>Start day-trading with my entire stack
>Don't know what I'm doing, trying to follow momentum
>Lose thousands on every trade
lost $3000 USD from the few trades I've done since last night
>Start day-trading with my entire stack
>Don't know what I'm doing, trying to follow momentum
>Lose thousands on every trade
lost $3000 USD from the few trades I've done since last night
Other urls found in this thread:
you only lose if you sell, moron.
how does it feel that EVERYONE ELSE is gaining money and you are the only loser here?
someone has to loose or no one can win, you are doing gods work user, doge bless
dump all your money into a few coins near the top of the front page on bittrexx. then turn the computer off and walk away. thats all you have to do friend. surely you are capable of this.
> trying to follow momentum
You find the trade range and buy low sell high. You don't want momentum, you want it to stay within the meme triangle/flag so it predictable.
not a zero sum gain retard
feels bad
hope this is sarcasm
Thanks I'm realizing this
you need to be ahead of the momentum, not follow.
>lost 3000 since last night
>Literally everything has gone up like 50+% since last night
What in the fuck are you trading user? like what the FUCK?
fuck dude and here i am having gone 10x on a fucking meme simply because i bought and held
If you dont know what your doing, then why the hell are you doing like you know how. You dont understand the market yet your doing short lived trades that will slowly eat away at your fat stacks. Ffs i started off with 500, i am at 2000. If only i had your financial headstart.
I was only joking, don't feel bad :3
don't d*ytrade until you're experienced, just hold
wow you are a complete moron if you are actually taking realized losses in something as volatile as crypto within the span of fucking 24 hours. what the fuck are you actually thinking? if one of your trades goes bad just fucking wait, it will probably be back where it was. unless you bought a shitcoin pump and dump at the all the time high.
>Start day-trading
>Don't know what I'm doing
>Lose thousands
"""day trader""" is just a term for degenerate gambler.
I know what u feel. I have the same problem, i lose my money too.
I remember when I first started and bought DASH at $100 only to sell a few days later at $50. Looking at DASH price now I see I was fucking retarded. OP has much to learn.
Keep calm and think about it as learning fee. Everyone has to pay it - most of us pay less, some (like you) pay more. It happens, dont let the feels get through you.
Feels are bad. Period.
Search for advise.
Take a little amount of about $100 and try again.
Get the feeling of the market.
Tiny little steps, pal. Then you will succeed.
This too. I lost about $400 before I figured out what the hell I was doing. Now that's pocket change compared to what I make in this market now.
>"""day trader""" is just a term for degenerate gambler.
Long term "investing" in cryptocurrency is more akin to gambling than proper day trading.
"Investing" = Betting on a coin like you bet on a horse.
"Day trading" = repeatedly exploiting a predictable inefficiency in the market.
Wasn't this suppose to be free money? What happened to all the shills trying to push the idea that this is a once in a lifetime investment?
> catch the crypto train before the normies get wiser to it hurr hurr
If you need to learn one lesson in this game is this:
dude. how. just how. its almost impossible to lose money as long as you dont panic sell or buy the shittiest of the shitcoins. kys
It's intuitive to think that but it's layman's logic. The only thing that matters is whether your coin will continue up or down, and whether other coins are more likely to go up. You should switch position based on that prediction (factoring in exchange costs), and not wait to recoup losses. This is the theory anyway, it is objectively true. I admit I'm shit at it though.
Thanks. Yeah I have to forget about it.
So like 55 out of about 64 poloniex markets have a positive 24h change, yet you manage to lose thousands. Maybe things involving numbers just aren't for you XD
Listen, I've already made gains from value investing/hodling. How do you think I'm losing so much from day trades? (my stack)
Buy on fundamentals and FUCKING HODL. Theres a reason they call trading a zero sum game
Best thing you can do OP is buy on fundamentals when you see an excellent entry point through technical analysis AND when you hear that it's about to moon from Veeky Forums.
