If Digibyte doesn't moon by friday I am gonna be so fucking pissed

If Digibyte doesn't moon by friday I am gonna be so fucking pissed.

>he doesn't know


now is the time when people stop talking about dgb
now is the time when things go quiet and everyone pissedly removes their money from dgb because the hype is gone
this ALWAYS happens before a major spike

if XVG doesn't moon by sunday then I am going to be pissed.

I hate getting stuck in coins while others are mooning.

>only went up by x3 in a week
what a losercoin!

sell your entire stack like i did. you'll be thankful later

I know that feel so well man.
Must.......keep.....iron hands..

Can someone send me the DGB discord link?

The quiet before the storm in the most literal sense.


instead buy ARK

>by Friday
Wait until the weekend is over

dgb doesn't bother getting out of bed for anything less than a 50%+ increase, pretty much just stays stable between moons.

If I am wont be reborn as a 7 ft tall billionaire with a 10 inch dick by Friday I am going to be so FUCKING PISSED dudes

what should i set my sell orders to, how many sats

If I won't be reincarnated as the god emperor of the known fucking universe I will rage quit and take my nintendo home.


Are you guys going to try and sell at the peak or are we hodling for the long term?

long term here. $1 or nothing.

Sell at peak.
Buy the panic.
Sell the bouncing dead animal.
Buy back in.

just set it to 38k sat
gonna retire after this, 1$ here i cum

this guy gets it.

how will I know the peak?

We're waiting for 1$, then.. who knows

reminder to

but I would have gone and spazzed out. by friday. I unplug my mein kampf server and cry because I missed every moon. Veeky Forums NEVER LET'S ME KNOW WHAT IS A GOOD COIN WEEKS BEFORE!

A small dot appears on the upper right corner of the graph. You need 3D glasses to see it.

just keep steady

Nah, I got in at 115 sats.

I will hold til it gets me serious money or forget about it.


You were supposed to sell last night and move to sia.

It's time to move to a newer model, yours has broken down.

You dont.
Just dont be greedy and keep in mind that you cannot read the future. It is not about getting rich fast - even here and even with cryptos, this needs a bit of competence and discipline. It is about being consistent.

If you are able to make e.g. 5% per day, you dont need to find the one 10.000%-moon. Because if you get 5% regularly, you are automatically able to find these moons and invest in them. And you get more than the agerage HODL - guy from it, because you can ride the waves.

This is trading however. Way more time consuming than investing, way more complicated and way more dangerous. Especially when you are easily consumed by emotions.

know whatKNOW WHAT