Pic related, and Protestantism as a whole movement is also a strong contender
ITT: Liars that have severely warped people's understanding of history
To be fair, I'm not sure if he's a liar or just an idiot, but his inaccurate military history is inexplicably embedded in the popular consciousness.
Platoon is horrible.jfk isn't that bad a movie
JFK is fine in terms of movie making, but it popularized conspiracy bullshit. His "Untold History of the United States" is also pure drivel, Howard Zinn regurgitation with specks of literal Stalinist propaganda
name ONE (1) THING he lied about
Is this meant to shit on his US history doc? Because I've had friends recommend it to me and it doesn't look all that bad.
I would add Dan Rather, John McCain and John Kerry to the list of people who warped the US view of the Vietnam war.
If it makes /pol/ mad
It can't be half bad?
Not sure about continental Protestantism, but British Protestantism became a blend of White English Nationalism confirmed by religious theology.
English Protestantism is a degenerate lying piece of trash.
this guy here
Catholics are Nazis who say they aint
Nazis who condone and encourage brown people reproducing like rabbits?
Olimemer Stone is literally a Jew so lying and communist sympathies is in his nature.
No picture due to being at work but Zinn is hopefully burning in hell for the damage he's done to the concept of American history. So obsessed with the idea of countering traditional narratives that he would twist and distort whatever he could and draw from as small a pool or resources as possible to get his message out. Yet people treat his word as gospel.
All the war proved was that Americans don't want to go to war unless the enemy starts it, and if they're forced to go to war otherwise they'll naturally resist, and no amount of individual blame will distract from that fact. Face it, the US was doomed to fail in Vietnam no matter what.
>t. papist
What the fuck does Oliver Stone have to do with Belton Cooper?
Literally nothing wrong with protestantism
All I said was that Protestants were also big agenda>facts liars that warped popular understanding of history, even persisted into Whig history despite the religion dying.
German Catholics voted almost entirely against them.