Does this pattern mean anything?

Useless newfag.

Please someone give me input.

I bought about 2K XRP at .00010745 SAT

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I wanna call it the empty ladle.


Come on, guys.

Textbook bicycle configuration. It's all down hill from here

Very rare formation usual mean moon

that's not the standard bicycle pattern it's the harley davidson variation, which signal opposite trends acually

classic motorcycle formation.

Signals the price will be going up or down in the very near future.

made a lot longing the hype and shorting the crash. i think the "banks will/won't" meme was bad publicity for the most part. still holding a little bag

It's called the windy cock, it's a sign you will "fart on your dick soon"; in other words, buy now.

ripple sounds so awful
the only time I've touched was during release when there were gaveaways and when bitstamp offered XRP they gave me like 30 bucks worth which i sold for btc without any trace of doubt

Ah yes, I see from the angle it suggest harley Davidson chopper angle. You sir have an eye for the market. You will do well in crypto

Holy shit.
Is that what I think it is?


Post more trade chart patterns.

I-is rippel kill? I want to sell some bags at a minor loss and go after better investments

Hodl it this month before you pull the plug, they have alot of conferences lined up.

Ok user, I'll bite, I might still have some faith in le spinner. Also desu I don't really trust XRP and conferences after the price plummeting during Consensus 2017

saw this in another thread but this thing could rebound hard

What's the logic behind choosing where that bottom line goes? Why did they choose that peek on the upswing instead of the dip?

jews are manipulating the stock price

i'm not quite sure but it does appear to be bouncing off that line. i think this is unfortunately how this stuff works. look for a low pattern and throw a line across it. no guarantees but sometimes it works.

Yup, because XRP is going to be worth a FUCKTON next decade.

well buckle up, guys. we might be hitting 8k tonight.


could this be a legitimate form of measurement

because the upswing is a breakout pattern