How bad is the situation really? /pol/ is underaged and has a warped view on reality and I just want an objective unbiased assessment of the situation.
How bad is the situation really...
Other urls found in this thread:
Eh, it's not great but it's alright for now
It's okay.
The real problem is the upcoming trade war with China and the economic implosion it will create.
/Int/ is literally blue theme /pol/.
Trump's real goal is to use his position as president to create a massive amount of wealth for himself and a small group of friends at the taxpayer's expense. No different from what republicans have been doing since Reagan really, but not good.
Not bad at all. An inevitable and nescessary counter to heavy handed globalization.
I think it's fucking hilarious. I unironically am fine if the world burns. history isn't interesting to learn without massive fuckups
t. never EVER browsed /int/. EVER.
Don't insult us like that.
t. /pol/
Its nothing really, banning muslims from the West is very logical since muslims fucking hate everything the West stands for since the antithesis of Islam.
Removing illegal mexicans is also literally ENFORCING THE LAW not racism. Trump has done nothing really deserving of this hate for him honestly.
It's pretty splendid if you're not a muslim.
It'll be fine, at least the US has sensible things like term limits so you can always vote people out after 4 years.
Some pretty serious issues, but mostly people are being really over dramatic.
When will this fucking meme die? The world is already globalized. It has been since the second world war and sence thw US dollar became the *GLOBAL* standard currency. >>/pol/ you have to go back. The adults are talking.
This is what I've also gathered.
It's the truth.
It isn't, /int/ is by far the dumbest board on Veeky Forums if not the entire internet.
Shut the fuck up Schlomo.
Protectionism historically hurts economies, though you can make the case that we'd be better off paying more for things while having more Americans gainfully employed rather than reliant on assistance.
Globalization or the act of destroying all world cultures to create a planetary multicultural state, white countries are the guinea pigs of this New World Order crafted by fucking jews,
>hating globalization
Why are isolationists such shitters? Globalization is objectively good and "preservation of muh culture" is retarded meme. They are not mutually exclusive
So is /pol/. Your point?
This statement is so wildly retarded that it can't possibly be sarcastic.
>globalist billionaire brings in all his Heeb buddies to run the country directly
Totally fine, what could possibly go wrong?
I don't understand this. What's wrong with the """""""""""""""""""""jewish endgame""""""""""""""""""""?
/pol/ is pretty dumb especially with the reddit influx, but it still looks like the Nobel Foundation board compared to the retard den that is /int/
Nice counter argument. The truth hurts. It's a pain you'll get used too once you're older than 15. Now go back to your playpen.
I'm 31 buddy, old enough to spot a Jew when I see one.
Sweetie, your "culture" was already wiped out once by a Jewish ideology, it will be again. Stop struggling. Just embrace the future
Gee sounds exactly like what America has been doing for the past 70 years. Like I said, Globalization is already here.
Whats wrong is that jews are pure evil in human form they live for the eternal torment and misery of nonjews and make that a reality BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. They wish to remove us whites because we can stop them.
Yeah, you caught a glimpse last time you passed a mirror. Also, shouldn't you have a family or a job or something? Why are you still on the interner LARPing as a Natzi?
Jews are dreamers, idealists and scholars who rightfully wish to break down retarded and discriminatory instituitions wherever they are and whenever they can. Sure they mess up sometimes, they're human afterall. But with the children of Israel, you would still be a slave under the yoke of an aristocracy
>shouldn't you have a family or a job or something
Two healthy daughters Schlomo, come at me.
Let me guess. You learned this from a /pol/ infograph?
Jews are devils who seek nothing but the defilement and absolute destruction of nonjew humanity. The jews have done this shit since the Assyrian times these humans cant be reasoned with beyond genocide, and they love moralfag races like white people because we dont do what is needed to stop them which is to kill every fucking jew in the country. White people are pussies who believe in second chances who exiled jews rather than kill them even after the jews worked together to ritually sacrificed white children.
This is a problem why exactly?
>muh /pol/
See what I mean, they cant be reasoned with, jews are so fucking evil that they ALWAYS THINK THEY ARE GOOD. Its a whole new level of evil to put on a constant hero act since the start of your race.
Because we don't want to be deracinated, cultureless cattle like you are.
This isn't /pol/. Drop the LARPing.
I see no problem with this.
>muh (Jews)
See what I mean, they cant be reasoned with, Natzi LARPers are so fucking evil that they ALWAYS THINK THEY ARE GOOD. Its a whole new level of evil to put on a constant hero act since the start of your race.
>A Jew suffering rectal holocaust over white people having children
This is gold.
Why do you enjoy your culture over a different one? What if it's objectively better?
Of course you dont, because your a fucking jew.
Which is exactly why you have to go.
Man I'd post a sarcastic image asking for proof but I think you're just retarded.
Jews add a wealth and learning to every nation they inhabit. Look at what they have done for the world; 20% of noble prizes, countless medicine discoveries and vaccines, revolutions in finance and banking, works of art and literature, nuclear weapons to deter combat. All this from 0.2% of the world. They are a blessing unto any nation. And you are cursed for cursing them. NOBODY who has made the children of God their enemy, has profited or flourished. They are all in the trashbins of history
>20% of noble prizes
Kikes awarding prizes to other kikes, this is notable why?
