So we can all agree the trinity is fact right?

So we can all agree the trinity is fact right?

Other urls found in this thread:


christians are stupid.

I don't understand why Christians come here to shill when this board is supposed to be neutral. your religion isn't a fact, fuck off

>god is a third of god
Who writes this crap?

>Muh feelings

No, I'm sick of shitposting by Christians who aren't interested in rational discussion and only want to give sermons and circlejerk. There's a home for shit like this, it's called Church.

Trinitarianism is a catholic meme


Antitrinitarians aren't Christian

bugger off

There's nothing about it in the Koran.

That's because Mohamet was a false prophet possessed by a demon masquerading as the angel Gabriel

>a=d; b=d; c=d


>Their theology is based on a divine triad,[61][75][76] or trinity, which is the core of Alawite belief.[77] The triad comprises three emanations of the one God: the supreme aspect or entity called the "Essence"[77] or the "Meaning"[76] (both being translations of maʿnā), together with two lesser emanations known as his "Name" (ism), or "Veil" (ḥijāb), and his "Gate" (bāb).[75][76][77][78] These emanations have manifested themselves in different human forms over several cycles in history, the last cycle of which was as Ali (the Essence/Meaning), Muhammad (the Name) and Salman the Persian (the Gate).[75][77][78][79][80] Alawite belief is summarised in the formula: “I turn to the Gate; I bow before the Name; I adore the Meaning.”[5][61]

>Alawites hold that they were originally stars or divine lights that were cast out of heaven through disobedience and must undergo repeated reincarnation (or metempsychosis[77]) before returning to heaven.[61][78] They can be reincarnated as Christians or others through sin and as animals if they become infidels.[61][81]

>Other beliefs and practices include: the consecration of wine in a secret form of Mass only open to males; frequently being given Christian names; burying the dead in sarcophagi above ground; observing Nowruz, Epiphany, Christmas[82] and the feast days of John Chrysostom and Mary Magdalene;[83] the only religious structures they have are the shrines of tombs;[84] the alleged book Kitab al Majmu, which is supposedly a central source of Alawite doctrine; and the belief that women do not have souls.[85][86][87][88]

It's a holy mystery, it's not supposed to make sense. If it made sense then it wouldn't be true.


1 Corinthians 14:33
For God is not the author of confusion....

Not an argument

Oh look, a bullshit argument

That's right, your confusion of the trinity is not authored by God. The trinity is however divine truth nonetheless

Jesus kill children

If we are to believe the Koran, God doesn't believe it makes sense either.


>give Trinity
>say it isn't confusing
>sparked more debates than any other Christians doctorine among Christians and non-Christians
>i-it's not confusing
*tip fedora*

You go ahead and keep your creaturely "god" Ahmed, I'll stick with the True and Living God


>if heretics invent lies and oppose truth the truth isn't true!
>if there's disagreement, no one is right
*tips fedora*


No you bugger off, you fucking bone-kissing, boy-touching, circle-jerking moron

If you're not a trinitarian youre a satanist

What? Yes, I'm totally a Muslim.

Catholics aren't Christian

We're not even past 50 post yet.

>refusing to acknowledge that Trinity isn't confusing
>refusing to acknowledge that the majority can't grasp shit
>refusing to acknowledge the contradiction
*tips fedora harder*

>retarded concept that confuses people to this day
>developed well after Christ
>took even longer to be accepted as doctrine

>>refusing to acknowledge that Trinity isn't confusing
I agree completely, it isn't confusing
>>refusing to acknowledge that the majority can't grasp shit
Yes, the majority of people aren't Trinitarian, so you're right
>refusing to acknowledge the contradiction
There is no contradiction

Read the bible user

Bullshit,I thought it was only a myth. Is it true?

See and

is what true user?

they would beg to disagree

See and

The pedophile priest story?


yes that's true

>collection of texts to fit the decided narrative at the exclusion of others
>NT written at least a generation after Christ at the earliest
>somehow wielding authority in the matter of the trinity
Already read, and still Eutychianism makes the most sense.



>>collection of texts to fit the decided narrative at the exclusion of others
A-historical delusion
That's a trinitarian theology

I can't take someone seriously who says the trinity is capable of being understood by humans. Anyone who says "I got it" can't tell the difference between memorizing a formula and actually grasping the ungraspable.

