*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Toot toot, motherfucker.

Am I on a city's walls? Cause that's the only reason I'd see legionaries come at me like that.

oink oink, motherfucker

*throws pilum at you*

*blocks with shield*, throw shield away cause now it has a pilum stuck to it.
*Archers and javelin throwers rain projectiles down on your auxilia ass since you are close enough to the walls to throw a pilum at the defenders.*


I bet you feel silly now

>This is what Macedonians actually believe

it just works

>hehehe they never expect the good ol' falx

You're an idiot if you think the phalanx is what got Alexander all of his conquests.

You're an idiot if you think it wasn't a big factor. That cav is far less effective hammer without a solid anvil to work with, unless you think Alexander's couple-thousand cav could have conquered the world alone.

if not that then what

Combined arms, negros.

You know what happened when a Greek mercenary hoplite army lost its cavalry support because their Persian employer died? They had to fucking retreat.

Well to be fair, they won the battle, and had to run since they effectively just deposed a king and the head honcho running the operation got killed. Obviously they were gonna be fucked if they stick around. They managed to hold off till they made it back to Greece though, so they didn't do too bad

How Are Phalanxes Even Real Hahahahahaha Nigga Skirmish Them From Range Hahahahaha Like Nigga Just Flank Them

You're retarded.


>Triarii and Urban Cohorts in the same era


>General is in a peasant unit


Looks like someone let the computer make their army.

*go around them*

*unzips trebuchet*

>when a brother won't lend you some oats

>300 3: Alexander's March

*unsheathes seax*
*ambushes you from the treeline*
"Nothing personnel, Varus"
*kills your legions*