Most overvalued literary work in history

Is this the most overvalued literary work in history?

It isn't even the first novel, the first novel is the Kadambari, written by Bāṇabhaṭṭa, a North Indian.

Pic related.

I had to put it down, it's complete shit. It's literally just
>don Quijote and Sancho go somewhere
>DQ sees things and belives it's something from his knight novels
>they get into a fight and get beaten up
over and over again for hundreds of pages. It's not even that funny for the first time and it's trying to milk that one joke all the tim (don Quijote believes he is a fairytale knight LMAO).

No, the Aeneid is. It's a complete ripoff of the Iliad, it falsifies history and it's blatant propaganda.

>It's literally just
>>don Quijote and Sancho go somewhere
>>DQ sees things and belives it's something from his knight novels
>>they get into a fight and get beaten up B8

If you didn't read it in the original language, you have no right to say anything.
It makes sense if you have a minimun knowledge of the knight novels and the time period, as it's expected you to have if you read it.

The Bible, especially the King James Version. It has immense value, but the idea that literally every pre-modern work of art and literature boils down to someone's interpretation of it is an oversimplification. Thinking that works like The Divine Comedy and Paradise Lost are only derivatives of The Bible devalues them.

>Triumph der Willens isn't a good movie, it's just propaganda!

Propaganda is an art form user.

>complete ripoff
There are a lot of changes for Roman audiences and "ripping off" the classics was seen as an act of virtue.

When will this blatant Indian shilling end?

I should put you down.

You mean that book about poos trying to find the mythical device known as the loo which was lost after IRV civilization fell? I've read it. They didn't even succeed in the end and India today still hasn't discovered the loo. How is that better than Don Quixote?

>its a complete ripoff of the Iliad
that's literally the point

The only correct answer to this question is the Bible.

Theres easier ways of telling us that you read at a fifth grade level

Oh yeah. I put down the book after they got beat down, and Sancho had explosive diarrhea.

>Not liking funny light wacky adventures
>Not liking sad love stories
>Not liking Sancho's wisdom specially after Barataria

Pls go and stay go


>It's a complete ripoff of the Iliad
Just like how sculptures are plagiarizing from the people they are modeled after?
Literally who?
>implying it didn't have incredible underlying revelations about the nature of nobility vs peasantry juxtapose with espousing hard-line idealism and actually living the ideals
Reddit is that way
Everything they covered is interpreted in a Biblical way.

The Kadambari is a romance, not a novel. You don't have the singular focal protagonist that is characteristic of a novel. It's more comparable to something like Le Morte D'Artur, not DQ.

>Writes two original works
>Rips off from anything he can find
>Filled with crude humor and quips for the groundlings
>Terrible puns abound

Ah hell yeah, The Brothers Karamazov is beast.

Harry Potter, at least in this generation

DQ is fucking hilarious. People who think otherwise are all wrong and retarded.

>alice in wonderland and through the looking glass in shit tier
Someone has some splainin' to do.

>Terrible puns abound
Isn't the the hallmark of transcendent literature?

I bet you argue for "pedosexual" rights, for "other people."

Jesus Christ I shouldn't have left Veeky Forums.

>finest of british playwrighting was just a plagiarist that copied continental plays and changed couple names

Really makes you think.