any links for expanded reading I could do?
I've already quit my cuck job serving coffee to assholes, my managers were dicks as well.
Anyway, made enough gains to buy myself a nice Condo that nets me a good rental income each month.
Working my way up the Crypto ladder in the mean time with Altcoins.
Been on Veeky Forums since I was an SA goon back in college around 2006, I've been here long enough to know to never post something that could be traced back to you.
My advice is pick something you're interested in and write like the reader is a friend of yours who has zero knowledge on the topic.
I haven't always been NEET, I was working in the resource sector for 5 years before going NEET. I just got burnt out by huge hours and now hate work with a passion, if crypto lets me make enough fiat for a livable passive income I'll be very happy.
The plan is to put 20% of my gains into traditional investments once I hit $50k in shitcoins.
Can I do it from a Droid?
This, I'm suing my employer but he still wants me to keep working for him.
I'm sick of that place and I want him to fire me so I can finally move on in life.
Meanwhile I shitpost here, trade and learn moon.
The simplest way to look at it is the exact same as fiat international currency trading as both only have value because people believe they do. It is the wild west and that is why you need to be careful how you trust but it's also why 1000% gains are common.
As for reading material try coindesk as they cover everything from noob FAQs to detailed info for traders.
>1 Bitcoin is worth $2636
What the fuck? I guess mining is the most popular way to get shitcoins because holy shit that's alot of money.