Will the passage of time lead to a softer reevaluation of their actions, Veeky Forums?
Will the passage of time lead to a softer reevaluation of their actions, Veeky Forums?
Why would it? The hubris of Western politicians of the early 20th century is half the reason for all the shit going on now.
No one gives a shit about Howard and Iraq tho.
I don't think so, no. Their blatant lies are well documented, the sudden shift in the Iraq war's focus from finding WMDs to creating a "strong stable democracy at the heart of the middle east" was clearly damage control. Iraqi democracy failed and led to the rise of ISIS, and the Iraqi army that billions were spent building was almost unimaginably impotent against them.
So much money and lives spent for less than nothing.
Future generations, being as fucked as they are, are probably going to look back even harsher.
the best anyone will say about bush is that he was weak and dumb enough to let dick and rummy run his office
can I just hijack this thread as an ausfag and say I hate how howard gets so much personal credit for the 2000's economic boom.
Entire credit rightfully belongs to Peter Costello who was the architect of the economic policy, but he was too much of a beta nice guy to take credit for it and assume control of the party. Howard promised Costello he would step down and let Costello reign when he turned 65, but he just lied and cucked costello even more.
Eventually howard tried to go full economic fascist with his "work choices" policy which basically said employers can hire and fire whenever they want for whatever they want and basically turn all workers into wageslaves. Costello told him it was a bad idea and he was going to lose the election, Howard didn't fucking listen, he lost the election and lost his seat and we ended up with 6 years of Labour government which is why we're in the shitter we are now.
Fucking President Taft man
Workchoices is actually against economic fascism you absolute dolt. It's more free market than the current fascist system which forces the employer to keep shitty employees and makes it impossible to bargain for your wages.
They will be shocked that we didn't hang these mother fuckers
>hundreds of thousands dead
>tens of thousands veterans crippled and with PTSD for life
>untold number of billions dollar wasted
>incredible loss of prestige and credibility for their countries
>miraculous propaganda for every snackbar wannabe
>the entire region is durably destabilised
>the entire war was built on lies
How did they got away with it?
Wait a couple years and then come back with a different face.
>he doesn't know that 9/11 was a false flag and these men are criminals against their country
Goyim, please.
>It's more free market than the current fascist system which forces the employer to keep shitty employees
What, a two-week notice for a full-time employee is "forcing the employer" to keep them? You can just hire someone as casual staff you fuckwit. Costello wanted to remove unfair dismissal entirely. That reduces security for employees immensely and gives employers massive control over their lives. You could literally fire a man for seeing the birth of his first child.
>makes it impossible to bargain for your wages
The employer has all the power in that "bargaining", meaning flexibility basically equates to lower standards. If you want to lower the minimum wage, that's another issue.
No. Blair banned hanging for treason to cover his back. People want him hanged for warcrimes and treason.
god I sure hope it doesn't
blair was such a fucking cunt, glad corbyn is in charge of labour now
>6 years of Labour government which is why we're in the shitter we are now.
Fucking lol. Yeah sure it is Libcuck.
Me too
Tory +18
>Costello was the architect of the minerals boom
if globalism wins, yes. people don't understand that the iraq war was the most blatant manifestation of globalism there was - unprovoked aggression undermining national sovereignty for the idea of "human rights", while actually being about extracting economic resources.
moreover, the ones Tony Blair lured into the labour party at the expense of his actual base - who are driving nationalism - are exactly the ones leading the charge for globalism right now.
people think the crisis in the labour party right now is a question of center-left versus far-left, but it's not, it's about nationalists vs globalists. so when urbanites and champagne socialists rage about "blairites", they're ironically raging about their own fucking selves, who really need to move the fuck over to the Lib Dems
No. If anything it will become even harsher. It already has been turning against their democratic imperialism in the past 5 years. Blair particularly is already completely loathed by pretty much everybody in the UK to a man.
Work choices was the greatest thing to come out of the Howard era. It was so good that rudd kept most of it and left out the """""extreme""""" parts
It literally is. Are you retarded?
As a patriot and proud American, I can honestly say that Bush should still be hung for treason.
Also, let's not forget that he was a usurper who lost his first election.