Why did Germans choose Argentina as their second home?
Why did Germans choose Argentina as their second home?
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They chose America as a second home.
Because South America is notoriously nazi-friendly.
because argentina is _____!
Pope who smuggled them out of Europe had strongholds there, and could protect them.
Perón was a Naziboo.
Pretty much everyone back then were pro-Mussolini
Pic related
Because Argentina was one of the wealthiest countries in the world, had a Constitutional mandate to encourage European immigration, stable democratic institutions and freedom of religion.
It wasn't just Germans, but millions of Italians, Spaniards, Polish, Anglos, French, Welsh, Irish, Russians, Jews and even some Swiss and Scandinavians. Most numerous were the Italians and Spaniards however, particularly after the 1920s.
In the early 20th century for millions of European emigrants it was a coin toss on whether they would end up in New York or Buenos Aires.
If you are referring specifically to the post-war period many Nazis ended up there because the Peron government was friendly to them and there was already a vibrant German community.
Despite common belief however most of these German Argentines were extremely liberal and included many Jews and opponents of the Nazis. The Nazis that went there had to do so in secret.
Because it was the only African nation yet uncolonized.
>Asiatic Russia as a major destination in 1870-1890
can someone explain this?
burger education everyone
Tsarist colonization ventures
Only Russians went there though.
Americans also liked Nazis
The lack of white people seemed lie an insult to the Nazis. Argentina needed white people, too many negros.
Argentina is white
Unfunny meme is unfunny
Does this make Argentina white?
solidarity with another nation cosplaying as white
Yes it's a settler society
Both the natives and Spanish colonial population were very small relative to the immigrants.
500 thousand population at independence with an influx of 7 million Europeans.
Because South America is the utopia of every populist and demagogue.
Argentina was richer than Europe at that time
Ironic how South America turned into a giant shithole after WW2.
Blame the eternal American
I didn't know Peron was an American agent.
Argentina is alright, I've been there
A shadow of what it was, sure, but still a nice place to live.
The rest of South America was always a shithole, except for Uruguay and Cuba which were also quite wealthy
It's interesting to imagine what the world would have looked like if Argentina had jointed the Allies and kept its Canada-like economic trajectory.
What would such a world look like?
I imagine a Spanish speaking, democratic, free market mini-USA at the bottom of the world would have a positive impact across South America.
Although maybe we'd see Brazil becoming more anti-American as a result of having a NATO ally right on its doorstep.
The war in Europe would have been won much sooner, Argentina had a huge navy, a modern airforce and could have fielded a large expeditionary force, maybe to Southern Italy or Northern France, like the Canadians.
Argentina remaining neutral was already a historical anomaly, the main export market was the UK and Argentina had a vested interest in the British surviving the war. All the democratic Argentine politicians of the 1940s lobbied hard for entry into Allies, one President had to resign from sudden blindness from diabetes right as he was about to propose joining the Allies as a non-beligerent (1940), and another was removed by a coup precisely because he was about to join the Allies formally as a belligerent (1943).
The coup ended 70 years of continued constitutional rule and Argentina's 65-year-old traditional alliance with Britain and pro-British foreign policy.
The same as it is now except there would be one more rich country
Said the negro.
Yeah, sure. A walk into Buenos Aires and you get your shoes with more dog shit and rude Jews than in a combination of Isreal and Mexico.
Fucking argies.
>High human development
What foolish criteria does "human development" involve?
"High Human Development" is third world tier. You can find the likes of Brazil and Russia and Kazakhstan in there.
"Very High Human Development" is where it's at... you can find most of Europe, Japan, South Korea, the UAE, Israel, Canada, USA, Taiwan, Argentina, Chile, Australia and New Zealand at that level
It's just the name that's misleading.
"High Human Development" should actually be called medium. "Very High Human Development" should be called high.
Every time I read "Perón" I end up reading "Perdón"
Is he trying to tell us something?
>saudi arabia dark blue
It depends on your definition. Genetic studies of argentine population show that 54% of mitochondrial DNA is native american. But roughly 95% of Y chromosome DNA is european.
This basically mean that most argentine look european but at least half of them have native american ancestors (women) who married european male settlers.
Also arab population is usually underestimated. Argentines don't have many native americans or mestizo but most of their oil skinned people are or arab blood. Mostly catholics from Syria and Lebanon.
That's just one study out of a dozen though. Another one done in 2001 found only 15% with Native American ancestry.
So those would be the extreme "high" and "low" values, the average is about 70% unmixed white Europeans, that is US-tier whites not Brazil-tier "whites".
That guy is gonna catch a cold.
>le we liked uncle Hitler back then, we were Nazi and shit
Everybody liked the Germans and Italians during the 30's
>told the international banks to fuck off
>reconstructed shitty/destroyed countries
>promoted national unity
>invested and helped other countries (mostly Germany)
Then they started fucking with everybody in Europe, started a war and killed millions.
Everybody here was very German friendly, they financed a lot of public works and sport - social clubs, then they asked us to take citizenship away from Jews, Poles, Arabs (there were not even fucking Arabs here), they asked for free land for tons of German immigrants, tried to intervene in the elections, and so on and on.
>So on and on
t.Slavoj Žižek