What do you want, Veeky Forums?
I can't decide what I'm having
Other urls found in this thread:
>people actually think Donald Trump is anything close to a fascist
>freedom from degeneracy
aka stop liking what I don't like? Wtf even is degeneracy, and why is it a bad thing? I don't want the government in my bedroom.
>bringing up Donald Trump when nothing in OP mentions him
Nice one champ, I've got a few windmills if you want to tilt with them
Someone post the "When the Nazi party outlawed classical music they didn't like" image
>rampant sexism
>religion and government intertwined
>labor power suppressed
>disdain for intellectuals and the arts
>any elections at all whatsoever
Gee golly, these folks sure know their history.
Women being mothers is sexism in the left's eyes, they view wombs as shackles.
>rejecting weakness
It's funny because fascists, now and in the past, are mostly manlet betas.
>its a 'Fascism kiddies claim you can't define fascism despite widely accepted definitions of fascism' episode
Not going to tune in tonight, thanks tho
Thanks, just what I was thinking of
literally nothing wrong with that
pic related
Fascism is the fucking horoscope of politics, you write down whatever vague, banal shit you want, and when it inevitably "happens" get to shout that you were right.
No TRUE fascist would do *activity that discredits fascism as a form of government*.
Heheheh, guess I win again, kid.
Mendelssohn and Mahler were banned because they were jews.
Can't find any source saying Debussy was though.
He's right to imply they were a whole fucking lot better than Mozart and Bach though.
Bach and Mozart were shitters.
'No true fascist would do something which the fascists weren't actually associated with in any way.'
Is the better way to put it.
>>disdain for intellectuals and the arts
This one could be correct in Nazi Germany's case if one is to believe Mies van der Rohe and his Bauhaus buttbuddies.
Why is fascism so sensible? Has it ever really been tried?
Fascism is the Communism of rightwingers.
>contrarian meme
>Has it ever really been tried?
Don't imitate communists.
Yes it has.
Which definition of Fascism? The Dictionary definition, where it's an authoritarian nationalist government? The when from the fourth Comintern, where its "Everything to our right?" The colloquial definition, anything a Democrat doesn't like?
Say it's the traditional one about a nationalist, authoritarian ruler. Who's definition of that? Mosley's? Franco's? Salazar's? Mussolini's? Fucking Father Coughlin?
Do we count National Socialists? Remember, Mussolini explicitly labeled himself a National Socialist when getting reinstalled to power, not a fascist. The creator of the movement says there's a difference, but you could well disagree, and many definitions do.
Turns out that when the one defining theme of an "intellectual" movement is a desire not to conform to international norms, it's really fucking hard to paint it with broad strokes.
Just saying that everyone from the classical era was a fucking hack, bud.
It's true.
Patricians only listen to the romantics.
I'll have the disdain for (pseudo) intellectuals as usual ;)
everything after baroque was shit
You're shit.
>Bach and Mozart were shitters.
The composers you cited and pretty much every other would disagree. Your opinions are like that of a child eating dirt and praising it.
>literally nothing wrong with that
You mean aside from the fact literally every decision they made just highlighted the fact they didn't know dick shit about classical music?
Yeah well I'm sure they feel pretty stupid now that they realize I've proved them wrong.
All these things existed in every society before the 20th century, OP should hang himself.
>Rejection of weakness
Says the faggots that lost the war and were pounded into submission by the Communist.
The army was defeated. The ideology lives on.
>pounded into submission by the Communist.
The communists sent an invasion force larger than the entire population of Finland and yet still couldn't take their clay.
The soviets had numbers and nothing else.
The U.S. fought on two fronts and still contributed more than those squatting assholes.
>The U.S.
>fighting a war on their home soil with their entire industrial base in danger of being taken/destroyed
>suffering 20M+ casualties
yeah no, Soviets had it much rougher than the U.S. and their contribution to the war is just as important as the western allies.
Democrats are the Fascists, behind all the propaganda, they do realize this, right?
I'm sorry, I don't understand how internal conflict and leadership purges is supposed to illustrate the strength of the great Soviet Nation.
They were fucking garbage and their contributions were garbage.
Losing 20+ million casualties is not helpful.
This makes me sick. Reductionism is a terrible disease of the mind and a sign of intellectual laziness or cowardice or both.
Delete this.
Right now.
Veeky Forums in a nutshell.
Oh yeah? Fighting the bulk of the Wehrmacht is not helpful?
If Citadel had succeeded and the soviets sued for peace the western allies would have been in deep trouble and probably would have delayed the end of the war
Hate the fact that History is considered a liberal art. You have no idea how many lefty college age people claim this. Thanks god i trained myself not to laugh at stupidity before I started my higher education or else i would have busted a gut by now
>Oh yeah? Fighting the bulk of the Wehrmacht is not helpful?
Not when you are losing your own people at a ratio of near 2:1 and all of the equipment we give you while you're fucking at it.
And sure IF citadel was successful, sure. BUT IT FUCKING WASN'T, NOW, WAS IT?
>The communists sent an invasion force larger than the entire population of Finland and yet still couldn't take their clay.
excuse me, but I think you should look at a map of pre ww2 finland and modern finland
What would you call it?
Tell me how losing millions well equipped soldiers with comparatively sophisticated bombers and tanks to a bunch of drunk assholes in the snow with logs and molotovs for Karelia and a bit of Western Finland isn't a huge fucking victory for the Finns.
What would I call what?
Looks like Islam is fascist according to this chart
Why do leftards insist on importing it in the West again?
Soviets did the best they could with what they had, they were lucky to save the industry and move it to the urals, and yes stalin fucked up hard by purging the officer corp, but they made up for this with sheer will and determination to drive the german horde back.
>drunk assholes
>not superior motti tactics
come on now user, give the finns credit, they bullied the red army with what they had
That is racist.
>Soviets did the best they could with what they had,
>and yes stalin fucked up hard by purging the officer corp
Which is it? Soviet command was a fucking disaster and it nearly lost them the war because Stalin was a little bitch who couldn't govern a country properly to save his life.
>but they made up for this with sheer will and determination* to drive the german horde back.
*sheer manpower and zerg rushing
>come on now user, give the finns credit, they bullied the red army with what they had
I'll give them credit for creativity, especially with the skis.
completely wrong and could easy apply to the china's communism party.
“Fascism is a set of ideologies and practices that seeks to place the nation, defined in exclusive biological, cultural and/or historical terms above all sources of loyalty and to create a mobilized national community”
Oh shit feedback loop.
I like that Fascism is so misused there is a Wikipedia article on it's meaning.
As soon as I hear someone use it I know they are an idiot.