When did France lose their status as a true great power?
I) Napoleonic Wars
II) Franco-Prussian War
When did France lose their status as a true great power?
I) Napoleonic Wars
II) Franco-Prussian War
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The Revolution destroyed the Catholic Order and turned a traditional society into a modern and decandent society, then,
May 68 finished the job and transofrmed the French into godless faggots.
The Revolution atheicized the Society, May 68 atheicized the People.
Devant de les guerres Napoleonique
7 years war
Though Napoleon did his best to best to destroy the empire
Have other europeans ever not considered the french decadent compared to themselves?
World War II is the only true answer obviously.
The Revolution made France greater than ever before.
>France lost its great power status before Napoleon
The real answer is there is no one event. They lost some power with the fall of Napoleon 1, they lost more with the Franco-Prussian War, they lost more in the WWs, they lost more with Suez Crisis and losing Indochina.
They were definitely still a great power until 1814 at the earliest
1956, same as Britain.
Make no mistake though, they are still probably the main influence in half of Africa, while Britain no longer has any influence there
>french decadent compared to themselves
>Antiquity = Romans
>Middle Age = Greeks
>Renaissance = Anglos
>Modern times = French and Germans
>Contemporary times = Westerners (particularly the Swedes, the Anglos, and the Germans)
Only the Anglos were considered as decadent, then, it became us after the Revolution, then it was the turn of the German because of the Weimar Republic. Now it is Sweden, Germany, Uk , and France.
>II) Franco-Prussian War
Personally I think after II) they lost true great power status
III) and IV) just removed the facade
It never lost its status.
>t. Jean-Philippe
France is still a great power
Last I checked it still was part of the G7, 3rd nuclear armed country by warhead numbers, 7th military budget worldwide, and one of the most diplomatically active.
>Hey guys I'm french I swear
>Even though I can't spell for shit
It was the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. 23 years of conflict costed France invaluable men that could've reproduced. French population growth throughout the 19th century to the early 20th century was a pittance.
They managed to make a great recovery by the 1840's and 1850's, only to have it shattered by the Germans. The Great War was the final deathknell to France's foundations as a world-shaking power.
>they are still probably the main influence in half of Africa, while Britain no longer has any influence there
its kind of funny if you go look at the resolutions passed by the UN security council most of them have to do with west africa because France is constantly proposing resolutions about it, and no one else has a competing sphere of influence there so they never get blocked.
Right, one of the best instead of the great world power
As for their statut as hegemonical power (or greatest power), in 1815
They stopped being THE greatest of the great powers in 1815. They stopped being the greatest in continental Europe in 1870. Since then, they maintained position as one of the great powers, but not the greatest. The world wars and decolonization clearly marked a decline in power, but Britain and Germany experienced declines that were just as great in the same period so they're relative position didn't really change much except vis a vis the United States and the Soviet Union
Dien Bien Phu
They're still one
Wtf Austriahungary was never number one in Europe, even if it was it wouldn't have been for long, Germany was definitely the supreme country in pre-ww1 Europe, the austrohungarians and Franz Joseph were actually frustrated because they had to rely on Germany so much for protection against the Russians
Is the other half China and America?
Look at all the non-superpowers
1830, July revolution, fall of the Bourbons.
"A true great power" =/= "THE great world power
>Wtf Austriahungary was never number one in Europe
A good thing you don't need to be number 1 to be a great power then
>Canada regional power
fucking kek we are an American puppet state in all but name
Canada is the 3rd most powerful country in North America though (after the USA and France)
Since most of Europe was mimicing France from early middle ages to the end of napoleonics, I'd say yes.
For the thread subject, it never did. Unless your definition of a Great power is superpower, France still Is a Great power. That's literally a fact that takes ten seconds and two neurons to find out.
Depending on your definition of GP, anywhere between the 7 years war and the Suez Crisis
>all these answers that aren't World War 2
Stupid Americans.
>not ww1
Stupid anglocuck.
ww2 destroyed all european countries status as great powers
see: decolonization
They are still a great power
> Very influential in the EU
> Very influential in former colonies
> Large, multinational coorporations that span the world
> Nuclear power
> Nuclear weapons
> Aircraft and helicopter carriers
> Domestic military industry
WW2 was an oopsie, people underestimate the French too much these days
The revolution didn't atheise society. Some "tried" but it met fierce resistance from everyone (hence the Vendée).
Now if you are going to call separation of church of state atheism then you're a really dumb fuck.
France failed at the Franco Prussian war. That was the beginning of the end.
They're about as powerful as Britain nowdays
The thing is that the gap between America, China, Russia and France/Britain is so large that even though they come right after those mentioned above, these two countryies don't really look like Great Powers
France and Britain could beat China and Russia easily in a worldwide conflict. The only thing the russians and chinese have for them is that it's impossible to invade and/or control their lands. They have no power projection whatsoever. The chinks last month were celebrating having their navy around Taiwan ffs.
You realize Russia is behind the UK and France in pretty much every regard yes?
France is still a great power.
>> Very influential in the EU
>> Very influential in former colonies
>> Large, multinational coorporations that span the world
So does Switzerland and the Netherlands
>> Nuclear power
>> Nuclear weapons
Not that special any more
>> Aircraft and helicopter carriers
They have 1, Italy has 2
>> Domestic military industry
Not that special
t. deluded bongs and frogs
This is something people never seem to appreciate. People who put Russia and China in the same category as the U.S have absolutely no idea how militarily powerful these countries actually are.
Well, it doesn't really matter, since the US would side with the UK and France on nearly any conflict, and BTFO Russia, China, and India.
