Redpill me on BAT

Redpill me on BAT

Shitcoin or no?

Decent team, a lot of dev work already done, it has dipped past ICO, hasn't hit major exchanges yet so it's still going up

Cons is that it's speculative as we have no idea if it will take off for its actual purpose

>it has dipped past ICO
No it hasn't, it has stayed AT LEAST 4x the ICO price

calling something created by the creator of javascript a "shitcoin"

lmao. BAT is gonna be the most valuable token on ethereum

Lol. Do some research Basic Attention Token is NOT a shitcoin.

Question answered.

Nice answer fuckstick

Huh, my bad, mixed it up with another coin in my mind. Other points stand tho.

It's a long term hold. You won't be making any good money off of it for at least a year. Up to you but during this time you can invest in short term pumps instead to actually make money.

To answer your question the BAT project is currently hypothetical only and they haven't begun development.

Don't forget that the team also has Marshal Rose. Co-inventor on SNMP. but non of you faggots even know what that is.

Brave browser is running. It's a decent browser that will get better with time. BAT integration is being worked on

Every single website uses Javascript, BAT has the creator of javascript and an actual company and product behind it. But go and invest in mooncoin and bitbean f you wish

>has dipped past ICO
>I'm still up 7x
>No major exchanges yet
>Is on Bittrex
Did you just roll in from Stupidtown or...?

>implying bittrex is a major exchange

Now you'll tell me that a yobit is a top tier exchange where serious outside investors hang out.

>No major exchanges yet
>Is on Bittrex

...yes, it's on no major exchange yet. prepare to get dumped on.

Poloniex, Gdax, and Bittrex are all major exchanges dumbass. Please lurk more.

>The Top 100 holders collectively own 95.48% (1,432,203,016.00 Tokens) of BAT


Sold all my BAT for VTR.

What a fucking retard


Thanks for posting this, definitely not buying now

I know that I chuckle in a meeting everytime someone says the word "traps,"

i don't understand how this makes it a shitcoin.

It doesn't make it a shitcoin, but it does mean that those whales are going to dump it and manipulate the price constantly