>believing in god without evidence
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The evidence is apparent.
Doesn't the whole faith thing kind of replace any empirical search for evidence with a thorough helping of apophenia and confirmation bias though?
Its not worth it OP. Theyre idiots.
is that album good
You exist. Isn't that evidence enough?
I don't think they count as "evidence" but Spinoza makes some good arguments for the existence of a God. It's just not the kind that kills 42 kids with bears because they made fun of his BFF.
>a blind man requires someone give him evidence of light
believing in God is not a question of empirical evidence
ugh THIS
>live an existance entirely on evidence
>is a sad shitposter
is the statement "nothing is true without evidence" true, and what is the evidence for it?
And that's not even entirely true either. As you live, you will ask God to prove himself to you. And he has for me and many others. In various ways.
To the believer everything is evidence. To the non-believer nothing is. You don't believe in God because your heart is clouded by sin. Cleanse your heart and pray to God for the supernatural gift of faith, in order to believe in his son Jesus Christ and be saved.
His existence is an argument for either side.
"In ways" you can't seem to describe when you argue for his existence.
Sure if I believed in God and prayed to him and said that it rained some days when he told me it would you would call it bullshit.
Or how the wind seems to answer my prayers.
Or how creation seems to show itself in how you are, in how you were designed, from the number of your digits to your ability to perform like God's other creatures.
But you won't believe. It's ok.
You sad idiot - Marian "apparitions" are all hoaxes appropriated by the Church to make money and attempt to assert its influence. None of them are even remotely convincing.
I don't think you understand how dogma works. Theists start with "God exists", and then have everything converge to that.
There's no universe that exists that proves the Creator of the universe exists?
Are you certain?
Dude, they're not hoaxes. They're demonic. And they're about to get very popular and very loud.
Yes, the truth is important to "theists".
However, satan is a "theist" too.
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. For when He received honor and glory from God the Father, such an utterance as this was made to Him by the Majestic Glory, "This is My beloved Son with whom I am well-pleased"-- and we ourselves heard this utterance made from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain.
His existence matters not. What matters is a sane, polite, humane society. Most Religions and the belief of a power (God in most cases) deliver those I have mentioned. People don't commit evil deeds because they fear God.
The thread, however, is not related, considering this is a board about history.
[citation needed]
>a sane, polite, humane society
>Most Religions deliver those
Tbh the periods of sanity and humanity in religious societies have been rather scarce throughout history. Even today, those qualities are inversely proportional to how religious a society is.
HisStory is His to tell.
[the universe]
[the bible]
If it had cold hard unquestionable evidence then it would be science. It is a belief, thus, something not completely proven.
Your belief in science is irrational.
It's a bit hard to say if injustices are caused by the religious nature of the society or the society itself, perhaps using religion as an excuse.
I support the latter
>His existence matters not.
Only eternal things matter. Your "important things" are futile, temporary, and empty.
If something in science is completely proven to be true beyond any reasonable doubt, i.e. Gravity, then it is not my belief, it simply is. Certainly, blindly believing an unproven theory to be true (i.e. big bang theory) simply because it is popular is irrational.
My belief is in God.
Life itself is temporary. Our actions determine our future and our afterlife. Religious societies behave, they care about the temporary yet important thing I have mentioned earlier because they believe in an afterlife and they want to be pledged 'Good' by their God(s) and be allowed to enter his Gardens of Heaven by him.
What is gravity? How much does it weigh? What color is it? Can you package it up in bags?
What is gravity?
See, you have absolutely no idea what gravity is, but you "believe science" that also has no idea what gravity is.
What goes on in heaven for an eternity any way?
Yes, because it is not a difficult argument to make that the 80 years you spend on earth pale in comparison to eternity.
Life. God creates things, and God creates life.
Get in on the ground floor.
Can you be a little less vague? What does a soul do all "day"?
The real question is, why have we been created by the almighty?
What does a soul with a body do, you mean?
The body you're in is temporary. The next body you get matters. It will either be one to withstand hell, or it will be a glorified body to enter heaven.
How can I speak to you of resurrections when you are unsure God even exists?
To enlarge God's family with the willing, and to create beings to collaborate in the creation of new worlds, and new life.
No, what I mean is what goes on in heaven. Do people just go to church all day?
All Marian apparitions are demonic.
Expect a lot more, and a lot bigger ones, in the very near future.
They are the tool that will unite Catholics, Orthodox and Islam. They will all obey "Mary" and do whatever "she" tells them to do.
We are the church. Let's say there's a billion people in the New Jerusalem, a satellite city that you've heard snippets of (streets of gold, pearly gates, etc.)
We will be doing what a billion people do. Only we will be doing it with much better bodies under much better conditions with much more power.
are you fucking dumb
heaven doesn't orbit the sun
Well, the sun will have gone dark by this time, so he's more right than you are.
Not who you're talking with but this has been on my mind a lot lately too.
I like playing guitar and my job so will I just be working and playing guitar? I think these things wouldn't exist there. There is no work to be done bc it's all His realm.
John 3:2 we are now the the sons of God and it hath not yet appeared what we shall be. We know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him...
And Saint Paul tells us not to even speculate bc we can't fathom it.
1:cor 2:9
Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love him.
