Does kek really will it to be?

Does kek really will it to be?

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into the ground?

Twitter tipbot is functioning
Widget has been developed and can be viewed/played with on Github
DEV released a youtube internveiw on May 30
The Chinese have just caught wif of RDD

Buy. You will not be dissapoint.
250 Next, then we will be discussing RDD in dollars and cents from that point out.

Once Redd-ID is implemented, RDD will go to Jupiter.




I agree, but there is already so much more than Redd ID.

Once REdd ID releases, it will be waaaaaaay too late to hop in on this coin early enough to make 1000% profits.




>, RDD will go to Jupiter.
RDD will make us millionaires.

See you fucks in lamboland.

When is the last time to buy in? Can't do it for a few days. Thanks

how many are people holding?


>thank you shill user from three weeks ago who made one or two threads about RDD

2.2 million

5.8 million
Knew a guy that panic sold 91 million at 50sat.


FUD makes people crazy


How much you guys averaging on staking per day?

lol this shitcoin is dropping hard
even fucking beans are doing better than that
stop shilling that shit, no one's gonna buy your bags

Not sure; I was netting around 800 RDD but I'm away from home for the month and didn't leave my PC running.

Yeah last night with BTC up and RDD nearing all time highs I checked and he would've had $500,000 (Enough for a Lamborghini Aventador) but he sold his all when it was around $170,000

guess I'm a small fry around here, only holding 200k

try harder w your FUD please
people have literally said this since 14 sats

>14 sats
and that was the right time to buy into it
now it's too late
sorry for your loss user