This is gonna be so big

This is gonna be so big...
Bancor is collaborating with:

>Token Card.

This project is gonna take over the ethereum token space.
Dont say Veeky Forums never gives good advice.

Bancor website:

That's why whales are gonna gobble up all the ICO tokens and us freedom fags(usa residents) cant even get in early.

I am a natural citizen of the United States of America. How the fuck do I buy in right now with USD..

ICO details should be announced later today. I'm hyped.

that shit is going to be bought out even faster than BAT

but atleast bancor is still worth buying when it hits the exchanges tho

can someone redpill me on the Bancor ICO? is it worth buying when it hits the exchanges or is it too late to make any considerable gains?

I wont be able to get it till it hits exchanges. What exchange will be first and when?

You can still buy token card before it moons

liqui is usually one of the earliest ones.

The news were on May 2. Didn't even move from there.

I don't think that's a good sing. Whales would be all over it after the news.