Will DGB make it in the long term?

So I know there are plenty of differing opinions on DGB and, like anything like this, it's impossible to tell for sure, but all shilling aside, is this a good prospect for a hodl?

I think the main question is whether this coin will be the gaming coin or if it will be a different coin that makes it through. The gaming industry is absolutely huge and kids love buying stuff like weapons and upgrades (look at how many freemium games there are that offer this option), and I think the ability to earn coins in one game and use them in others, trade or sell them to other players etc could be huge.

I know that right now they're only really associated with WoW and League of Legends, but they're not insignificant games. Does their foothold in the current market give them enough advantage to capitalise on that, or are there other pretenders to the throne that are likely to steal it from them?
We all know that it's not always the best product that wins but often the product with the best marketing and connections etc (think VHS and Microsoft). Do these guys have that?

tl;dr serious discussion about a gaming coin and if DGB can be that coin.


I honestly don't see why game companies wouldn't handle those transactions themselves as they already do

For the same reason why everything should go to crypto. Faster, secure, no middleman, probably cheaper.

I don't know how it will fare, but it's worth a try. It seems crypto has a place in this world, so DGB could have a place as well.

Do you think games companies would band together and come up with some kind of universal coin or do you think they'd rather partner with a third party (DGB)?

Because it's fucking expensive and tough to create a solid coin.. Every company should do this?
Try logic

I don't disagree, my friend.

Yes. $1 by Hanukkah. Screencap this post!

>Because it's fucking expensive and tough to create a solid coin..
This, using DGB would cost them $0 in servers.

Honestly this to a degree, the question is why would a genre specific coin be adopted and not just a universal crypto?

Also they can profit from network effects. Users who earn coin in CS:Go can spend them on WoW items/playtime or whatever.

Suddenly your potential customer base grows.

Also imagine how much engagement would be boosted if kids realized they can now earn real money by farming mobs in WoW instead of just shitty ingame gold.

Kids and NEETS would play 24/7. Which is great for companies because they love customer engagement.

Also: You get rid of fraud. Because DGB is inherently protected from fraud (no chargebacks, etc) you can allow pajeets and Russians into your games without many trouble. Bigger customer base, bam. Also Russians and Pajeets are known to have more time than money - so they are great high engagement customers.

Honestly, why can't small minded fools like you OP comprehend that? He's still debating to add a 5th horse to his 4 horse carriage while we talk about rocket engines.


Because handling financial transactions is hard: Fraud, customer care, chargebacks, fees to fucking payment processors, etc.

But add DGB support and you get this all for free and don't have to worry about some pajeet buying shit with stolen credit cards, selling it and then you getting a fat chargeback by the CC's owner and VISA or whoever slaps you with higher fees because "LOL YOU ENABLE SCAM".

All those problems: Gone when you use DGB!

My understanding is that DGB is not exclusively a "gaming" coin. Am I wrong?

20k Sats, as I said in previous threads.
Get ready for this, screen cap this.
Buy the rumour, sell the news.

- Merk

DGB devs don't even know what it is anymore.

No, it's a proper crypto coin with features that are interesting to gaming.

You can use it for anything. But gamers will create the liquidity. We could probably have the first real crypto currency if everything works out.

Wow is Blizzard and Blizzard is filthy moneyhogging jew. Wow is just the beginning.

>earn real money by farming mobs in WoW
So basicly wow is goin to be pros and bots only, once you log out you can't ever get back in thanks to chink-farmers.

That's only one of it's aspects. It's one of the best coins for general currency.

BTC is the reserve
ETH is for smart contracts
DGB is for money

Those will be the top 3 coins of 2018 and 2019. Thank me later faggots.

There are two aspects to this. One the one hand, I would expect them to bring in a third-party partner like DGB who has already demonstrated a value proposition. On the other hand, broader adoption (as we're seeing with BTC) can dramatically impact the coin's performance, so there's a good reason to avoid a single, central gaming coin.

I don't think companies like ATVI want to fuck about coming up with their own coin when they can just say "we're going to let you buy shit in Game X with currency Y."

Re: This is basically how it was in 2004 or so. Chinese farmers hoarding all the blue BoE shit and clogging up Ironforge to the point where the game was unplayable.

This guy gets it. You'll see a relationship something like pre-1970s USD, with Bitcoin serving as the "gold standard" while DGB is effectively the oil which runs the in-game economy. I think the problem then is one of game balance - how to prevent it from being straight-up pay-to-win. But that's a game mechanics problem. To the point of other Anons, this is what game companies are (generally) good at, as opposed to engineering a brand new coin out of thin air, which they have no experience with.

>So basicly wow is goin to be pros and bots only, once you log out you can't ever get back in thanks to chink-farmers

It's been like that for a few years now anyway. Chinks gonna chink no matter what.