Were there any other Soviet generals as good as Zhukov?
Were there any other Soviet generals as good as Zhukov?
Stalin himself.
Who do you think was directing the armies when everyone else was getting fucked over by him?
Alexander Vasilevsky and Konstantin Rokossovsky
> Pros:
Great leadership, bold.
Author of deep-battle theories, which the Soviet Union finally decided to try in the end of ww2. Total success (Manchuria)
Based enough to say to Stalin to go fuck himself
Looks autistic
> Cons:
Got fucking purged
Didnt gave a shit about human live (Crushed Kronstadt rebellion)
Hated poles which are bro-tier
Shit, I forgot pic
>Zhukov thread
>No funny memes
You disappoint me Veeky Forums
Battle of Rzhev was commandeered by Stalin
Stalin was in charge of Moscow operations, Zhukov was in charge of the Stalingrad front
Didn't he really fuck up in the Polish war?
are you having a seizure?
Good at what? Genociding Russians?
Can someone explain how great this guy is other than he had the largest zerg rush in the history under his command
>zerg rushes
>after '41
Post discarded
I'd also add Vasily Chuikov to that list since he was a master at urban warfare.
jesus pierce brosnan really let himself go
>Georgy "a few thousand dead russians a day keep the german divisions at bay" Zhukov
would you rather follow a grizzled veteran into battle or a fruity numale
Ask Liechtenstein
he's a meme here because every now and then there's a thread where people make up Zhukov quotes to ridicule the 'soviet human wave' meme
I didn't write the book! Go argue with David Glantz you autist.
>"Every night I pick a good strong looking lad, a young, inexperienced soldier. I take him back to my tent and reveal my gun to him and devour him whole. He feeds this insatiable hunger. He becomes fodder for my cannon." - Zhukov
>"I will personally destroy the Russian peoples." -Zhukov
>"The dead bodies of our fallen will lay out a red carpet for our glorious leader Stalin to march toward victory" - Zhukov
>"Berlin delenda est." -Georgi "Cato" Zhukov
>"When they come into machine gun fire, our soldiers march exactly as if it was not there." - Zhukov
>"Don't worry comrade Stalin, we have more men than the Germans have bullets."- Zhukov
>"Sometimes people ask for proof, but that usually just means they're guilty" - Beria
>"I shall unite the Russian people under one graveyard" - Zhukov
>"I already reported 300,000 casualties to STAVKA. Quick, send two divisions across German minefield!"-Zhukov
>"Operation Mars was t-totally a diversion for Uranus, you believe me, r-right g-g-guys??" - Georgy "Just Fuck My Shit Up" Zhukov
>"We shall die on the beaches, we shall die on the landing grounds, we shall die in the fields and in the streets, we die fight in the hills; we shall never survive" -Zhukov
>"If I had a kopek for every young man I sent to a certain, early death, I would be denounced as a kulak and sent to gulag." -Zhukov
>"They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I'm not supposed to believe in hell, but i do know the road to Moscow is paved with dead Russians." - Zhukov
>"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun." -Zhukov
>"Rifle is a luxury, and it's not like our soldiers could hit anything with it."-Zhukov
>"I don't care if you lost half your men. Lose the other half. Lose yourself." - Zhukov
>"Do, or die. There is no "try"." -Zhukov
>"The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as the greatest or most significant or most influential rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved." - Zhukov
>"Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking your own armies without fighting." -- Georgy Zhukov, The Art of War.
>"The average adult male has about 1,000 mg of stored iron in the body, whereas the average female has only about 300 mg. I extracted these traces of metal from the corpses of our own men, Each one of these medals took scores of Russian corpses to produce. My only regret is I could not melt down and wear every Russian man, woman, and child on my uniform." -Zhukov
He captured documents with polish orders but decited that it was a provocation