Everything mooning

>Everything mooning
>Market cap for crypto is now 95 billion, was about 20 billion maybe a month ago
>I have only tripled my starting investment (2k to 6k)
>Calculate net worth: still only about 30k
What the fuck is wrong with me? This fucking sucks I want to become rich. Am I just fucking up? No memes I'm sad now cause even when crypto markets are good I'm still fucking 30k net worth poor.

Why the fuck am I still 30k net worth? I need more...

Am I the only one who gets depressed calculating my net worth when it's under 1 mil?

What am I doing wrong? I'm not even rich yet and it's been months what the fuck guys??!!

Can't wait until the crypto bubble pops. This is the worst mania I've ever seen. Nothing but greed and speculation.

You only 3x in months? Im 10x in like 2 weeks bud. Maybe stock to the day job, it's not for everyone.

yo you are richer than 95% of americans who are severely in debt with loans. Not only that but you are richer than 99.99% of people on earth.

You are fine just stick with it.

Post proof

Trying to learn day trading. I'm only $151.39 up on a $533.17 investment. A measley 28.4% after a week. You're doing fine.

Fucking how?
I don't understand.

I own ETH, DGB, GNT, RDD, XRP, BURST, BAT, BCN, MNE, and a bunch more. I've had plenty of moon missions but as for my entire portfolio it's only tripled.

I'm fucking jealous how the fuck do you guys manage to get 10x? Do I just have to go all in on one coin what is this?

how do you know this

Pic related.

not enough, this makes me retire or i will kms

I tried to learn day-trading too with crypto but now I'm seeing that if I had just held and waited til now, in most cases it would have gone up. I sold too early too often.

I understand getting 5x on a shitcoin you threw some money in on but how the fuck do you people get 10x+ on your entire portfolio in like 2 weeks? ETH is superb but even ETH wasn't that fast.

if you want higher gains, don't diversify. it comes at the cost of increased risk though.

also stop complaining about 3x return. 3x is insane

Gee, I wish I had 30K OP.

I don't even have 3K gain :(

I just want to get to that sweet 100k mark to be honest. But either a miracle has to happen to my whole portfolio or I have to keep wagecucking for 2 more years to get there. And even then it's only fucking 100k, wheras some people on here say started with 2k a few months ago, same as me, and are now surfing around 500k.

What the fuck?!

You're greedy. It's too late to become a millionaire unless you invest a substantial amount of capital. I'm talking $50,000+.

3x on 2k is a measly 6k though.

I just keep thinking "all I had to do was put it all on some useless shitcoin like bitbean when I first heard about it" or some shit and I'd literally be able to retire right now. My life would be over. And it's right in front of me and keeps being right in front of me.

But then when I actually guy in to something it stays stagnant for a while and then when it does go up it's only like 30-40%.

3x IS insane. I did 2x this week with some casual risk management. It is all insane, so don't get worked up if its not working for you. There are people just PND, and somebody is gonna lose when people do that. But on the flip side there are also a lot of good coins to invest in.

You did 2x in a week see? I've been doing this since April. Something HAS to be wrong with me.
Just gotta double my portfolio 7.5 times right? Just 7.5 moon missions, why is this so goddamn hard?

Maybe I am just too diversified. That has to be it...

no you are just a flying whiny fucking faggot.

Yeah fuckhead quit complaining.
If you strat isnt working, change it, or are you retarded.

And be FUCKING happy with the returns.
Like the other user said 3x is already crazy.
Banks give u 0.3% interest YEARLY in my country.


also keep in mind that 99% of people in Veeky Forums are lying about their gains op

unless you see actual proof of transactions, assume theyre just part of the shilling game. shilling isnt limited to "buy x coin now!"....it's also about creating a general feeling that investing in shitcoins when theyre low is a good idea. if you buy into the "i made 10x in 2 weeks!" meme youre more likely to buy whatever worthless coin might be shilled next week in hopes that youll get rich too.

id wager that the majority of people here are probably more like 20-30% gains over weeks, and not because theyre expert traders...just because thats how a lot of coins are trending right now and were all riding them together.

I made 10x in 2 weeks

Really? I'm looking at some shitcoins and thinking "if only I'd put a few hundred on this, I could have 100k+ right now" and it kind of hurts because I'm literally wasting my life at my job when all it takes is one good trade like that to secure me for life.

>if only I'd put a few hundred on this, I could have 100k+ right now

hindsight is 20/20 and thats true for literally any market in the whole world. the only reason it seems more attainable with crypto is because the market is fresh and because you have more in common with the anons shilling it than you do with investment bankers and traders working with regular fiat

if look at the normal fiat markets for the last 30 days you can see all the places where youd have made huge gains too...so why isnt it just as easy as throwing money at it and waiting? ill let you figure that out.

Certainly there will be a correction but no way is this a bubble now, institutions are invested and no one trusts fiat anymore and the economy is likely to enter recession soon.

Banks TAKE money from you in mine.

Are you Japanese? Why not keep your money in a safe? Or rather, put it all in crypto?

>believing anything on the internet especially regarding money.