Show us how much you gained or lost,
so we can judge your shitty memecoin choices.
Show us how much you gained or lost,
so we can judge your shitty memecoin choices.
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started with like 600 euros but in btc and bought some eth later on with it. looking to trade on bittrex from now on to get in on the meemcoins
started with $500 on May 18th, my goal is to have 10 gs by end of June
Just started last month so not sure if I'm in a position to rate anyone
>Show us...
>so we can...
Implying there are many in this shitfolio.
Oh boy, you cant judge shit.
Enjoy the rally.
3 days from 800
It's okay
Started with $2000 about a week ago.
I had originally put 70% of that capital into LTC, it was moving way too slow for me so I reinvested that into most DGB, SC and RDD.
Those are some mad gains.
Do you think them gains are still possible if you invest today?
Not the biggest fan of XRP but nice.
How do you screenshot the whole list?
Started with 1BTC ($1200 at the time) + $2700.
P.S. Sorry, WindowsPhoneFag here, only excel from me
me neither but it was low and I've made money with it, so I treat it like the ugly girl who blows me, she can stay until I cum then bye bye.
Started with $8500 originally and made $6500. Put in another $2k on ARK and I'm hoping this dumb thing moons some day.
Nodigibyters on suicide watch.
Show coins
How can I buy any of these (specifically XRP) if I don't even have enough money to buy 1 bitcoin? Do any of these trades let you buy partial bitcoins?
Started with £100 2 weeks ago. Added another £900 on Friday. I'm making gains but it's slow. Idk if I should sell the RDD/XVG and try day trading a lil
My 24hr change thingy doesn't work, not sure what I did wrong
Holyfuckson welcome to lamboland.
Also how long a fucking phone do you have you degenerate?
Started at just shy of $550 on May 26. Fuck my shit up, senpai.
I literally only have DGB, I also fell for the moon meme but that started picking up traction so im HODLing.
Always HODL solid coins friendo.
Never let go. Go to moon by 2018.
Did you really need those 1.94BAT?
I mean if it moons you'll regret even more that if you did not buy
That was an accident. Was gonna sell half my STRAT and buy something like 13k BAT. Realized that may not be a smart move. Didn't cancel in time, and I can't sell an amount of BAT that small so it's stuck.
Nobyters blown the FUCK out
t. started with 4k
Take out some gains and put it into BAT
This way you don't want to kill yourself by the end of next week.
I've got .34 ETH coming in tonight on Coinbase I can throw at it. I don't think we'll see a moon mission, but I don't mind holding for a week or two.
too many shitcoins ?
Not really. But take some XAUR, SYS and PPC and reinvest it into Zencash
funny that you mention it.... i just sold zencash a couple minutes ago and reinvestet in xdn
Started on May 17 and got some BTC, ETH, and LTC. Just got a poloniex account yesterday and exchanged my BTC for XMR and SC.
I did too but my shit is stagnant, any tips for a fucker like me?
>only buying Veeky Forums shill coins
the absolute madman!
Just downloaded Blockfolio but I am too retarded to make it work. Do I just go into "holdings" and add a "buy transaction" for the amount of coins I got and the price I bought them for?
Just my opinion but you may find your money better invested elsewhere. I held a large part of my portfolio in LTC but managed to make better profits with cheaper coins.
I just feel like you need larger sums to make decent money off the more established coins.
With that being said, I like LTC, its solid and I cant see it dropping.
most of your gains from xrp? when did you get in?
I love lunyr concept.
i hope you get rich then die immediately after via freak accident
ark fuck yeah, youre gonna make some fooking moolah brah
did I dun goofed?
A little much in XVG I think, get some ZEN or BAT
Yeah, exactly that.
Is Vanguard as retard proof as it gets? I have 25k USD to invest. Also, what's a reasonable ROI to expect? I don't want to use more than 5 minutes of my day to manage shit.
Been using a google spreedsheet - just installed Blockfolio and added my portfolio.
5000$ in capital thru January (stupid coinbase and ETH rising). Managed to have 300 ETH - fucked out 100 ETH on stupid trades, and sold 100 ETH at 55$ because I'm an idiot.
24 change is wrong, it's more like 500 bucks, blockfolio gets confused when I delete and add trades.
wtf is this
he clearly bought an iphone 10, because he can afford it
But STRAT is okay I guess?
Will look into ZEN.
t. newcoiner
Started at 2680 two weeks ago boiiii
Does this board only consist of fucking crypto currencies?
HODL STRAT long and you'll be in lamboland.
t. permapoorfag
Pls lambo next week
Started about a month ago, have 10.8k of my own capital here that I've been slowly adding so about 7k profit.
I hope you bought all those coins before they mooned. Especially XVG
$15 to $1500 with bitbean
You're like a baby. My cousin entered with only $2k and now he's sitting on $20k+.
Fuck you mean
What's your exit strategy?
I don't know. Might wait for another moon then hold as btc
Good plan friendo.
My own plan is to be 40%btc 40%eth and 20% shitcoins for the longhaul.
>buy whatever is being shilled on biz
It's literally this easy
What does hold even mean, HOW LONG AM I SUPPOSED TO HOLD.
How likely do you think is another XVG moon?
Whales have access to the finer things in life, including long phones that compensate for tiny penises.
1 week to 3 years depending on what you're in.
What's zen?
This is for long term hodling
What other coins show I diversify into?
>TLDR; a thing you should invest in.
Something which is almost at 1k btc volume on Bittrex.
I don't need this money so I'll take the risk. No clue if it will moon again.
Started with 1k in May, just all in on RDD
Nice buy
Made 4,5k out of 700 and then created this aggressive, speculative portfolio. Either a lambo or a bicycle.
newfag to Veeky Forums here, I didn't want to make a new thread so I'll ask here:
which exchange do you use if you're Canadian? Coinbase doesn't let Canadians sell
In a few days got .02 great stuff
Use it to buy/sell Eth or BTC for CAD. Then send to wallets on Polo and Bittrex for alts.
thanks user, I'll check it out
is this real? how much liquid assets do you have outside crypto? also, do you keep your shit in cold-storage? i wouldn't trust an exchange with that
is coinbase safe?
Not from the IRS
I'm a euro
5 pittential moonings, im ready
No BAT :(