Soviet Union existed

>Soviet Union existed.
>Capitalism thrives.
>Soviet Union dissolves
>Capitalism goes to shit


>what was the Great Depression?

Because capitalists delved too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of man's heart... shadow and flame.


Hell ye

Capitalism is completely unrestrained now

Is this bait? Compare modern capitalism to the gilded age, the 19th century capitalists would basically think modern system is socialism.

>As part of the experimental AIDS treatment movement, he smuggled unapproved pharmaceutical drugs into Texas for treating his symptoms, and distributed them to fellow people with AIDS by establishing the "Dallas Buyers Club" while facing opposition from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Two fictional supporting characters, Dr. Eve Saks (Jennifer Garner), and Rayon (Jared Leto), were composite roles created from the writer's interviews with transgender AIDS patients, activists, and doctors.

The existential threat of the Soviets necessitated a healthy amount of nationalism, (since you can't defend yourself if you don't articulate, let alone have respect for the existence of self).

Nowadays, you have capitalism run amok because it's now marketed to a generation of people that perceive no external threats, and thus have devolved into a bunch of care-free materialistic degenerates that won't identify themselves as anything other than economic units.

Capitalism thrives in competition. That being said the Communists were all funded by the major banks of wallstreet.

So are you just blind to all the bureaucracy that exists or what? Unrestrained capitalism my ass.

>Soviet Union dissolves
>temporary mass output of cheap labour force and immigration
>massive fluctuations in western societies
>accelerated technological progress meets cultural decline
>Robots roam the universe

NAFTA, EU, globalization, etc.
thank god that's starting to change

Economies need a direct competitor to drive performance and production. without the threat of an outside economy or force overtaking your own, production slackens.

Hence why the US overblow's China's role in the world economy and fearmongers that they will overtake world trade, to drive companies to do more.

>Capitalism goes to shit

What? Why do you think so?

EU wasn't really a mistake but Eurozone is a complete catastrophe.

Why you think that USA has been funding various terrorist groups in middle-east and is trying to pick a fight with China? The capitalist system requires a credible outside threat to work properly and as it is there is none.

>He was already checkmate before moving the bishop.

cultural marxism in nutshell

>russia tries communism
>gets despotism
>russia tries capitalism
>gets despotism

Russians historically have a strong leader complex where they cant function well as a society without some authoritarianism to rule over them

How was he in check without the bishop?

The capitalism that thrived was not a free market, it was the economic system controlled by and centered on the United States and Europe.

The west controlled a larger relative share of the world most sophisticated manufacturing techniques, and as they lost this lead, they have lost some of their relative lead over the periphery states.

Capitalism today continues to function as it did during the Cold War, but without a rival system, the people who run it don't feel as much need to bribe the people they rule with welfare. Terrorism is scarier than poverty, apparently.

Russia exists on a large plain with few natural barriers.

The upper Mississippi to Great Lakes region, and Manchuria to the Yellow River valley also have regions like this, and they each support singular states, with every sign that they will last in this state for centuries, that are not like Russian authoritarianism.

Where do you think they got this leader concept?

>Not posting the contemporary edit
We have a thread on Veeky Forums asking if there's any terrorist attack that have brought change to people, questioning if it's efficient, while posting a picture of fucking 9/11.

Because he can't move into any of the adjacent squares without being checked.

That's not checkmate...

One internet each to the posters who can point out the ironies in this image.

>Capitalism goes to shit

lol wouldn't say that, capitalism is at an all time high! We just don't realize we are taking part in it most of the time.

Guess what?!?!?!
>those painkillers aren't worth $500
>an epipen isnt worth$100
>University isnt worth $50,000
>Iphone 7's aren't worth $700

Capitalism won bro. We are officially all overpaying for shit we need and are playing right into hegemony and conformity.

That being said I love my 2015 Audi RS5 that I'm still paying off 60k for.

Because people need a force to fight against in their heads
the only time capitalism in the 20th and 21st century has thrived is when we were weaving a narrative of an enemy. It's a power centripetal force honestly and a genius approach

Really makes ya think


If you want to believe Bezmenov, it's because marxists or semi-marxists have largely taken over the west.

liberal-conservative is not popular as it once was now we are in the deep shit

Soviet Communism posed an existential threat to Western capitalist interests, they were tempered by comrade Commissar from the kgb fomenting revolution, ask people who were in labor unions when they started getting shat on they will all tell you it was around the time the Berlin Wall came down. All the factories started getting shipped to third world hell holes and college tuition skyrocketed the moment the Soviet Union was dissolved. Not even a tankie it's just tru facts.

Hmm, not really seeing the 'capitalism goes to shit' part?

Capitalism is self destructive. One good capitalist will eat up the market for many small capitalists, directing the whole process towards monopolisation of means of production and capital. Then it becomes very obvious to the workers and the society what is happening, they work and others who do not yet earn large income are being parasites on their hard labour like the renters, profiteers and the bankers. It leads capitalism to two options, destroy everything that brought progress of the society and restart the whole process and go through it again or move on towards socialism.

Yes that is dumbass

>capitalism thrives

For who?

tried to draw a gommunist

No it's not you fucking idiot. It's a stalemate, ie a draw, because the king cannot move.

Is there any reason not to believe bezmenov?

>graph is a russian flag in the making.
Very suspicious.

>what is Novgorod


How do you know the true price of a good or service? Why do you think drugs that require years of research or incredible portable communication technology should be cheaper? If anything those goods are far cheaper than the "should" be because of economies of scale.

It's so much deeper now, the welfare state is just a way to keep the poor buying instead of thrifting, Plutocrats rule all and this hyper capitalist system has become secure at the expense of smaller business freedom