There must be losers in all of this, who is losing money out of this crypto nonsense, I've 20x my investment in a month. Who have I taken money from? It doesn't seem to be anybody on this board anyway
There must be losers in all of this, who is losing money out of this crypto nonsense, I've 20x my investment in a month...
The losers will be all those who entered during the peak of the bubble.
Crypto is in a massive bubble right now. The crash will be apocalyptic. A lot of redditors and NEETs will suicide.
How do you make 20x your investment?
Do you buy what people tell you to buy on Veeky Forums?
Do you use technical analysis and find gems?
I'm starting and I want to know how to make big gains
Please be true.
Literally millions flooding into these coins who've been around since 2014. Where is this money coming from? I think it's the influx of normies who bought btc, eth, which made the long time holders really rich, and they are doing this with new markets.
Hands of steel and patience. Look for shilling threads.
Try out Mooncoin
If we are lucky hopefully the value comes out of gold etc and other things may have been keeping as "reserve" currencies.
Also, some of the stuff (looking at ETH mostly) may actually be genuinely useful. In which case new value may have simply be generated from zero you zero-summist you. It is possible, thats how capitalism/technology works. Earth has exactly the same amount of resources it had during the stone age, and we have been reconfiguring its matter to more "valuable" stuff ever since.
If we are unlucky it is a huge bubble and someone said it will come out of those who will buy at the peak of the bubble.
>I've 20x my investment in a month. Who have I taken money from?
You can't be serious.
Unless you cashed out you havent gained fuck all, just because the price of the coin is going up doesnt mean you've taken anything from anyone.
MFW I was making 20 dollars a day(todays money) mining in 2014, and stopped because I got distracted. Then lost a portfolio I had in cryptsy. Feeling like I fucked up Good.
When a crash comes keep buying and pay attention. this point btc is too big to have a massive crash. too many people are willing to buy cheaper BTC.
>Sell alt to btc
>Sell btc on localbitcoins/coinbase/whatever
Is it seriously that hard for you? I personally cashed out my initial input + some more cash for a new phone and some other bullshit. If btc is crashing you can just change into usd tether.
It's still not too late
The only person you took money from was the one who bought your coins.
Is that too hard for you?
You took money from the boomers who are going to invest in 'virtual currency' funds in late 2018 that are going to initially rise by 1000% and then crash to 0
We are here OP, the shills and braggers just drown us out.
When they are done pumping and have left us to baghold they go back to shilling and bury anyone who tries to speak out.
But I learned a lesson each time. Kinda early to say, but I think by the end, I might be able to say it was worth it. For every success you have to remember, you might not have done if you made that mistake before.
The losers will be the boomers and jews once their FIAT modern banking ponzi scheme comes crashing down.
How does selling on localbitcoins work?
lost aprox 500$ since started. I'm up 7000$ so I don't give a shit. Seems more than acceptable.
Read a lot of anons here buying on ATH and losing all their money, some of those 100~500 and then some "big players" 2~5 grand.
Luck, pure and sheer luck. Get early on coins that are 10 sats and just wait til it goes up to 200 sats and boom you have 20x gains. If you think every single time you enter you will get 20x your initial investment you are a retard and you will be with all the other fuckheads that are fueling my gains and others.
Never buy on ATH. Never. Learn to read the graphs, don't be a greedy fuck. Some user was shilling MUSIC yesterday and I had some gains I took from Sia, even though it wasn't a huge dip and wasn't cheap I bought 10000 and set orders to sell everything when it went up to 1420. Made without even looking at it an extra 100$ that now I used to buy more XEM. Now, rinse and repeat and do it as much as you can and you will never lose.
Haven't used it but I believe the site provides escrow so you send BTC to LBTC then they release the money once your BTC is confirmed in your wallet
im not a finance expert, but someone said the market cap for crypto was 28.9 billion in april, and now its shot up to like 98.5 billion? like thats just crazy. something has to happen soon, either it gets regulated and our gains are going to diminish greatly because the government wants a cut, or the bubble pops and everyone gets out. it cant keep growing at this rate
I'm not going in full retard and I don't expect 20x profits
I've made 100% my money in one month which was also my first
I think it's a good start
I don't think the bubble can burst, since there's a limited supply of the coins, as opposed to something like tulips, printed money, or houses. If anything the total market cap is just going to go higher, especially when boomer money hasn't even hit it.
As for government regulation, it's bound to happen, but the wheels of government tend to be slow so you probably won't see any real laws until 2019 at the earliest. Not to mention that they don't really get it. Even if that does happen, crypto trading will be an extremely hard task to regulate.
could the government order all exchanges to freeze everyones crypto gains until they are able to pas laws or some shit? no right?
Couldn't it also fuck over early investors if they don't sell before the bubble pops? Need to cash out at some point.
The money you earn comes from new money coming in. Just look at total market caps. They are growing. That's where your gains come from. So just normies trying to jump in the game is all. Throw your ethics out the window and start Lambo shopping
that's great user. I got fucked over PIVX and being an idiot and buying XRP near ATH. Got past the "crash" without huge losses because I didn't panic sell anything.
>boomer money
that will pay for more than one lambo and house around here.
the moment it's a rumour, everyone will try to withdraw and it will crash.
I feel safe not leaving more than 4BTC on a exchange.
thre is no room for ethics while riding through the wasteland while gambling on imaginary money
>you will never lose
Until the bubble bursts. What will you do then?
The government could do whatever they want, but I doubt they would do that. Some states in the US don't allow crypto exchanges because they're considered financial exchanges, meaning that they would normally have to pay the state government a piece of the pie. But I live in Washington and use Bittrex so it doesn't really matter
>Never buy ATH
Thank you that's what I always say to people on here but nobody fucking listens. They retort with
Or some retarded answer like that
>mfw I entered during the peak of the bubble, lost 50% of my investment, HODL and now I'm back at almost 200%
Hmmmm.... how can I profit from this?
At least you don't do that stupid holding shit and take your gains out to reinvest
those who buy from your profit taking are investing in the possibility of another moon. you reaped the reward of your gamble. they may or may not. you're thinking with perfect hindsight
Jews are in crypto: ripple, zcash are theirs.
so far my goal for the next couple of months is keep it steady. If I get lucky with one of the coins I won't complain but I rather go doubling small investments than trying to hit the jackpot every single time
local bitcoin was charging 2700-2800 for a BTC when I looked last night. Jewboy Please