One God in three existences; father, son, and spirit. If you separate any one of the persons, they are 100% fully god in every way; and when you put them back with the other two, they're all 100% fully god, making one God and not three. All work in unison for the common mission of salvation, as they always have, and they have never disagreed on anything. If the father is the generating power of the sun, the son and spirit are his light and heat. If the father is the man staring into the mirror, the son is the reflection and the spirit is the mirror. The father is incomprehensible and incorporeal, but the son is comprehensible and corporeal, while the spirit is comprehensible but incorporeal.

Even as I type all this I'm repeating nothing but a memorized formula, just as Christians repeat in church, because the trinity is unable to be understood.


Good day! Stay Arian user!

Arius is in hell

The trinity is understood, not comprehendible

Oh my is that fedora on too tight?


With Jesus in hell?

John 8:24

Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father



Went to hell for three days

Arius did not believe that Jesus was I am, and thus died in his sins

And Arius went there for eternity

What? It's ego eimi? Found in multiple places in the Bible? Used by people others than Jesus?

Arius prayed directly to Jesus, what are you on?

God went to hell?

How's that proof he is in hell? You don't even have any proof hell exists.

Do you believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth? Do you believe in Jesus Christ, His only son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell.

Hold there motherfucker. Don't you fucking dare say that to Pilate. He released Jesus Son of the Father and crucified Jesus the Anointed.

>suffered under Pilate
You mean King Herod


Next silly question.

read your bible user

The bible is just a collection of books.

Mohammad was a literal Abdul Alhazred figure. I don't even believe that and it's super cool

*Collection of anonymous books, according to Wikipedia

Good point, user.

What does that even mean?

A collection of God-breathed books

Which apparently among thousands of Bible manuscripts, literally none are identical.

And yet we've had the original readings throughout church history

What is Roman Catholic Bible? What is King James Bible?

What's the difference in number of books between those two? Seven fake books.

I prefer other trinities that explain the existence of god. Its all in meaning and defeniton, the ablility for your fellow man to be able to understand what you're saying.
Three aspects of one together the same.
Like this trinity.
Solid, liquid, gas. All matter. All energy.

Modalist get out

>another Christcuck shilling thread offering no real discussion, just patronizing sermons about why they're "right" and ignoring actual historical evidence

Right click, hide

The trinity exists in all the compatible, true faiths. Taoism, Mahayana Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity have the trinity built into them.

You're already wrong. Solid, liquid, and gas don't encompass all matter or energy. There's a fourth category, and it's known as 'plasma'.

Idiot Christfag can't even be trusted to get basic scientific facts right. And by having four categories, it destroys your weird trinitarian ideal: you should employ a tetrarchy, instead.

Its all in how you define it. Like i said. Besides plasma is an intermidiate state that doesn't exist in what we would consider stable conditions. There are as many trinity concepts as there are words that we have to express them.

>stable conditions
You do realise that stars live upwards of billions of years, right? Plasma can be a stable condition, now fuck off, cunt.

They don't, actually. They burn out quick. most of them are already dead.

A lot more than that.

In the Roman Catholic version, Mary is the messiah who crushes the skull of the devil, not Jesus.

They feminize the proto-evangelion to worship their "Queen of Heaven".

Both of you (Christians and Muslims) are retards.

Just so long as you feel superior to all humanity.

I only said Christians and Muslims, which it's not that hard to be superior to

>we can all agree that [matter of faith] is fact
no, and that's the point

I can't believe I have to spell something so basic to you Christfag idiots.

From the Wikipedia article on Plasma:

"Plasma is the most abundant form of ordinary matter in the universe (the properties of dark matter are still mostly unknown; whether it can be equated to ordinary matter has yet to be determined), most of which is in the rarefied intergalactic regions, particularly the intracluster medium, and in stars, including the Sun

>They burn out quick

You have got to be trolling at this point. Plasma is known to be found in starts. Tell me again how long Earth's sun has been active, and for how much longer it will continue to do so, please.

>arguing over an overtly relative term such as speed


It's called duration, you retarded faggot. And it's on you for claiming "plasma isn't a real form of matter because it doesn't exist in stable conditions".

Obviously, plasma DOES exist in stable conditions.

Just get the fuck out and spare yourself further humiliation.

Calm down, autist. I'm not even that guy and I frankly don't give a shit about plasma.