>but that's too perfect to really happen
Happens like once a week on here. That's where you buy in for steady, comfy gains. Still excellent gains mind you.
>mfw I made the stupid decision to buy mooncoin and it STILL making me thousands of dollars.
it's disturbing how much you are trying to not admit you're a degenerate gambler.
he's saying markets aren't a zero-sum game.
>mfw I've done nothing but daytrading for a month and I'm up over 800%
inb4 "degenerate gambler ta is a meme blahblah"
Started moving back into my longer term holds now though.
wew phams anyone have any decent sources to learn how to daytrade and about investing in general?
Learnt a few things myself past few days... Hodl anything
>day gambling
Kek, that shit dont works in stocks what the fuck is wrong with you op?
There's your problem. Just invest in some shitcoins that get shilled here and wait a month. You can call it "month-trading" and you will up 2x-100x depending on luck.
This is the truth, if your hands are weak you should not put on heavy gloves.
Can you trust those kraken individuals with your ID and bank statement?
I'm fed up with looking for places were you can buy bitcoin, this shouldn't be this much of a hassle to be able to buy some internet shekels.
Can you explain what exactly you're doing and what coins you did it with OP?
I want to help
NO you fucking idiot, you hold your fucking coins until they are worth more than you purchased them for. THATS. IT.
People who are actually making money are not selling at a fucking loss. If you are scared of an outright crash to the point where you are selling at a loss in UNDER 24 HRS, you need to gtfo of crypto NOW or stop buying at the top of fucking bubbles.
you call this sarcasm?
Where is your brain?
You only lose when you go short. Don't sell while the going is good, and I need to turn off my computer. Daaamn son...
I bought ETH at 98+ and sold for SC when it was 688 sats. I'm hopeless at this.
I hear you. Thought it'd be as easy as providing a credit card number. Haven't sent anything past tier 2 on Kraken, but was verified in a secure fashion (Equifax)
on QuadrigaCX.
ATMs near me want 20%+ fees. Canada is hard times.
You bought ETH at 98?
yeah when it was at the top yesterday, it had been on an uptrend for a while. I was planning to hold
Do you not have friends you can just buy coins from? I got in to the market by buying redd from a friend
You still need to spread your ass to get out.
This. Just learn to hold, OP, and to buy at proper times.
You have to be beyond fucking retarded to lose your initial investment in this market
Like, how the actual fuck are you this dumb?
put 10 bitcoin in VTR and you'll break the sell wall and put it to 16k sats. Guaranteed profit.
Buddy... trade with very small amounts until you figure out what the heck you're doing. Common sense
I know that feel OP
Daytrading is hardcore work and I only end up losing.
Spent all Saturday trading and got caught holding bags and bags of DGB and SC at a loss.
My top tip - DON'T daytrade with large amounts - Keep the majority of your capital in long term holdings and only allocate maybe 10-20% for daytrading
I bet you bought @5000 sats you idiot kekeke
never sell on lose retard just do not sell, bag hold if you gave too
I was holding Sia for the longest time but when it started to moon I got all excited and dumped even more into it
>mfw bought at 710
Can someone explain the meme triangle for dummies?
Should I hold Sia right now?
>following trends and momentum
Do you even Movement Analysis? Or Fibonacci? Or Bollinger Bands?
Those are some power tools for day traders. don't go jump into the fray without them. Learn them, use them wisely, and you'll minimize the risks significantly.
never day trade your entire stack. 80% should be btc or eth. the 20% is for shit coins
I saw how DGB and SC mooned and wanted to multiply my stack
Thanks. I read up on those afterwards, was a little too late
i know that feel. i thought of selling all my eth for dgb. next time dont fall for the FOMO- fear of missing out
Also read this:
It's a bot shilling thread, but the OP has some useful tips for trading.
Better luck next time.
Must add
Dont risk +2% of that 20% in a day and +6% in the month
>dump all your money into a few coins near the top of the front page on bittrexx.
>yfw he sorts it by percentage gain ascending