What was the comfiest time period?
What was the comfiest time period?
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bronze age near east, the palace system was undeniably the comfiest political order. The palace at Knossos on Crete had over 300 rooms and was the center of a village of 17,000 people.
then the collapse happened and the world still hasn't recovered its comfiness
Germany between 1888 and 1914. It's called "The good old time".
Early Neolithic and before. Provided your group was lucky enough to be in a low density area and suffered no natural disaster. Low inequality, little hierarchy, no war (in low density area), usually sufficient resources (in low density area with no natural disaster). Tight interpersonal links. Limited work hours and the work is always meaningful.
Literally the 1%
UK in the 1920's
You're right
pick one
It was pretty much the case in all Western Europe
Rome, second century AD.
t. Gibboboo
>Wanting to die
>Wanting to be stuck working in a shitty factory surrounded by mentally and physically fucked war veterans
total barren, only then it seems
>What is the 50s
>What is the 90s
America 1910s
[approaching sound of large truck engine]
These are all correct. I can't think of a nicer time than the years before WWI.
Roaring 20s
This, but only in America.
1945-1959 in America.
UK during the mid-late 19th century.