>pick any shitcoin on bittrex front page
>hold for a few weeks
>its mooning
how the fuck do you lose money in this game?
Pick any shitcoin on bittrex front page
how can making money be this easy?
easy, you sell low and buy high
>how the fuck do you lose money in this game?
By not being patient.
Buy at ATH and panic sell the dips. Iron hands is a meme for a reason
By buying POSW.
>pick any shitcoin on bittrex front page
>hold for a few weeks
>sell at the first sign of a tip
It's a bonanza right now, before long it will wind down and stagnate for a year or two again and people here will go back to fraudulently clicking on each others ads
>how the fuck do you lose money in this game?
Every once in a while there is a day of blood
gtfo nocoiner
PosW is making a comeback soon. I hope you didn't sell user.
You lose by trading. Trading = raped by fees, lose out on potential gains. Unless you are clairvoyant and can guess which coin will double every day, and then you still get raped by fees.
yeah ive learned my lessons the past few weeks. the only times i lost money were when i was trying to be mr day trader and anticipate every coins rises and dips, and constantly moving shit around. now ive just put all my money on 3 or 4 good coins, and leave it be
How many people do you think are in on Bitcoin?
> About a million
How many people are in on Ethereum?
>About half of that
How many people are in on Top alts (Strat, Cripple, NEM, Golem, etc.)
>Maybe 100k-200k
How many people are in on everything else?
>Less than 100k. Something like Ark probably has less than 50k traders in on it.
50k people isn't a bubble. Neither is a million. It might wind down, have some dips, and stall for a couple of months, but 10x-30x growth on BITCOIN is still possible. Bancor is one of the last chances yall will ever get to become rich with $1000. Hold your shit, be wary of shills (I fell for XBY, happens to everyone), and don't let the concern trolls get to you until normies and boomers start bursting in.
fees are pretty low though. on bittrex its like 0.25% or something. unless youre doing five hundred trades a day it should have no real impact
You lose by panic selling on the first dip after buying, mongs.
I want to believe those numbers but I have a feeling they're a bit underestimated.
The amount of wallets out there is considerably higher than my numbers. But considering that serious users often hold multiple wallets, and a vast majority of the wallets are either dead or hold less than .01 btc. The numbers come out to be around what I said. There's a margin of error ofc, but it's not horrible. Maybe double my numbers if you want a bit of an overestimate.
I'm fully aware that patience wins the game at this point. But the temptation is there to trade into mooning coins and double or triple your capital so you can spread out into MORE holds, or just go in balls deep on your preferred hold.
This temptation rises the less money you have. I am a poor shit from East Europe. I've managed to grow my portfolio nicely, but I constantly get burned by trading OUT of coins that moon IMMEDIATELY after the fact.
My biggest regrets are RDD, XVG, XBY and DGB. I had all of them since low sats, but I traded out. These were onyl 4 opportunities to effectively 20x my lousy capital and catapult me into high-speed investments, but no. I'm left hanging.
Honestly, it's not hard to hold. Problem is it's potentially way more inefficient to hold if you have little money to begin with. Holding comes naturally to people with 10k euros and more.
Its simple. Just buy XRP
Veeky Forums is still an incredibly slow ass board. i'll wait until we hit /pol/ levels of posting before i start to worry about the bubble bursting.
this. XRP is the only coin i've not made incredible gains with.
You don't if you don't move, people who get in late will.
when the bubble bursts
i bought 100 xrp today, it will double until next week, screenshot this
Why Bancor? Why is it the last?
Did I miss my chance to get on the money ship?
This is the real question.
By the way, this is likely the easiest money we will ever make, lads. Make the most of it.
Crazy days.
Had maybe like 2k € worth of BTC couple of summers ago, decided to gamble with shitcoins.
As of today, 60k € and rising..