I am back.
Already tweeted that I sold my $STEEM.
I have added to my $LMC position.
Patience is key.
I am back.
Already tweeted that I sold my $STEEM.
I have added to my $LMC position.
Patience is key.
Ohw and in case you nonbelievers here.
Mighty Jesus-y ID you got there.
what about ppc?
PPC I hold, didn't add. have still some XVG and RDD in case. but it's ok this way.
Bought 4000 LMC yesterday in at 0.00001000. Hope you are right, bro.
What is your twitter?
what do you think how much will it go? $lmc ?
Are you the same guy who claimed he called 5 sat XVG? post proof
Shit bittrex shows only to 25/05 not before :/
This is all bittrex shows.
What are the keys to identifing accumulation phases? What are the volume indicators?
What did you sell your steem at? and whats your twitter handle
This whole range doing nothing basically.
Also see the volume coming in. Remember, volume is activity. So something is about to happen. Spikes will be retested at some point in the future. Remember the flashcrash from the S&P and then it recovered like crazy? Still that spike down is later on retested. It's market nature, seen it so many times. You just don't know when. But as I already told, volume is activity.
I see, thanks. I just got into crypto so Im still learning how to read these graphs...I thought the row at the very bottom represented volume.
What time frame you think? I'm all tied up in DGB until next weekend is over
Speaking of DGB, what are your thoughts on that?
Post your twitter account so I don't have to stalk biz all day fag.
bought in, hope that works out OP....had a shitty day already
New to crypto could you explain your analysis method pretty please? How do you accurately predict where the price is gonna go?
What's your twitter, senpai?
guesses on price increase?
I'm putting my faith into you and buying some LMC. Already holding 33k verge I got into at 159 sats, hoping that will pay off as well
Nevermind I see it. Thanks!
Me too....I need this. Every time I see you, I get diamonds. I'm the user whose old man took out a 100K loan on our home in my mom's name without telling anyone and put it in shit stocks. Lose it all. Pic related. I need this to blast off and I'll be checking out twatter too. Thanks for being a beacon in the darkness.
Your 'old man' is a piece of shit, I wouldn't associate with him after that stunt.
sorry that happened to you user
once you get some short-term gains from pump and dumps, I recommend storjcoin and sngls. Neither gets talked about here much because they aren't meme coins. Storj is transitioning to erc20 tokens and will probably get a big bump next month (it's doubled this past week or so already) and sngls is a media/film coin that's pretty cheap at the moment and will almost certainly go up significantly, but both of these are long-term holds, months at least.
good luck user
Made this earlier. Image speaks for it self.
Yo NZ fag here, Was also following this thread yesterday and made a few my own into the afternoon (NZ TIME) Yea im firm on this one. Somthing has to happen,. im in a couple k of these
Sorry, I'm still a noob at reading these.
Sorry to see that user.it is really unresponsible to do that. Anyway it happened and can't be changed anymore. I can only advise to you to never ever ever use leverage. No leverage!period! Buy low and sell high. Don't have that FOMO feeling. There are many new opportunities every day. Also learn to have patience. Patience is key. This $LMC can take minutes,hours ,days or even weeks before something really happens. Patience!we never know when. But when there is volume coming in that clearly means activity. So i believe we are close.
Those digits....... Thoth demands patience
Thank you senpai.
now i have to check
if this shit says BUY DGB again
What do I do with xvg?
Do I hold or sell. At lost?
A lot of people says it's better to hold crypto for a week since it goes back up
Hey man, if I hit it big, I'll help ya out.
You never sell at a loss. You hold it for 3 years if you have to, but you don't sell at a loss. Someone will dnp the coin at some point and you can bail out then if it fails
So you were wrong about STEEM
Thanks a lot
Cheer up user, you got this. Thoughts become things, think positive and win my nigga.
Is digibyte toast?
Also, thoughts on XRP?
To clarify, do those spikes on the graph mean that the prices were "pushed" up to that point meaning that all the lower asks were destroyed at some point? Meaning that people don't want to sell?
I could really use it guys. And these reds on the charts are stressing me out. My mom is still working and can barely pay off that loan let alone the other bills she's expected to pay. I'm considering putting up my car for sale to invest on crypto and work from home if possible to help her out. She's like Aunt May senpai. I've been slipping in life because of the guilt trip my dad puts to handle his baggage.
I promise you, I'm getting her and I out of there. Homesteading and living off the land.
Prophecy wields it.... Is this really my time?
Never won anything in my 28 years of life. Wells Fargo scammed me, I had a car stolen, victim of ID theft that fucked my credit. I can't rent nor do I want to. Your wisdom and coin are all going to good use.
Hodl me bros. Hodl me.
Leave crypto. The bubble is going to pop soon. You are insane or stupid to sell your main mode of transport to invest in an incredibly volatile market.
You have been warned
Senpai, I followed you in twitter. I NEED this. I don't want to bore the board with my life but my son's safety is on the line... I'm here for knowledge and to make it out in more ways than one.
No lambo for me. Just real freedom.
I've seen people make massive gains, there's not much luck out there while having a job and looking for a second.
I've talked to my old man for months about crypto when ETH was at $30 and he laughed. I tried to get them on board and it was too late for me a few weeks ago. Now I have bills coming and have to help my mom. Our cars have over 200K miles and she can barely afford new tires after two bankruptcies because of all this shit.
I can't leave crypto because what else is there? JP Morgan are fucking me in banks and now they partnered up at the EEA so they want to control decentralization. Triple taxation without representation. They're fucking all of us at some point in time.
Don't pan handle, that's some shiesty shit. That's sum low level fuck boi husslin shi my nigga.
What I got from that was a man acting out in sheer desperation. Not exactly the best mentality for investing.
*shrug* You have been warned
Im ( ) a different user, but I understand and youre doing the right thing trying to turn this around. probably not a better bet than investing in crypto.
also throw a few dollars into gridcoin if the price looks right--it should do well long-term
You are expecting this guy to make rational choices. Fact of the matter is that if he is in that desperate of a situation he is going to make very bad moves purely out of fear.
Better for people like him to be not involved in something like this at all.
SJCX is the biggest underdog rn
buy mo-
yeah, that and singulardtv imo will blow the fuck up this month