How to learn the german language in 1 year

I'm a native spanish speaker. I have a fluent english 8/10 Writing. 7/10 Speaking. Willing to travel to Germany to study.
What books does Veeky Forums recommend me?
What's the difference between German and Dutch?
Which one should I learn?

Why would you learn German?
The only people who speak it don't promote its spread, and willingly adopt foreign languages.
They don't create good movies, books or music. They have no important philosopher other than the past, already well translated ones.

It's a requirement for the scolarship program I'm applying to.

The books of Joachim Fernau! They are a delight to read and deal with historic topics, such as the history of Greece, Rome, Germany and the US.

Why would you move from Spain to Germany?
Spain is a better place to live in.

"Halleluja: Die Geschichte der USA" Seems pretty interesting though.

I'm not located in Spain. I live in third world country named Nicaragua. Anything is better than this unfortunate place.

What do you want to study?

Dutch is an ugly good-for-nothing language

I'd like to study a mastership on International Media Studies at Deutsche Welle-Akademie

Thanks user, good to know. Some friends had told me that is easier to learn dutch than german.

"In Europa wird jetzt wieder deutsch gesprochen!"
Volker Kauder
What's your problem with the german language?
As biggest first language in europe, it still some what relevant.
And learning a new language is always a good thing!

Fuck you asshole. I'll admit German is probably is more relevant though.

The vocabulary is somewhat similar, but German grammer is hard as fuck.

>he only people who speak it don't promote its spread
>What is Deutsche Welle
>What is Goethe Schule
They are, you just don't know it.

But Dutch is easier to learn if you know English

Learn Turk or Arabic instead, G*rman is a dying language.

The memes are strong with this one.

How useful is that language in Germany?

>How useful is Dutch in Germany?
>How useful is Dutchin the Netherlands?
>How useful is Dutch?

That isn't what matters here

How the fuck is this related to history or humanities you fuck

I speak basic German but i'm too lazy to expand it


I want to learn german to finally satiate my autistic hunger and realize what all those germans were shouting in the old Call of duty games.

Not that user but I'm also a native spanish speaker and I'm learning german because
A) I like learning languages
B) I like how it sounds
C) It's really different reading philosophy in its native language instead of translated

Learning languages isn't only about utility. Otherwise the only language worth learning would be english.