Why does Veeky Forums support EVERY single non-White ethnicity on the planet except Finns?

Why does Veeky Forums support EVERY single non-White ethnicity on the planet except Finns?

Veeky Forums supports Blacks, Browns, Chinese and every other non-White with the sole exception being Finns when White supremacists are going after them.

Threads about BLACK KANGZ AND SHIIT would get reported and deleted without exception but threads about a fake meme image not even made by Finns seem to not get deleted ever although I have reported several myself.
Also, /seima-turbino/ thread where we discuss the Seima-Turbino metal workers from Siberia who were the male ancestors of Finns.


Other urls found in this thread:


that image hurts my eyes

also this board is shit but you're just wrong, this board sucks french dick more than anything else (no homo)

maybe leave behind your ideology before making a thread

Is this bait?
Get off my moderate board.
Pol, and leftypol get out.

I don't think you understand exactly how much scientific racism Finns have been subjected to in the past.


>Infamous for his racist beliefs, he claimed racial supremacy of Swedes over Finns in a way that parallels theories of Aryan supremacy

The "Finno-Korean Hyperwar" meme is a continuation of Freudenthalian racism except that it doesn't even involve our Siberian-Asian origin.

It's a meme weapon with a decisively pro-Swedish bias.

It tries to create a false narrative where Finns are a people without a past(the only one in the world) who instead lie about having a past in the form of a retarded empire 50000 years ago which is something no Finn ever claimed.

Go fuck yourself buddy. Every Finno-Korean Hyperwar thread is a Swedish Aryan supremacy thread approved by the leftists of Veeky Forums, because apparently an Uralic punching bag is okay.
They need to be deleted just as quickly as BLACK KANGZ threads made by /pol/acks would be or Veeky Forums fails as a board.

butthurt finn kek
at least you habe spurdo :DDD

No one likes mongols

But the belligerents used african mercenaries of king WE WUZ the first.

Because you really don't have any history. Just feel proud about your high IQs and cold-hardiness and easy women

Finns don't have a history since history wasn't recorded when it happened.

Finns have a pre-history. A migration from Asia to Europe. It was like the Huns except a few thousand years earlier but with less cohesive social structures.

>Every Finno-Korean Hyperwar thread is a Swedish Aryan supremacy thread approved by the leftists of Veeky Forums
hmm, don't think I've ever see this and I'm not sure why you're so emotional about. Can you explain more?

The uralic language family has history. Finns do not have history that can be distinguished from that aside from some ancient reports of pale crazed savages sleeping inside of reindeer corpses

The whole point or joke of the meme is that the reality of the situtation is that country of Finland was an absolute shithole for so many thousands of years and not the capital of an empire.
It was the shithole of Europe for sure.

This somehow in Swedish Aryanist fantasies proves that Swedes are superior, but Finns didn't actually settle in Finland until some thousands of years ago and it took a very long time for the settlers to multiply from hundreds to millions.
It's unfair to blame Finland being a shithole on modern Finns from Siberia.

Sending some love to Finland
Swedes r gey

Just a Finn whose sobered up by surprise and lashing out. He'll be fine once the shops open.

don't worry, sweden will cease to exist in our lifetime

Jahas, mikäs perskipeä rantahurri valastusoperaatio tää on?

Hirviää möykyttämistä, ole hiljaa maanmieheni

Tää on vakava juttu. Painukaa takas sinne animelaudalle jos ei kiinnosta.

Because Finns are white themselves.

I support Finns lol. They are great neighbors.

Also, fuck Russia. If Russia touches Finland I will volunteer to fight.