No jew I dont care about good and evil, I am not the one whos race has always been called the human form of evil and wickedness by every CIVLIZATION THAT HAS ENCOUNTERED THEM. There is no race like you jews, you people are aliens to the rest of humanity truely evil humans with no redeeming qualities.
To think of all the misery and suffering your one fucking race has caused to every human race on earth is truely unbelievable.
I hope these posts are sarcastic.
lol. Listen, the Nazi LARPer is cringey I agree but ignore him and he'll get called for snack time.
Jews did nothing wrong.
I said nothing of the sort, I offered a question. but you're right, there is actual mental illness on this site
Except maybe for Rome
Except you can tangibly see that they have earned them by simply looking at why they won. Israel publishes more scientific papers and patents than most other countries with a population of a mere 8 million
What makes you think you'll be fine?
>Hurr Im better than you goy
Fucking crazy kikes, completely insane these jews are they actually believe this goyim nonsense.
>Jews add wealth
Oh thats rich jews helping a country hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha.
Which you think because you are jewish,
>Still claiming an anonymous shitposter is Jewish
>Still RPing
This is what /pol/ does to people. Delusion.
>New World Order crafted by fucking jews
How are people responding seriously so this post? Have we really been taken over by /pol/? This is straight up crackpot Illuminati conspiracy shit.
White scientist>Jew scientist
Deal with it, everything you see around is thanks to white scientist.
Jews don't think about inferior/superior. This is your racist brain's projection. Behind all equalitarian movements is a child of Israel. They are angels compared to you
Europe and many other nations have went to Jewry for finances for many centuries. Their loans and aid has been crucial for many movements and projects
>they have earned them
There are almost 1000x more white people than Jews. This is to be expected. Jews however, are not interested in dick measuring contests. This is why they are better than you
I know who you are.
Not bad at all, it's just we're used to these things being cushioned differently. Trump's not diplomatic and doesn't know how to word shit so that people don't care.
For example, on the travel ban if he did what Obama did and just said 'we're putting in additional vetting processes for the following countries on account of them being shit at record keeping' and then effectively issuing zero visas, no one would care.People are just over-reacting as usual.
See. This post is a perfect example of how /pol/ will take something completely out of context and warp it into some sort of attack against their cause. Why are we even arguing about Jews right now? This is a thread about the fucking imploding American social structure. Then /pol/ comes in and just COMPLETELY shreds the thread. That board is ill and it breeds illness.
Typical jew behavior when a goy doesnt mindlessly obey their opinion.
Its intriguing they are like parasites telling you to pretend they dont exist so they can leech you dry without you even realising it,.
>Behind all equalitarian movements is a child of Israel.
>Their loans and aid has been crucial for many movements and projects
Jewish loan based economies are an enslavement scam on the nonjew populace of a country.
>Jews however, are not interested in dick measuring contests
Yes thats why you want to dominate all of humanity then.
>Jews don't think about inferior/superior.
>Hurr stop being mean to me the master race goy!
Yh but you can shit talk about white people or black people but say one word about kikes and all shits goes loose. Fucking racist hypocrites.
Show me ONE post in this thread where white people were attacked. Go ahead.
Do you have any proof that Jews want to rule the world? And if they did, would that be so bad? To me, they seem the most humane of all the nations
But that's wrong. Obama instated a ban on all future refugees specifically from Iran after intelligence located a credible terrorist threat from a couple of Iranian refugee immigrants, while going through the usual channels and regulations to put it into place. It was justified, it was targeted, and it was fair.
Trump, meanwhile, implemented a sweeping ban for ALL non-citizens from a list of countries, green card or no, and signed it while people were still figuring out if he could do it legally. And then, when people decided he COULDN'T, he kept it in place anyway.
Your own people have made it legal to shittalk and treat white people like crap. You talk about shit like racial equality yet lets go back to Palestine and see that equality you evil jew shit.
You are a jew there is no point trying to reason with you, you are genetically programmed to mindlessly always think Jews are in the right.
>To me, they seem the most humane of all the nations
Yes sterilizing niggers without their consent is SOOOO HUMANE.
Don't even try to reason with them. They've read too many inforgraphs.
>muh infographs
So which one made you this assblasted?
Its funny how jews prove us right all the time.
what makes those infographs less reliable than some jewish blog?
I'm not even mad. I just want to know what's going on through unbiased eyes. Then you, being /pol/, takes it as a personal attack and starts ranting about Jews this and globalization that. I just want to know what the fuck is going on.
They come from a source that usually has "Truth" in the title. That makes them trustworthy, right?
We will destroy you goy, there is nothing you can do.
For starters, Jewish blogs usually have sources to back up their claims and don't quote things out of context. Nor do they make up fake quotes whole cloth and dedicate them to a person of authority
i challenge anybody to provide a decent counter argument after reading this
You're so not mad you brought up infographics in two separate posts without anyone posting any, that's some severe asspain right there.
The problem is that Jews are PEOPLE not the Borg. If one Jew thinks or writes something that does not mean ALL Jews believe it. Especially not from an esoteric book written 50+ years ago
still waiting for that decent counter argument