>you missed RRD
>you missed BITB
>you missed DGB
>you missed XVG
>you missed MOON
You aren't going to fucking miss HTML5 too are you?
>you missed RRD
>you missed BITB
>you missed DGB
>you missed XVG
>you missed MOON
You aren't going to fucking miss HTML5 too are you?
>missed RDD
only partly
>missed BITB
Ok yeah I'm floored they got their mooning
>missed DGB
Nope I'm strapped in. From 300 sats though so nothing too great
>missed XVG
Don't care. Shitcoin.
>Missed Moon
Bought in at 1, sold at 3, anyone going higher is fucking insane but good for them.
HTML5 is shit. Wow it's another mooncoin. Still shit. I will pass.
What's the deal with HTML5 on YoBit? Literally empty space. Is YoBit using the wrong blockchain?
HTML5 was a failed, hacked coin or something. It's complete garbage, far, far worse than moon coin.
This thing is the equivalent of you spending a few hours making your own shitcoin and shilling it here the same day. That's how bad it is.
>HTML5 is shit. Wow it's another mooncoin. Still shit. I will pass.
not dumping 100 dollars of your gainz on this.
literally throwing free money at something that can skyrocket for literally nothing. if you lose 100 dollars who fucking cares it was free money anyway.
>if you make money, you lose
It's somewhat active on Bleutrade, but not on YoBit. So I wonder if there are some blockchain issues there.
I believe in you, you beautiful Bean.
They told you you couldnt soar, that you weren't exciting enough, but who else is such a beautiful human Bean like you? Who else cares so much about their users that they have a telephone support line? Only You.
You are too good for them. All they care about is flashy gimmicks, but you,
Oh Youuu! aren't abashed at being who You Are. A solid Coin.
oh btw. i forgot. its soaring on bittrex. 320 satoshi right now.