Which one was a bigger traitor to his countrymen?
Which one was a bigger traitor to his countrymen?
Probably Mao for the mass destruction of his country's cultural artifacts
Mao for not dying sooner
Mao no contest. Stalin actually revived some old Russian traditions, Mao shit on Chinese culture.
Probably Mao
>inb4 retarded tankies/sinoboos
Mao was a shit leader but actually thought he was helping, I'm not so sure about Stalin.
mao for sure. now if you pit him against lenin that'd be a hard choice.
Totally Mao
>Stalin was 5'4"
>Mao was 5'11"
Good work pencil-comrades, you don't go to the gulag today.
>revived some old Russian traditions
that was zhukov
Mao was incompetent.
No, Stalin was a russiaboo, its a reason why Lenin distrusted him
Mao. At least Stalin beat back the nazis.
Mao just overthrew a decent country and then led it into starvation and mass murder to the point where his successor said "fuck communism, lets just be capitalist"
mao was a big guy (4u) for someone coming from a chink peasant background
Stalin turned an agrarian feudal backwater into a military-industrial superpower in the span of 20 years and beat the nazis
(L)mao retardedly killed all the country's intellectuals, turned all the farms into pig-iron smelters starving the entire country, and literally encouraged his own people to revolt against his own government whenever the felt like it leading to mass bands of edgy teenage Red Guards reeking havock every weekend and utterly destroying the country's productive capabilities, which should be a hard thing to do given the mass potential china's geography and population gave them.
this isn't even satire, that's literally what happened
>obama fucked up the country
i despise king nigger but let's be real, he was mediocre at worst. on the same level as castro is a meme
>ROC under Chiang
>decent country
Nope, Stalin.
He was mediocre because the Republicans blocked him in Congress from destroying his country even further.
Imagine if he actually could pass half his decisions through, this country would literally be on par with a shitty cancer African country.
Stalin was 5'6, and there's no way Mao was 5'11. Nixon was 5'11, and just look at them.
>if your not for one you must be for the other
ebin memes chong
though t b h taiwan is a better place than mainland china now
Didn't Mao feel like they went to far in a few places and asked for a halt during cultural revolution?
Mao. Atleast Stalin actually delivered when it came to rapid industralization.
The Russian tradition of dying en masse.
they literally did nothing wrong, not even memeing
You mean the guy who helped end wide scale mafia control and restored a country after communism collapsed?
He's nowhere near LBJ or Carter and if you think so you're retarded.
Also, Park is nowhere on the list whatsoever.
Stalin was pragmatic and transformed the USSR from a backwards agrarian shithole into a global superpower.
Mao was retarded and hated sparrows.
>Ferderick II
who made this needs to be culled
Also why were dictators such manlets
>decent country
>Mainland China
I hope you're not implying the one was ever going to be as easily developed as the other
this. He made me drop the democratic party and their recent behavoir has made me never like them again with their cuck shit.
Is there a similar one for good leaders?
yeah, just look at the state of the economy
t. Ronald Reagan
Please explain.
Stalin because he was ashamed of being Georgian
Stalin, because he collaborated with fascists.
He was even guillible enough to trust a German word. This naivity had cost Russia millions of lifes.
Mao didn't execute all of his competent generals as well as the competition which following Mao's death would later transform China into the powerhouse it is today.
He quickly said it was a regret before he died and he just left ayy lmao.
Also Mao is worse. At least Stalin didn't irreversibly destroy his culture.
>this honestly
I'm not sure if Mao was just retarded or if Stalin got completely lucky with dragging the Soviet Union out of the shit. Actually on second thought Mao was definitely retarded
>mass bands of edgy teenage Red Guards reeking havock every weekend
Basically what happened
Maoism: revolt against your own family, class, society, roles- revolt against everything and only trust the state! Yay destruction!
The autistic cousin of Communism (which is already very autistic)
>a decent country
If you literally don't know shit about what you're talking about, shut up.
Absolutely Mao. He killed more of his own people and destroyed traditional culture.
>Also why were dictators such manlets
Manlet rage.
fucking checked
Considering the pre-revolution trajectory of Russian industrialization, all Stalin had to do was not be a fucking retard.
I think it has to be Mao. Stalin had his faults, but Mao actively sought to destroy literally thousands of years' worth of Chinese artifacts, architecture, and literature. He unironically erased a significant chunk of human history forever.
>Napoleon III destroyed his country on the same level as Hitler
Fucking what.
Stalin's "industrialization" is highly overrated. I agree with this user right here: Russia was industrializing at an extraordinary pace prior to WWI thanks to British, French, American, and even German (in that order) investment. It was well on its way to eclipsing Germany and Britain as the world's second-largest industrial power*. The German leadership realized this. This is part of the reason why they were so eager to knock out Russia while they still could. Russia would have been able to crush them, on its pre-1914 trajectory, within a decade.
Stalin did well to bring Russia back on track, but in the end, all he did was bring them back on track. Russia would have become an industrial superpower with or without the Soviets. This is a huge part of why World War I began in the first place. The Germans were not willing to accept a world in which Moscow could dictate their affairs (I don't blame them for this, btw, but still). Had Tsarist Russia been left to its own devices, had WWI never happened, had Russia's top officers not been petty fools, had the Germans not sent in Lenin to organize the Bolshevik intellectuals to brutally assassinate the Tsars....Tsarist Russia would have dominated Europe. Trotsky and Lenin merely delayed that process.
*I include both nations as "second" because Germany was ahead in terms of its metropole, while Britain was ahead in terms of its whole empire, both had fallen behind the US by 1910 either way.
Right? It's ridiculous how much hate Napoleon III gets. Did he make two very poor decisions (not intervening in the Austro-Prussian War, then starting a war with Prussia in 1870)? Yes. But at the same time, he was ultimately trapped by the economic damage done to France by the Napoleonic Wars. If France had grown at the same pace as Britain and Germany after the Napoleonic Wars, it would currently have a population of 170 million people. It would have been, and would still be, the dominant power in Western/Central Europe, rivaled only by the Russians.
Napoleon III was doomed by the French demographic collapse caused by the Napoleonic Wars (seriously, compare French population growth before 1800 to population growth after it, it's a mind-boggling decline) as well as the absurd reparations France was forced to pay after 1815, crippling its economy and preventing it from starting its own industrial revolution until it was far too late. Napoleon III was an idealistic, doomed man, struggling vainly against the demographic/economic tide that had long since doomed France into global irrelevancy.
They both understood that the idea of 'countrymen' was just a thought pushed by the bourgeois to divide the world. They truly saw the international nature of the exploitation of capital and wanted to change that.
>They both understood that the idea of 'countrymen' was just a thought pushed by the bourgeois to divide the world.
I disagree. They both understood how easily the common man could be manipulated, by nationalism and by classism. And they cleverly and brutally exploited both things to their continued political advantage.
They had no interest in changing international exploitation of capital, they slaughtered the good men who did care, and neither of them had any problem brutally plundering smaller neighboring states. Both were interested in restoring their personal vision of the "rightful place" of their respective nations in the world, as well as their own personal grip on power.
Stalin and Mao were possibly the worst thing to happen to Marxism. They twisted it, ruined it, took a giant piss all over it, in the pursuit of their own selfish nationalist ideals.
Chavez should be moved to "destroyed their country" tier to be honest.
looks like American propaganda.