I fucked up horribly

I sold some of my altcoins, tried to buy into mooncoin at 2.5 sat on Yobit.net, transfer the funds to Bitterex and buy it back at 4 sat too quickly make $1000. i lost a quarter of my portfolio and now I'm back where i started two days ago with $300.

Then i realized the prices were so vastly different on both platforms because the mooncoin blocks are Delayed. So I lost money.

Why did i do something so stupid you ask? Two girls i'm hanging out with just offered to get in a threesome with me if i could make 1k tonight on the crypto.

Lesson: Don't be me and don't let pussy distract you.

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Edit: I sold when all the altcoins were going down... baka

it happens. you'll make it back. analyze, don't dwell on, the mistake.

>tried to buy into mooncoin
You deserve to lose everything.

Don't feel sorry for autist.

Go back to Plebbit.

Yeah i know. thanks just trying to share my mistake.

yikes i cringed hard this is cancer

Listen to some gangsta rap

they were just fucking with you anyway dude, sorry for your loss.

>Why did i do something so stupid you ask? Two girls i'm hanging out with just offered to get in a threesome with me if i could make 1k tonight on the crypto.
Look at it this way: The theory of Evolution always wins in the end.

Trust me. They weren't. I made out with one of them and shes bisexual. Her friend is very open.

>letting sluts run your money

not off to a good start homie

Honestly its just throw away money i have 3 grand coming in on friday. I'm just praying the market isnt too crazy before then.

Mooncoin on bittrex? Are you sirius? There is no mooncoin on bittrex!!!!!!!

You're I meant to say "Bleutrade". I have 4 brokers hard too keep track.

>Lost 25% of portfolio
>Back to $300

so dude you had $400? and your goal was to make 150% in one night? That's insane and arbitrage is best left to bots my man.

I sent my gf a picture of my $4,000+ gain today and she couldn't care less so I'm jealous you have girls that care about your crypto money


>make huge gain
>have a girlfriend\spend money to her
Some is wrong with you, boy.

Should have just bought more and make it seem like you "made" 1k.

Idiot missed out on free sex with 2 whores

no worries i sold my doge when it was dropping, would have been worth 10k right now.

>2.5 sat

alarms should have sounded when you needed to sell coins for a meme coin, then more alarms should have sounded to transfer between exchanges for a meme coin. God damn how many stop barriers do you need before you say this is a bad idea. And dont throw the three girls into this, hookers are cheaper then 1k. This just further showcases your bad thinking process.

You know that it trades not only for btc, right? It also trades on ltc and other less expensive coins. So, it's actually possible to buy it for some kind of '2.5' sat. But seems OP really shilling on us

funny bcuz i went from 0.61 btc to about 0.64 by selling my alts right before the shoah and buying back in a little after the shoah

Mooncoin is only traded for btc on yobit

I did say it was stupid. i got greedy. lol i thought a lot of people would get a kick out of this and they are. lmao

>because the mooncoin blocks are Delayed
pls explain

no its also traded on bleutrade.


oh I didn't spend any money on her she just said "what's up" and I sent her a screenshot of my portfolio and said "my portfolio".

she knows she gets none of this crypto money because she takes no risk. funny thing is I almost had her convinced to buy $50 of siacoin like 6 months ago because she likes Sia the singer and today she officially would've had $1000 worth of siacoin if she had bought. She didn't like hearing that.

Are you fucking stupid or did you just ignore the "for btc"? As in, you can only buy it with btc on that particular site. Look at who I'm replying to.

Keep focus on pussy or charts, not both at the same time.

Certain coins have not completely verified their transaction history through mining so they become backed up. This results in withdrawal and deposits taking longer to transfer between accounts. My idea would have been genius if transactions times weren't a factor.

How long was the transfer?

misread it

bytheway, he'd probably trade half at 2sat and half at 3 sat == 2.5 sat, easy math

i never did the transfer because i didn't want to miss the chance of re investing quickly.

No one does that when talking about what they buy at. Let's be honest here, he'd just say 2 sats.

everyone is either settling down because they had their sex fun or currenly getting sex and having social fun. i have not had any.

i hope my endevours with crypto bring some actual gains unlike the past 10 years i spent time as a shut in making music thinking ill make it someday.

i may have misread a decimal place. I too lazy to check but i think i meant to say 25 and 40 sat instead of 2.5 and 4. if that's whats causing the fuss.

I'm in a similar boat. So don't worry you are not alone.

my first purchase will be a decent looking call girl. i want to make sure i will never go a year without sex ever again. ive been dry for six years.

>everyone is either settling down because they had their sex fun
thats the best road for divorce right there

Going 8sat today OP, hang in there.

oh yeah.

in fact i seen it all before. some were smart not to get married so im guessing they fool around on the side which isnt on common. it becomes a rival match of who can get the most while the kid just gets baby sat.

for real, some asshole that i once hung out with was saying that id never get as much pussy as he has in my entire life and id have to pay for it if i do. but right now hes got a kid. he doesnt understand that hes actually paying for it right now working a big rig job out at some coal mine.

>Tried to buy moon coin


Go to a casino already if you have this much a gambling addiction

People who value themselves on how much sex they have are almost always the most pathetic and broken people, dont take them seriously.


but everyone would have a better mood if they got the basic needs met. sex is one of them.

id rather have prostitution legalized and regulated than weed

Hahahah, casino, hahahah The place where math. expectation is negative. Thanks man for great advise.

People crave more the validation that comes from sex, "oh so and so finds me attractive, so I'm happy!", but all that boils down to is revolving your emotions around others, which is more dysfunctional than anything

And even if your balls are turning purple you can just refocus that attention elsewhere if you really want to, its all mentality.

Why are there so fucking many of us?

OP, good for you. You tried.

Mooncoin is not on yobit.

Should be though.

Lets tweet yobit and make op get his threesome.

Lol thanks. I'm surprised my story got this much attention. Tbh I have access to more capital So i took some liberties.

At least you wouldn't lose money on a market that plays on your instincts.

For you, any percent chance of chance is better than zero.


You deserved it for being this much of a thirsty faggit

OP and people like him are the fools transferring money to the rest of us for the time being.