Russia has less than half the GDP of either of the UK or France.
The only reason they are slightly higher than them in that global firepower rankings is a massive arsenal of old tanks.
Russia has 15,000 shitty old tanks that wouldn't be able to stand against even Britain's 407 new ones. This isn't World War 2 where 3 shitty tanks could beat 1 good one.
So much.
>MUH they will destroy ISIS in a matter of weeks, the muricans weren't able to achieve shit.
The reality now is that the russian bombing isn't more effective than the coalition one. Russians allies in the Region (Syrien Armed Forces mostly) are completely depleted and without Russian life support they aren't worth jackshit. Assad loses territory once the Russians aren't providing Support in the region.
Russias and to a smaller degree Chinas capabilities are vastly overblown.
>Naval assets:
>Russia: Its decent. On the same technological level the US-Airforce was in 1990/1991.
>China: No expert here. From what i read its decent but nothing to shiny.
>Russia: Tons of old arsenals. Struggling to introduce state of the art domestically produced stuff (which is still inferior to western systems). Corruption, decay and mistreatment of recruits are seriously hampering army effectivity outside of elite formations. Performance in the Chechen-Wars indicates that Soviet strategics and tactics were largely kept without having the numbers to perform them against serious opponents.
>China: Largest Army in the World. If we view at the budget (and the available knowledge) it becomes appearant that most of the formations are neither equiped nor trained to modern standards. Lots of militia like units,lots of light infantry etc.
>Russia: Despite showcasing its supposed new strenght Russian asymmetric strategy in Ukraine etc. shows the limitations of Russia. Neither the public oppinion nor the true military power of the country allows for more than very limited interventions outside of the own strategic sphere(Syria) or somewhat larger operations inside of it. Even inside of Russias Sphere operations are somewhat limited by several factors. Local help, low-quality and outgunned opponents and succesfull deception to name some. Success against a contemporary armed,well trained and lead opponents is doubtful at best.
But, user, Putin is shirtless and a real leader and also Russia is a brave traditional society, not like the limp-wristed homos in Europe/America.
>China: With the economic growth slowing it remains to be seen how and if the expansion of the armed forces will continue.
>The Realpolitik fleet in being approach to claims in the Pacific region indicates a clear grasp on the limitations China has.
>tl, dr: Niqqa, Russia and China are lightyears away from the US.
>If compared to France and Britain both posses more quality and opportunity.
>Like for real niqqa. Russia is fucking decaying from the inside, if we assume the US and all of its asses vanish GB still would have Germany, Italy, South Korea and Japan. Russia and China have North Korea and Tajikistan (slightly exaggerating but you get my drift niqqa).
>Russia: Corrupt society riddled with violence and organized crime. Drug and alcohol abuse are rampant. You need to have a camera in your car to produce Video evidence because the legal System is so shitty.
>The west: Some bearded Lady won the Eurovision and gays can marry in the US.
/pol/: Hahahahhaa their traditionalist morals are so superior that their society will just crush the west.
why would India go out of it's way to fight a war?
Because when playing HoI modern Day scenario India sides with the Shanghai Pact to make it more interesting. So instead of even trying to grasp geopolitics i create a cool power wank.
but HOI allows you to draw lines and walk your way to victory.
HoI IV has loads of potential in my view.
The A.I is terrible and there are at least another 4 expansions needed to introduce key features and making the old ones work but damn it has potential.
MP against an evenly matched opponent or interesting mods like Kaiserreich are really nice.
I don't know why UK is considered a great power before the seven years war.
They had a tiny colonial empire compared to everyone, was military weak, economically weak, not a lot inhabited...
Are you trying to learn something?
Or do you want us to say what you want to hear?
I think France lose their status as a true great power thanks to capitalism.
Never. Even today they are still the sixth largest economy in the world, one of the top 10 militaries in the world, one of the 6 recognized nuclear powers, and one of the five main members of the UNSC. Also are one of the few nations with any form of expeditionary warfare capability.
fucking LOL
belgium and the netherlands are about 20x more siginificant than them
also >egypt, israel, turkey not regional powers
come on
How is it that South Korea is considered a regional power when surrounded by nothing but Great Powers, but the best of all of Africa is Middle Power
Arguably in the Cold War. They lost it definitely when they lost Indochina. Their loss in WW2 didn't really harm them that much because they mostly stayed out of it, but benefited from the Marshall Plan afterward that gave them a huge economic boost.
>implying the french havent become a strictly european continental power after the suez crisis
it is done, son
i would actually argue France still holds a special place as a great power for being the most touristic nation. It still has influence, although its economic and military purpose is definitely dimmer than the other great powers'.
They are still in the top eight great powers but if they don't prestigespam soon they'll drop into secondary powers.
but they haven't, what the fuck
France is involved right now in Mali, Syria, Djibouti, and other countires I can't be bothered to search
>although its economic and military purpose is definitely dimmer than the other great powers'.
Depends which
French military is on par with British one and superior to Japanese and German ones
The only three great powers to be above France militarily are America, China and Russia
They still control half of Africa and constantly intervene there, user.
>on par with British one
When was the last time the British actually fought in a war? Falklands?
After napoleon, everything started going downhill
>superior to German ones
...user the Germans conquered all of Europe with an army smaller than the Frenches last time. The French have not improved since then.
They spearheaded interventions in Mali and Libya and are still hanging around there. In addition to exercising softer power throughout much of Africa.
Right now in Iraq and Syria. See Operation Shader.
For full on conventional wars, the Gulf War and the 2003 invasion of Iraq.