You have to admit, she's right here....
Can racists ever recover?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ayn Rand was a slut that made an ideology that justified her being a slut.
That's what Libertarianism is, an excuse for total degeneracy. Objectivism and Ancap bullshit just adds onto it.
>muh degeneracy
Outta here.
Make me.
I stopped listening when she mentioned that being proud of your immediate family is being racist
How can someone be so retarded?
How bout no
She's literally just mouthing off John Locke.
Whats the belle curve?
Whats behavioral science?
Every evolutionary scientist knows there are distinct genetical behavioral differences between poulations. You cant disprove "racism" because races exist. They just are not well defined and fluid
Geographical populations in humans ain't races ya filthy /pol/ack git,
The bell curve is one of the most debunked racial pseudoscience theories of the last 20 years lol
>They just are not well defined and fluid
well no because
>*brings the mic closer*
every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.
i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go
>*looks over at the screen*
look at that ...
yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus those things will tear you to shreds
Racism is the natural protector of the homogeneity of the group. Individualism destroys the national cohesion and allows foreign elements to infiltrate it. This is what (((they))) are looking for in order to infest the nation and exploit it.
Which fits, because Ayn Rand is a kike.
And maybe you should actually read the debate that surrounded various things inside it before you spout some huffpo headline.
>Racism is the natural protector of the homogeneity
Homogeneity is not a moral end, nor is it inherantly useful.
>Individualism destroys the national cohesion
National cohesion is not a moral end nor is inherently useful. It may appear collectivism has the same destructive capability, as The War of the Roses produced internal strife. What is really happening is that individualism and collectivism are minor contributors to national cohesion, the needs and desires of society is the pillar.
>allows foreign elements to infiltrate it
Well that's simply not true either. Individualism only began to crystalize as an idea around the last 19th century, certainly there were invasions from foreign elements before that.
>(((they))) are looking for in order to infest the nation and exploit it.
If you're going to peddle your silly jewish conspiracies, don't hide behind perenthesis, we're not on twitter.
This is just sad. I mean, these are the ramblings of someone who's never read a page of a history or philosophy book. These are the kinds of ramblings I would expect from someone who works on the dairy aisle at Wallmart and viciously attacks anyone who tries to rotate the milk because its "his job". The state of this board right now.
Lol, look at the sjw failing to get the moral high ground
Why do you leftists hate white people anyway?
Not him but
>not an argument.
>the sjw trying to shift blame from himself by claiming to be another person
Better grow a backbone or you won't be able to hold your sign up at your BLM rally, leftypol
>woman who said that Africans and Native Americans deserved to get colonized because they didn't ascribe to the European concept of property
>not racist
these kill me every time
Ayn Rand was a Zionist kike.
she's a jew therefore she isn't right