Ever notice that the Vietnam War is America's version of Germany's post-WWI "stabbed in the back" myth?

Ever notice that the Vietnam War is America's version of Germany's post-WWI "stabbed in the back" myth?

Except the US just lost integrity, lives, and money not their whole country. It was a stupid war to get involved with in the first place and cutting our losses was a smart thing to do. It wasn't like the protesters sabotaged anything.

It's not a myth.

Except we missed the "gather the leftists in camps and execute them" part of the process.

It's not even a myth. It's a legitimate scholarly historiography of the Vietnam war. Seriously, look up the Military Revisionist school re: vietnam.

>"gather the leftists in camps and execute them" part of the process
Give it a month or two

Can't shit on the Viet.

Yes, this is not a new concept amongst historians.

it's no myth

Majority of the country is center left so i doubt it.

>Majority of the country is center left so i doubt it.
And the majority of the country didn't fight in the Revolution. Congratulations on being retarded.

Except it's true? By every metric except US media perception, the Tet Offensive was a horrible failure. The VC tried a straight fight with the US and ARVN and got fucking slaughtered, and their expected revolution failed to appear. The VC was basically gone as a fighting force after the offensive, but the US constantly claiming "we've almost wiped out the VC" and being slapped in the face (before shooting the VC in the head) caused the civvies back home to freak out and demand an end to the war.

And then we left and the ARVN proved to be almost entirely useless (with very few exceptions).

I mean, stabbed in the back is going to be a natural narrative for anyone faced with a loss they are unable comprehend and accept as well as reconcile it with a self presumption of superiority. Also helps if you don't really understand the conflict you just participated in as well.

Shouldn't be too surprising that variations show up across cultures.

>TFW you won't meet your wife on the field if battle.

I just want a Vietcong at that I can dug and take back home to be my wife

One country was literally being starved into defeat by a successful blockade, one chose to end a war due to political reasons. Terrible analogy.

Post some real Vietcong qts please, that's a Chinese red guard girl.

>Give it a month or two
we can only hope so

and in both cases, the good girls won

I've heard that while Vietnam was a tactical falure to eradicate the VN, it was a success at stopping the spread of Communism and played an important role of stabilizing the rest of the "free world" in Southeast Asia.

oh yeah, especially cambodia and laos.

Majority of the country is conservative.

It was fucking stupid.

We could have bombed them back to the fucking Stone Age and won the war without shitting away MURICAN lives.

Instead we didn't bomb them and just pissed away good MURICANS for no fucking reason.

So no it was no stab in the back bullshit like these Veeky Forums wanna be fascists would like to play pretend with.

It was FAGGOTRY by our LEADERS who refused to USE the weapons at their disposal to win the war.

well golly

Can confirm. We're very conservative. Ho Chi Minh only really became a commie because the Americans didn't want to support Vietnamese independence.

t. Viet

Here we go again with the raging american with the argument of "we could've bombed you back to the stone age". We'll why the fuck didn't you? Your pilots had a free bombing campaign on North Vietnam. I just love how Americans constantly circle jerked over your high KDs like some FPS and keep claiming shit you could've done.

Get over it, you lost and my people still have a higher opinion of you than China.

buffer zones for Thailand

think of how much boypussy we saved from ravaging red hordes

>and in both cases, the good girls won
Not true since the Soviet Union didn't participate in WW1

We had one bombing campaign without restrictions. One. It took a whopping 12 days to bomb you to the peace table. Everything else was a restrained campaign. We learned our lesson tho and shock and awe became the new air campaign model.

