>talking to friends about bitcoin
>They all think its class A bullshit
>Show them my gains
>They get extremely offensive
>"I invested in air"
>"I can't cash out"
>"Its a scam"
>"Itll crash"
When wil nocoiners stop coping?
>talking to friends about bitcoin
>They all think its class A bullshit
>Show them my gains
>They get extremely offensive
>"I invested in air"
>"I can't cash out"
>"Its a scam"
>"Itll crash"
When wil nocoiners stop coping?
Other urls found in this thread:
Just laugh in their faces when 1 btc can buy you a mansion in the hills.
They'll remember how you invested in "air"
I used to be that guy until i visited Veeky Forums and i was bullied until i saw the truth
You need to learn how to work with normies.
>Workout a lot and get jacked
>"Wow user, how did you get so ripped?"
>Lie and tell them it's just genetics and I do some pushups everyday
>Have a house/car paid off, always have disposable income
>"How can you afford all this"
>Just tell them I made some smart investments that paid off.
This is the correct way to deal with normals m8. You have to feed them bullshit because they will get defensive if you tell them something that conflicts with their worldview or draws attention tot heir insecurities.
Sheeple gonna graze.
Probably when you cash out and prove it with cold, hard cash.
What country?
In Finland you're pretty much a wonderkid if you've invested in it.
You behave like normies but since you're retarded normies you will blow your gains for retarded stuff like cars and and other deprecating items.
are you me?
> early morning, check my bittrex orders as usual
> stockcuck sees my bittrex screen and BTC stuff then starts taking about how BTC is a scam and it does not have a future, bla bla bla
> show my blockfolio gains
> "right, user, I want to see you exchange that for fiat and buy anything with it"
> mfw when I don't even dream of exchanging my crypto for fiat
Dude, no, you don't show others your gains.. hat's like the first 2 rules.
I've talked with a friend yesterday and all I said was "yeah, I trade altcoins lately and it's looks good right now" then I told him a little about Bitcoin and he seemed interested.
That's it, that's the max I will tell anyone anymore. There's another friend who was thinking about buying Bitcoin and I told him I can help with buying but I won't trade for him and I can't guarantee that it won't crash in a day.
It's okay to talk about crypto with close friends but never talk about how many you have or how much you made. Don't put a target on yourself.
>me not do english
never made grammar mistakes like that, sorry lol
i mean it will crash someday...but that day probably isn't even remotely near. This has at least 5-10 more years before it hits the dot com nuclear crash...and even when it does it won't go away lol. cryptos have some uses
fuck she looks strong
i'd let her hold my bags
the opposite happened with my friends they jumped on board within a few weeks
Hot af but I'd wonder all day what traumas she experienced that she wants to look like this.
STOP telling people unless you want your gains to vanish in the near future
solid advice right here.
youre insane. we have like maybe 6 months to a year left of these sorts of gains.
It won't keep going full speed like this for long. It will likely have a rally, correction, then go sideways for a while, rally, correction, sideways etc.
However I remeber 2015, 2016 even though the general trend was bearish and money was flowing out of crypto there were still loads of shitcoins getting 100% everyday.
OP, don't be a faggot
>do not talk to your friends about bitcoin or any shitcoin ever
>never ever show your gains to any normie
>if people don't ask, just don't tell. Stop trying to sell the idea, it will hit them hard and fast later on.
Yep, are you me?
Exactly what I do. Only tell my very close friend how much I made when I was hammered but for the rest, I tell no one.
When people find out you make money, they will either treat you different or want in on that shit resulting in treating you different because I would say "can't help you there m8".
I wonder what traumas you experienced that you think this is hot af.
The friends I have would look at me funny if I even mentioned owning regular stocks, which I do, let alone trading shitcoins. You just don't talk about it.
>you dont want your friends to make money with you
literally no point to telling your friends
they'll think you're retarded OR they'll invest stupidly lose all their money and blame you
>mom sees 200$ gone
>"user, why is your money so low? Are you spending on achohol again?"
>tell her I bought cryptocurrency
>"user, what is that"
>Tell her to google that shit
>"but user, this all seems to fake. You are just wasting your money. You cant buy something that doesnt exist. Digital is not real."
>Gave her the " Ok mom"
>she leaves
>Go to buy some bread with your new DB11
>Casually meet a friend there
>"Hey user, that car is amazing! How did you get it?"
>"Criptogainz, nigga."
nice taste user, you deserve one
I'm working on it (poorfag trading little amounts). As soon as I can afford 5 or 6 DB11, I'll buy one.
This guy is completely correct.
