Sia up 44 % and you shut up about it ??
Sia up 44 % and you shut up about it ??
>tfw I have 4.1 million sia.
wallet maintenance on two exchanges
ah well in for 130k at
tfw bought at 650
>tfw bought at $0.001
Same same.. how long does that take to resolve? Haven't experienced it before.
you better sell soon
Good time to buy?
Thanks for buying my bags mate
I bought in @675 so I think you'll be alright.
better buy SJCX. much better potential.
i maxed out my weekly buy on coinbase.
Yeah, I sold it too soon for meme daytrade coins but bought back in at 550. Once it clears that 650 and then 700 wall, though, 550 will still be low.
shawquan wilkinson pls go
Bought in at 550 waiting for DGB 2.0. Happily selling at 1800 sats
That wall is melting
going up right now
Yes it is didn't realize when I bought mine ... Check it 448 sat
annnnnnnnnnnnnd it's gone
We moon now.
Word on the street is that Amazon is going to buy Sia
Holy fuck you guys piss me off... stop pumping this shit so hard.. let it grow 10-20% per day..
What street, specifically?
I've been accumulating this for a couple weeks now. God damn this feels good
WHY is everyone buying this and not mining?
>tfw 6x 1070 rig
>dual mining ETH/SC
>not making as much as I could on ETH mining, but it's a good 'savings' coin
>just under 2ETH/month
SC to just $1 and I'll make 3.8million :'^)
Whats the potential of this coin?
Doubt it. More like 10-20 cent.
There are to many coins in circulation for it to hit $1
>eth on nvidia
I think it could easily hit $1 if this actually takes on AWS, Dropbox, Google Drive... like the creators want it to. This is one of the few crypto coins that actually has some utility besides tokens.
It has the potential of hitting $1 or more if many businesses start using the service.
>OC/UV rating of 29MH/s with ~100watt pull
why do people keep falling for the AMDeme?
>keep buying $150 cards for $300 rather than buying a better card for $20 more
Is Poloniex wallet still broken? I want to withdraw my coins to safety of the real wallet.
moon mission imminent
It's because its a direct competitor to Amazon S3 cloud hosting that would be significantly cheaper for both users and in hosting costs than Amazon S3 hosting currently is. From a business perspective, if SIA becomes enough of a challenge it would be much cheaper for Amazon to simply aquire the coin than fight it, especially if they like it's tech.
That's the hope of many tech startups; start something small, make something bigger, then sell out for MAD MONEY. I'm not a fan of Amazon, as I miss all the bookstores, but the ramifications of Amazon aquiring Sia shoudl be obvious.
if ya can't beat them, join them
bought at 623 and 596 earlier. should I buy more?
Look at the chart, see that steady rise? guess what happens next? I'd buy more If I had some spare BTC.
Siacoin literally has the greatest potential in terms of market cap out of any crypto I know, it is STILL unbelievably undervalued right now
650 is the first sell wall and are almost pushed through it. The next major wall is 700. Once we break through that it should be pretty moon, especially when wallets go back out of maintenance and people flock to it.
Aside from that tech potential and the bollinger band squeeze we're leaving showing likely breakout, Sia is one of the few major potential coins that hasn't truly mooned yet. It seems like each one is getting their turn, with Sia coming up now.
So yeah, long answer short, I would buy now or forever hodl your feels.
I'm long on Saicoin and BLOCK they both offer unique tech and they have an active, professional development team
>minebox reveal today (tomorrow? can't recall exactly)
>rumored partnership with HP
>some meme tweet about SAP + SIA
>huge potential in consumer and enterprise markets
>large update next week
when the wallets come out of maintenance this will fucking ROCKET.
>tfw HODLING ~4mil total
sia 672 on polo.
is the wallet issue the reason for lower price on bittrex?
I'm just glad they have trading open on bittrex again.. it wasn't trading yesterday/last night
*breathes in*
just got in planning to hodl, is it too late?
mid-long term
never too late to invest but you won't even be able to afford the cab to the rocket
when to sell the peak and buy the dip?
buy high sell low
Nope it's conservatively estimated to break 800 sats tonight though you may be one of the last ones on the rocket
just got in at 645 with half of my BTC, that business potential , volume and low value means one thing - whales have been accumulating and probably more than I've ever seen with altcoins
are there any seats next to a window left? wanna watch Earth as we're leaving
shieet I only got 60k of these should i sell some STRAT for it???
I'm kinda anxious about using polo now. All of those people complaining about how they've been waiting weeks just for admins to respond to their support tickets about all of their money disappearing.
Pretty worrying
just use Bittrex
By who? Source?
I'm holding my life's savings in SC and I think that's BS. No source == FUD.
Never had any issue since april
And I worried too, like crazy
have 320.000 digitalnotes XDN
should i sell half for SIA?
AM serious
if you can handle the potential few-day long dip to 500? sure
SIA is destined to explode
I did post about how sia will surge based on several indicators several hours ago, no one actually listened to me lol.
did they close sia on bittrex again?
What's wrong with this coin, why is it always disabled? Does it have tech issues?
Yes, you should!
Last time i checked
my average is like 240sats and still have 120K
I will wait. If the whole maintenance isn't a huge fuck up I will buy whatever the weak faggots sell on the next dip to reach 200k and let it rest to consume later down the road
The Sia wallet has a transaction pool. Transactions are put in the pool and sent to miners, and then miners use the pool to pick transactions to put into blocks. When we created the transaction pool, there was some issue that prevented us from making a large transaction pool - it started having significant performance issues once the pool got to something like 2mb in size (the size of one block). Rather than fix the issues, we capped the size of the pool to 2mb and decided we would fix it later, once we had more users. This decision was made more than 2 years ago, and we did not expect to hit the block size limit as fast as we did. Bitcoin for example did not start to have problems with full blocks until a few years ago.
The recent huge spike in price brought a lot of attention to Sia. It also meant that there was enough activity to occasionally fill blocks. This of course was more than the transaction pool could handle, and so transactions started getting thrown away instead of making it onto the blockchain.
The very first thing we did to fix the issue was provide a way for users and exchanges to rebroadcast their transactions. If transactions aren't making it onto the blockchain, it's usually because the transaction pools are full. After a new block appears, the transaction pools will be empty again, and the transactions can be re-broadcast (this doesn't happen automatically). We expect this to fix most of the problems.
The above solutions are short term solutions that allow Poloniex and other exchanges to improve their withdraw rate even when the transaction pools are not able to handle lots of volume.
We're also working on upgrading the transaction pool to handle more volume, and to more correctly deal with transactions that get pulled off of the blockchain during a reorg. These fixes will be deployed in our next release.
Buying more soon, need to hodl since this is one out of three actually viable coins around right now.