Hey Asshole!
I will rip your fucking throat off and piss down your esophagus hole!!!!!!!!
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You fell for a simple shill...
where's the retard that bought this pump and dump shit?
oh yeah
it's you
Immediately, my anger turns toward you..... you could have stopped this!!!!!!!!!
I bet I have more money than you...... pussy
There ya go
haha wut
tell me please
how much do you have
Just hold faggot. Its been like 3 hrs. This shitcoin will pump hard in due time
I HAVE 300$~~~~~~~~~~~~
now fite me faggot!
LMC to the moon guiz
let's fucking do it
Only need a few more aboard.
lol. Styrofoam hand fagots. Its accumulating . Iv been holding since i bought in @ 1000. No regrets this will moon
I got 1990@1k
This. Weakhanders are way too impatient and expect commie-tier level of handouts from coins
I got in at 1k too anons. They will wish they had hands like ours.
Oh boyo
still waiting for that moon, if it ever comes
yea i know. I never sell in red. It just means that money is untouchable for now. Everything comes back sooner or later. I have been lurking here for a few months now. I have only been playing with real money for 2weeks. From what iv seen LOMO will pump. Be patient. ITs being held under 1000 by whales while its scooped up. HODL fagots.
I got 1777@903
bought 0.7 BTC worth at 999, just bought another 0.7 worth at 825. Probably all I'm willing to bet on this one, but it looks good for potential gains imo. I've been wrong before, though
>Its accumulating
The volume dropped from 130 to 86, how is that for accumulating?
whales drip the sells to get price down. This is accumulation phase. HODL