Why is killing bad?

Why is killing bad?

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"There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?" - Woody Allen


Stop posting this thread mods ik it's you

first world problems.png

If everyone just killed people whenever they felt like it, society would stop functioning.

t. I just watched dexter

The Persians outvie all other barbarians in the horrid cruelty of their punishments, employing tortures that are peculiarly terrible and long-drawn, namely the ‘boats’ and sewing men up in raw hides. But what is meant by the ‘boats,’ I must now explain for the benefit of less well informed readers. Two boats are joined together one on top of the other, with holes cut in them in such a way that the victim’s head, hands, and feet only are left outside. Within these boats the man to be punished is placed lying on his back, and the boats then nailed together with bolts. Next they pour a mixture of milk and honey into the wretched man's mouth, till he is filled to the point of nausea, smearing his face, feet, and arms with the same mixture, and so leave him exposed to the sun. This is repeated every day, the effect being that flies, wasps, and bees, attracted by the sweetness, settle on his face and all such parts of him as project outside the boats, and miserably torment and sting the wretched man. Moreover his belly, distended as it is with milk and honey, throws off liquid excrements, and these putrefying breed swarms of worms, intestinal and of all sorts. Thus the victim lying in the boats, his flesh rotting away in his own filth and devoured by worms, dies a lingering and horrible death.

—Zonaras, Annals


Killing is bad because of what it is plain and simple but if you are arguing why it's historically punishing

I'll throw it out there for discussion.

But could ancient society like in Mesopotamia where civilization "started" have a huge factor?

>eye for an eye
>life for a life


in the big scheme of things there's nothing wrong with killing

Sure, some people might be sad and angry as a result, but they'll soon be dead too

Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.

Because societies that operate on "killing is good" don't last very long.

Because no one likes it if someone they know, especially close to themselves, dies. And if you are the one that makes them die, then you cause them emotional distress. That said, killing someone no one cares about is not a bad thing. So, killing the OP is ok in this situation.

It's part of being a living thing
Everything kills, animals kill, bugs kill, bacterias kill, even some plants kill
Every human being has killing several times (even unawarely), our society just happen to decide other humans are the one thing you can't kill because it would be chaos otherwise, but empirically, killing a human or a bacteria is the same

>but empirically, killing a human or a bacteria is the same
How is that empirical, your mouth sustains 20,000,000 bacteria.

“There are 20 billion bacteria in your mouth and they reproduce every five hours. If you go 24 hours without brushing, those 20 billion become 100 billion!”

Do you want to be killed?

its considered bad because the weak changed the world so they dont have to fear the strong. thus paperwork and meaningless laws and punishments were constructed so that a man who has built his life off of morals and values of a warrior, could be betrayed and killed by more "civilized" people. because its more humane to make an example of one than to challenge him as an equal and let fate/nature determine the outcome as all things in evolution and nature have.


I don't wanna get murdered, and widespread murder is not conductive to a prosperous society.

Killing is not objectively wrong, and different societies have different rules for when killing is acceptable. Many societies accept much more killing than ours without collapsing.

Killing is an act of mercy

You haven't grilled the knife yet. Heat it 1000 degrees.

Killing is necessarily wrong, unjustified killing is, e.g murder.

isn't necessarily*

Why do you think killing is bad?

All killing is justified, unless the killer is in a state where they is not a moral agent. In other words, murder is impossible.

>All killing is justified
The peace with which you seem to think so reminds me of Camus' Stranger.
Anyways, why do you think so?

Either you kill for a reason, which is another word for justification, or, if you don't kill for a reason, you were out of your mind, weren't really present at all, and you aren't a moral agent, which is the second requirement for murder.

People may disagree with your reason, but as long as you have one, it's a justification.

There are justifications and then there are legitimate justifications.

Nobody gives a shit about justifications. We care about legitimate justifications.

It is literally one of the ways in which we define bad. It is the line in the sand by which we identify good and evil, at its most basic level.

whys that a bad thing?

>muh strong, virtuos that can face any obstacle, warrior;
>gets beaten by betas invoking red tape, depite him being on top;
Tell me more about these strong cucks.

It's a thing many people don't want to happen for a variety of reasons, so they do what they can to prevent it.

Define bad.

wow, really makes you think

for what reason

It depends in the point of view of each person, and for society and those who want to live in a society is bad because killing is one of the things that destroys society, but if you don't care/want for society killing would be neutral/good/bad depending on your poin of view and motives, so hypothetically we have a mighty Conan that wants to rule everything and kill those who don't want to knee, killing is going to be good for the mighty Conan to become the ruler, or more mundane example we have a nomad that wants to stay nomad if someone taxes that nomad he is going to have to kill him because the taxer wants to destroy the lifestyle that he has chosen and wants, so killing is good.

Ergo killing is good/neutral/bad objectively and in an absolute universal natural way of seeing it, what determines the outcome is the people/group of people if it is good/neutral/bad.

thanks for reading

>It depends in the point of view of each person, and for society and those who want to live in a society is bad because killing is one of the things that destroys society, but if you don't care/want for society killing would be neutral/good/bad depending on your poin of view and motives, so hypothetically we have a mighty Conan that wants to rule everything and kill those who don't want to knee, killing is going to be good for the mighty Conan to become the ruler, or more mundane example we have a nomad that wants to stay nomad if someone taxes that nomad he is going to have to kill him because the taxer wants to destroy the lifestyle that he has chosen and wants, so killing is good.
>Ergo killing is good/neutral/bad objectively and in an absolute universal natural way of seeing it, what determines the outcome is the people/group of people if it is good/neutral/bad.
>thanks for reading

Because societies that let killing happen don't survive and get replaced by societies that don't let killing happen.

And well obviously if you are the one that is going to be murdered you are going to see killing as something bad because many have a survival instinct(it's natural let's say), unless you are suicidal you are going see the killing and the murderer as good.

so it comes to the same, the beholder choses if it is good/bad/neutral

People die when they are killed.

>society gives your mother welfare checks and protects you as a kid
>"the weak should fear the strong"
>get arrested by someone stronger
>a few months later

If everyone was killed it wouldn't really matter anymore.

It isn't?