Not that guy but you realize that the bombing didn't mean anything right?
In Paris, the North Vietnamese refused to change the terms of the agreement from October 1972. In January 1973, the U.S agreed to sign the Paris Peace Accords that had been proposed in October 1972. However, the bombing had proved to be popular with much of the American public as they had the impression that North Vietnam had been "bombed into submission".

user, you're talking to some kind of deluded Ameriboo. He, or at least someone with a lot of the same talking points, shows up on every Vietnam discussion here. You can tell because he always talks about how "established historiography" has changed regarding the war, but can't name actual sources, or explain why you have guys who don't fall into his political pigeonholing like Nagl who keep on with the same general idea, that Vietnam was lost, that everyone in the government knew that as soon as they pulled out that South Vietnam was doomed, and that the American operations in Vietnam were generally ineffective.

You realize it was the North Vietnamese who walked away in October 1972 and not the U.S., right? Fucking idiot.

> Germany
> losing country after WWI

wrong WW

Alsace-lorraine, westprussia, danzig,limburg, Parts of silesia, all colonies

its a reality though. america has struggled with its own liberal communist sympathizers/agitators. if it wasnt for the so called ((("peace movement"))) the US would have won the war.

> The Tet offensive of January 1968 began on January 21 with a seige by North Vietnamese (NVA) regulars of a U.S military base at Khe Sanh, near the 17th parallel. It was soon apparent that the purpose was to draw U.S forces awat from populated centers, and the seige succeeded in this aim, as General Westmoreland rushed combat forces to the northern areas. On January 31, all major cities and thirty-six of forty-four provincial capitals, along with numerous other towns, came under simultaneous attack by southern NLF resistance forces... along with some NVA elements. The effects are succinctly summarized by Wallace Thies in his scholarly study of the U.S strategy of "coercing Hanoi":
> "... although U.S military commanders would later claim that the offensive had been anticipated and that the heavy casualties suffered by the attackers had resulted in a great victory for the Allies, the offensive was in fact a military setback for the American side. To meet the threat in the northern provinces and forestall a Dien Bien Phu-type defeat at Khe Sanh, half of all U.S maneuver battalions in South Vietnam were deployed in I Corps [in the north]; the rest, along with the bulk of the combat-ready ARVN [GVN, Government of (South) Vietnam] units, were tied down defending the cities against the possibility of a second wave of attacks. As a result, the countryside went by default to the NLF, the pacification program was left in a shambles, and whatever losses the DRV/VC forces did suffer in the initial assaults were largely offset by the unimpeded recruiting that they conducted in the rural areas in the weeks that followed.

Everybody in this thread who are complaining about how America should have bombed Vietnam more really should read before the they speak- the "strategic hamlet campaigns"; the defoliation; the near constant atrocities was kind of staggering. And for most of the war, until around 1969 or so, the media was completely on the side of the generals. Even then, most thing just went unsaid. The Mai Lai massacre was just one of many.

Even in the beginning, they were fighting against a force with the support of over fifty percent of the population, which was more than George Washington had.

>10% of the country = whole country


source? just interested in a different viewpoint.

Well, I copied the information from Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman's book "Manufacturing Consent", but the work cited by the author(s) is "When Governments Collide", which is one of many other works that the book and summarizes and uses to bolster their argument for a Propaganda Model. I know that many people on this board are sceptical of Chomsky, but his arguments are always meticulously researched, and invariably make use of mainstream, unquestioned sources. For instance, Manufacturing Consent has over fifty pages that are solely dedicated to the listing and describing of these sources.

I'm American and I've never heard anyone say we were stabbed in the back.

>give it a month or two
Don't cocktease.

The analogy isn't exact, but the OP was trying to compare the idea that America would have won the war if it hadn't been for no good peaceniks with the Nazi justification for all of their bullshit.

>Germany's post-WWI "stabbed in the back" myth
A highly documented event where mass media was used to control public opinion and collapse a country's war effort and morale, intentionally leading to their defeat.


Germany was stabbed in the back by it's own media, you retard.

I want to seize her means of production

>Get over it, you lost and my people still have a higher opinion of you than China.

This is the best part about all of it. At the end of the day after a 12 year conflict we're still better than those fucking chinese

>tfw no qt vietcong gf to threaten to cut my balls of if I don't leave her alone

She's busy on the frontline m8