It's also clear tho that we shall become angels
Matt22:30 "Those who are saved shall be as the Angels in heaven
The only deduction I have is that we become Angels in heaven and an Angels purpose is to do the work of God, which in my opinion is to help guide men on earth and save men from purgatory but we also have to keep in mind that we cannot imagine the true purpose.
You will be the son of the King of Kings, royalty, and able to create whatever your heart delights in.
So sins though.
"Day". Fuck you.
No, angels are just messengers, just servants.
We're family, adopted into the family of God to provide Jesus with millions of siblings.
To answer that, you would have to realize why you sin.
You are looking for something to satisfy your desires for Love, Acceptance, Meaning and Purpose.
God satisfies all of those desires, perfectly.
Hence no need to sin to try to satisfy those desires.
There's nothing wrong with believing in a God. Bringing it up as a justfication for state or scientific matters however is cringy.
Define God.
the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them
What if I just enjoy drinking too much?
Neither will any thief or greedy person or drunkard or anyone who curses and cheats others.
>Laws of Nature
The only laws of nature are physical laws, the Universe doesn't give a shit about your rights.
The title belonging to the creator of the universe.
If you think about it, it's kind of necessary to have faith in the first place in order to pray, isn't it? A person with no faith wouldn't believe they're talking to anybody, so how would they get enough faith in order to pray? It's circular.
That's usually a sign of looking for acceptance in a peer group, or a sign of self-medicating depression.
Unfortunately for you, alcohol is a depressant and will only exacerbate depression in the long run.
Define "creator." List (exhaustively) all attributes "God."
Not only circular, but humanly impossible.
Luckily, with God, all things are possible.
Therefore God intervenes to provide the person with the faith necessary to thank God for giving him that faith, that ability to believe the unseen.
King James Bible
Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.
The creator of the universe is the being who caused this universe to be.
"God" is just the title belonging to that being.
Where do you think faith comes from? It grows and develops. It doesn't just emerge fully formed
Define "creator". List all attributes of "God" besides that one.
I believe that's for a sick man.
Proverbs 31
Give strong drink to him who is perishing,
And wine to those who are bitter of heart.
Let him drink and forget his poverty,
And remember his misery no more.
A creator is one who creates, as a painter is one who paints.
Is posting on the internet new for you?
I believe in science without evidence m8.
It's not like I actually, deeply understand what scientists and physicians study every day
Define "create".
>Where do you think faith comes from?
That's what I'm asking.
>It grows and develops.
From what?
for our "God is a consuming fire."
Also, list all other attributes of "God."
If there was scientifically-accepted proof of the existence of the Christian God, it wouldn't be the Christian God so we'd all be wrong anyway
What is the source of your information
Spinoza identified God with the universe. of course the universe exists, but why call it God?
I have often thought, what if it was simply impossible to "enjoy" being in heaven knowing that a person you hated was also there? Would you not go in heaven because of your hate? What if you hated each other? Would you both go to hell? What if your heaven was knowing the other person was in hell, while disregarding what happened to you? Many questions.
To bring into existence ex nihilo.
I jump, I fall back to earth instead of flying off.
Gravity is just the name for a force that keeps us down.
Anyway, your questions are obviously bait. What colour is a fart? Can you package it up in bags? How much does it weigh?
Why do you believe in farts when there's no evodence?
Yes he is, and will confine Molech and all of the other demons in a lake of fire, for eternal punishment.
>Sure if I believed in God and prayed to him and said that it rained some days when he told me it would you would call it bullshit.
ok then user, predict the weather at some location for next week. we can then check how precise the weather forecast you received through prayer was.
If that's all that's required, then you're describing God as a simple force.
You seem very unclear on this concept. Your question is "list all other attributes of King".
If you want to know about God, He revealed Himself as an eternal supernatural triune spirit being who lives in unapproachable light.
He is
*cough* *cough* higgs boson
The bible and the inspiration for the bible.
And the 6 o'clock news.
You're mistaking the force described with a human.
Gravity is not a force.
It's an acceleration.
You should sue your science teacher. You can actually do all of those things with farts.
>What colour is a fart? Can you package it up in bags? How much does it weigh?
But those are all questions that can be answered by science. Farts are gas with particulate, you could probably package it in a nonporous container suitable for capturing gas in, and then weigh it appropriately.
That's the definition of a Creator.
God is not a force but a person. A person with more dimensions than you have.
Technically, gravity is a product of the Higgs field, which interacts with other particles in a poorly understood way.
Ah, an acolyte from the Cult of Tiny Things Bumping Into Each Other.
no, Molech created the universe. according to you Molech is God
The Quinque viæ (Latin, usually translated as "Five Ways" or "Five Proofs") are five logical arguments regarding the existence of God summarized by the 13th-century Catholic philosopher and theologian St. Thomas Aquinas in his book Summa Theologica. They are: ... the teleological argument ("argument from design").
Five Ways (Aquinas) - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Five_Ways_(Aquinas)
Newton's First Law. Newton's First Law states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. It may be seen as a statement about inertia, that objects will remain in their state of motion unless a force acts to change the motion.
Newton's Laws - Hyperphysics
hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu › Newt
A human? No, God did not start out a human.
He became a human so that he could save humanity.