I'm thinking of investing in altcoins since the bitcoin window is already closed.
But then I realized that most altcoins such as Monero are mainly means for paying inside darknet. Are altcoins really just for criminals? I'm asking this seriously, since I want to know what I'm investing in before I do it. I don't want any part of currency that exists solely to finance the CP industry.
musicoin, for example, is for artists, very progressive coin i must say
Austin Sanchez
Which coins should I avoid if I want to stay clear of darknet/deepweb coins?
Monery is rising in value, that's for sure, but it's mostly used in darknet.
Jacob Price
well I don't really know many coins, not been around that long. but i have been told mooncoin (moon) is going to get big, very big. also it's detached from darknet, it permits "smart likes" between users.
Joshua Nguyen
I'm thinking of investing in:
>STEEM aka attention whore money
>Litecoin aka butthurt little brother of Bitcoin
>Ethereum aka bankers' attempt at taking over bitcoin
>Ripple aka sleazy attempt at trying to calm down bankers in a cryptocoin society
>Dubaicoin aka butthurt oilsheiks who would've wanted to be the top players in bitcoin but couldn't see its potential 5 years ago
I still have no idea why Dogecoin, PEPECASH and other jokecoins exist. Just why.
Matthew Roberts
>bitcoin window is already closed
wtf are you talking about?
Liam Green
Mooncoin if you want to make a lot of money with little risk. Volunteer discord a lot of people are coming together: discord.gg/5dDQGT
Nolan Martin
It's already $2.500 per coin. Too expensive.
Shoulda bought when it was $250
Xavier Fisher
seriously, your bitcoin at 2.50ยข is mooncoin
Nicholas Carter
MOON has been around since 2013 but that's pretty much the only thing it has going for it.
Likes will never be monetized, and if they will, STEEM has a complete social media network set up for it.