No coiners should buy ZCL on Bittrex as their first crypto investment
I talked with some guy at my company who used to mine Bitcoin. Told him I trade, it's alright and made about 3x or so last week so not a bad week. He looked at me like I was insane, said he stopped mining and gave up on all that cause it was too expensive, and said am I sure about those gains? He said it sounds like I must be doing something wrong cause it doesn't sound quite right.
Truth is your friends don't really want to see you surpass them no matter what area of life it is.
>caring about anyone other than yourself
Stay poor
god. 10000x this. 100000x this.
normies are pathetic consumerist conformists who cant look more than 1 week into the future and is sickenly stubborn about their established dumb views
>investing in air
I would do this if i could
im expecting a 40% correction this august, which means itll prob happen in mid July
>n-no, that can't be right? Can it? You can't be making that much with cryptos, man.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You NEVER tell people that you've made money. EVER. Is this part of the millennial narcissistic need to photograph themselves at all times with selfies and instagram?
Get your head out of your fucking ass and keep your mouth shut. Holy shit.
well said bro
I tried getting friends at church into this. I failed and was made look like a conspiracy theorist ;-;
>mfw drug dealing nigs have more wisdom
>Rule Number Uno, never let no one know
>How much dough you hold cause you know
>The cheddar breed jealousy 'specially
>If that man fucked up, get yo' ass stuck up
I used to tell my normie friends about crypto but then when the gain train started rolling, I shut up. If they want to know about it they know where to find me.
My wife is another story. She has literally NO FUCKING IDEA that I even put the money in.
Good decision, my mother used to constantly ask my dad how are his stocks and she would get scared with every dip
i want her to punch me through the head
why do you think theres a 40% correction coming? Im sensing one too and im curious what you thought.
>coinfags are like manlets.
>they never learn
Let normies be normies while you moon
Why do you guys all even bother telling them
like you really don't get much out of it...
Wait a sec? I seen this thread before! I made this post before too?
What the fuck?
If you want to play the next level crypto trading game, add me on Skype: CryptoAnna
I seen this before too!
take the Jesuscoin user
Wow exactly the same, I talked about crypto to my normies friends, told then when to buy, but they couldn't even move their ass to do a bank transfer to an exchange. Now I just don't talk about it to any one. And sometimes one links me an article about bitcoin mooning and I'm like "Ye crazy right ?". Fuck those lazy shit, they could improve their life but prefer to stay in their shitty habits and complain about how much projects they have but not enough money. Do something you stupid bitch
Guys this crypto hype is the ultimate revenge against the normie. When we reach the top, every neets are going to drop those crypto bags on all the normies who waited for their bank / media to tell them to buy bitcoin to jump in. Imagine the number of neet that will become rich after this. I hope you autist will do something great with your money. I plan to retire and work on unsolved math problems for the rest of my life
Veeky Forums has already broken up the EU and got Trump elected, we've shown what weaponized autism can do with Shia's flag and the antifa professor, now imagine what weaponized autism can do with MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS
what is that girl doing with the peanut butter and dogger?
We truly live in an amazing time.
Who is that girl op?
Lauren Findley
Thank you
It's what I always say user, whenever the idiot is confronted by something he knows nothing of or don't understand, instead of trying to learn about it and be humble, he tries to put himself in a false position of superiority, acting like the idea you are presenting to him is completely absurd and you should feel bad about presenting it.
He will simply not listen to sound logic or reason, will make strawmen, will pretend to know what he don't and will try to go in detail about something he's completely illiterate about. I have seen it many times and as far as I am concerned, the only way to ''win'' this is by 1. Being very aggressive and confident in what you are saying, but do not insult, just be firm. 2. Use comedy in your favor. 3. Literally prove by A+B that what you are saying is true and say that only a complete retard subhuman refuses to believe in something that's right in front of him.
It normally works, I can guarantee they will at least be more insecure about acting like smart asses over you next time.
Absolutely right.
They will spread that you are a drug dealer
not all cars are depreciating items
You gotta have an eye for the thing
Don't talk to the normalfags about it!!!
Not yet!!
Is it too late to jump on the crypto craze?
I've got about $15K I'm looking to invest into stuff.
Just funded this little beauty with my bitcoin gains from... it's my 2nd Lambo, believe it or not.
nocoiners WISH they could get on my level.
How do I get around this shit?
VPN or proxy
Any in particular you would recommend? Not entirely sure how safe doing sensitive transactions via vpn/proxy would be.
No idea. Probably a paid service though.
If you're willing to risk it there are multiple free VPNs on Android or iOS. Most wouldn't even bother compromising their brand name to steal from you either, especially if you're keeping to smaller transactions of
Thanks, will look into them.